<br /> amoun�s sha��bear in�eres�a��he Note ra�e frorn�he da�e af di�burs��nen� and shall be payab�e, with such �nterest,
<br /> � upon notiGe fram Lender to Barrav�er requesting payment.
<br /> A�1 �nsurance pa��cies requ�red by Lender and renevvals af such pal�c�es sha��be subj ect �a Lender's right ta
<br /> d�sapprove such policies, shall inc�ude a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an
<br /> addi�iana�lass payee. Lender shall have the right ta hald the po��cies a�d renewal certi�cates. If L�nder requ�r�s,
<br /> Borrovver shall promp�ly g�v�to Lender aIl receipts of paid premiums and renewal na�ices. If�orro�v�r obtains any
<br /> farm af insurance caverage, na��therv��se required by Lender, far damage ta, or destructian of, the Praperty, s�ch
<br /> po�icy shal� include a standard r��ortgage c�ause and shall �.ame Lender as mortgagee andlar as an additional �oss
<br /> payee.
<br /> �n the event af l�ss, Borro��er shall give prompt not�ce to the insuranc�carrier a�.d Lender. Lender may m�.ke �
<br /> praof�f lass �f n�t made pram�tly by Ba�ro�ver. Unless Lender and Borro�wer other�ris� agree in tivriting, any
<br /> insurance pro�eeds, �vhether ar x�ot the u�.derlying insurance was required by Lender, sha1�be applied�o restorat�an
<br /> ar repa�r of the Praperty, zf the restarat�on ar repair�s econam%cal�y feasible and Lender's securi�y is not�essen�d.
<br /> Durzng such repai_r and rest�ratian peri�d, Lender shall have�he right to hold such�nsurance proceeds unt��Lender
<br /> has had an appartunity ta inspect such Praperty to ensure the vvork has been c�mp�eted to Lender's sat�sfact�on,
<br /> provided tha� such inspectian s�.all be under�aken pramp��y. Le�der ��ay disburse proceeds for the repairs and
<br /> restoration in a s�ngle payment o.r in a ser��s of progress payments as�he vvark is completed. Un�ess an agreem�n�
<br /> �s made in v�riting or App�icable Lav�r requires interest to be pai.d�� such insurance proceeds, Lender shall na�be
<br /> r�quired to pay Borr�v�er any�nt�rest or earn�ngs an such pr�ceeds. F�es for pub��.c adjusters, or other th�rd parties,
<br /> reta�ned hy Barra�ver shal�.not be pazd out of the insurance pro�eeds and sha�.1 be the sale obl�gat�or� of Borr�wer.
<br /> If�he res�oration or repa�r is n��econo�n�cally feasible or Lender's securi�y would be�essened,�he ansuranc�proceeds
<br /> �hall be applied to the sums secur�d by�his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�,whether ar no�then due,v�i�h the e�cess, if any,paid
<br /> to Barrawer. Such�nsurance pr�ceeds sha�l i�e app��ed in�he order prav�ded far in Section 2.
<br /> If Borra�v�rer aba�dons the �'r�perty, Lender rnay �le, negot�ate and se�t�e any ava��able insurance claim and
<br /> related mat�ers. If B�rro�er do�s na�respond�uxthin 3�days to a not�ce from Lender that the insura.nce carrier has
<br /> offered�o settl� a claim, �hen L�nder may x�.egotia�e and set��e the claim. The 3�-day periad w��l.begin when�he
<br /> notice�s gzver�. In ei�her event, �r if Lender acquires the Praperty under S�G�ian 2�or atherwise, Barrov�er her�by
<br /> assigns to Lender�a�Borrotiver'�rights to any�nsurance prac�eds in an amoun�na�to exce�d the am.aunts unpaid
<br /> u.nder the Nflte or this Security�nstrumen�, and�b�ax�y a�her of Borr�v�er's rights�a�her than�he right�o an�refund
<br /> af unearned premiums paid by�orrovver}und�r a��insurance pa�icies cavering�he Property, ins�far as such rig�i�s
<br /> are applicah�e�o�he coverage of the Proper�.y. Lender�nay use�he insurance praceeds either�o repair or restore�he
<br /> Property ar�o pay amoun�s unpa.�d under�he N�te�r this Security Instrument, whether or not�hen du�.
<br /> 6, �c�upancy. Barrawe.r shal� occupy, establish, and use �he Praperty a� Borrovver's principal res�dence
<br /> wi�hin�D days after�he execu��on of this 5ecuri�y Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Pr�perty as B�rr�wer's
<br /> principal res�dence fQr at��ast an�year after�he d.ate of accupancy, un�ess Lender otherw�se agrees in writing, vvhieh
<br /> cons�nt shall na�be unreasonabl�W�thheld, ar unl.ess e��enua�in�circumsta.r�ces exis��vh�ch are be�ond Barrawer's
<br /> con�rol.
<br /> 7. Presexvation, Main�e�ance and Pratection of the Property; In�pecti�ns. Borrower shall not de�troy,
<br /> damage flr impair the Praperty, �llaw�he Praperty�a deteri�rate or Carn.mi�was�e a��he Property. �Uhe�her or not
<br /> Borrovver is residing i.n the Proper�y, Borrnwer shall�nain�ain th�Property�n order�a prevent�he Property fram
<br /> deteriorat�ng or decreas�ng in value due�a i�s condit�an. Unless it is determined pursua.nt to Section 5�ha�repa�r ar
<br /> restara�ion is not ecanamically �easible, Borravver sha11 pramptly repair the Property if damaged�o avoid further
<br /> de�er�orati�n or d.amage. If in�urance or candemnation pr�ceeds are pa�d ir�connectian v�ith damage to, ar the taking
<br /> of, �he Property, Borrower shal�be respons�b�e for repairing�r res��ring the Pr�perty anly if Lender has r�lea�ed
<br /> praceeds for such purpases. Ler�der may disburse praceeds for the repairs and restoration in a s�ngie payment ar�n
<br /> a ser�es of progress paymen�s as�he vvorl�is comp�et�d. If the insurance ar condemnatian proceeds are n�t suff��ci�n�
<br /> to repair or restare the Praperty, Barrower is na�re��eved o_f Borro�vver's obligatian for the compl�t�on of such re�air
<br /> or restorati�n.
<br /> NEBRASKA--5ingle Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IVlac UNIF�RM INSTRUIl�ENT 1,7�cA�aryic o
<br /> Form 3��$ 110� Page 6 of �4 �v�vw_docrrragic,corrr
<br />