<br /> shal�nat charge Borro�ver for ho�d�ng and app�ying�he Fun.ds, arr�ua�ly analy�iz�g the escraw accoun�, or verifying
<br /> : the Escxaw Items, un�ess Lender pays Borrov�rer interest on the Fu�.ds and App�icab�e Law perm�ts Lender to make
<br /> such a charge. Un�ess an agreexr�en�is made in vv�-i�ing Qr Appl�cahle Law requires in�erest to l�e paid on the Fund�,
<br /> Lender shall nat be required�o p�.y Borrawer any��teres�ar earn�ngs an�he Fu�.ds. Borr�wer and Lend�r can agre�
<br /> in�vvriting, hov�rev�r, that �nterest shal� be paid on the Funds. L�nder sha�I g�ve �a Borrov�er, wz�h�ut charge, an
<br /> annua�accaunt�ng of the Funds as required by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�� account to Borra�uer for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance vv��h RESPA. If�here is a shor�age af Funds held in escraw, as defined under RESFA,
<br /> Lender sha��na�ify Borrower as required by RESPA, a�d Borro�vver sha1�pay�a Lender�h�amaunt nece�sary to make
<br /> up �he shor�age zn accordance w�th RESPA, but�n no more than �2 monthly payments. If�here is a defic�ency of
<br /> Funds he�d in escrov�, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shal�nat�fy Borravver as requ�red by RESPA, and Borra�er
<br /> sha11 pay�o Lender the amoua_lt n�cessary to make up the defcie�cy in accordance vv�th RESPA, but in no mflre than
<br /> 12 mon�hly payments.
<br /> Upon paymen�in fu�I af aIl sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�, I��nder shall prompt�y refund ta Borro�ver
<br /> any Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges; L�ens. Borro�uer sha11 pay ali�axes, assessments, charges, fines, and�mpos�tians a�tri�utabl��o
<br /> �he Pr�per�y which can attain priorzty over this Secur�ty Ins�rurn.ent, leasehold paymen�s or ground ren�s an �he
<br /> Property, if any, and�ammun�t��A�sa�ia�ion Dues, Fees, and.�sessrnen�s, �f any. To�he extent that these i�e�ns
<br /> are Escraw Items, Barrower shal�pay�hem in�he ma�er pravzd�d in Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Bflrrower sha11 prampt�y d�scharg�a�.y�ien vvhich has priar�ty aver this Security Instrument unl�ss Barrower:
<br /> �a�agrees in vvr�ting t�the paymvn�of the ab�igation secur�d by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender, but anly
<br /> sa �ong as Barrower �s perfarn-�ing su�h agreement; �b� con�es�s the lien �� gaod faith �y, ar defends agains�
<br /> enforcement of the lien in, Iegal�roceedings wh�.ch�n L�nder's opznion aperate�o prevent�he enforcement of the Iien
<br /> while th.ose pr�ceedings are p�ncling, bu�or�ly unti� such pr�ceed�ngs are co�.�luded; or �c} secures from�he holder
<br /> of the l�en an agree�nen�r satisfac�ory to Lender subordinating the 1�en to �s Security Instrurnent. �f Lender
<br /> determines tha�any part of the Proper�y is suh�ect�o a lier�which can at�a�n priarity�ver th�s Security Ins�rum�n�,
<br /> L�nder may g�ve Barravver a nol:ice identify�ng the I�en. ��thin 1� days af the date an vvhich that na�ice is giv�n,
<br /> Borr�wer sha�l satzsfy the Iien ox��ake one or more af the act�on� se�for�h above in this Sec��or�4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrov�rer ta pay a ane-�ime charge for a real.esta�e tax verif catian andlor report�ng service
<br /> used by Lender zn cann��t�an vvith this Loan.
<br /> 5. Propert� InSurance. Barrawer shal.� �eep �he impro�vernents navv e�isting or herea�ter erec�ed on the
<br /> Property insured agains�Ioss by f r�, ha�ards included�uith.in th�term"exterided coverage," and any other hazards
<br /> inc�uding, but not limited to, earthquakes and floads, for�rh�ch Lender requ�res insurance. T`hi.s �.nsurance sha�I be
<br /> rnainta�ned �n the amou�ts �incl�uding deductible levels� and for th� periods that Lender requires. What Lender
<br /> requ�res pursuant to the precedin�sentences can change during the�erm of�he L�an. The insurance carrier provxd�ng
<br /> �he insurance shall be chflsen by F�arrov�er sub�ect.to Lend�r's right to disapprove Borrav�er's chozce,which right shal�
<br /> nnt be exercised unreasona�ly. Lender may require Borro�ver t�pay, in connec�ian w�th this Loan, e��her: �a}a o�e-
<br /> time charge for flo�d zone determ�nat�fln, cert�f cation and�racki�g services; ar�b}a one-�ime charge for flood zane
<br /> determir�ation and cer���cation s�rvices and subsequen�charges each�inze rexnappi_ngs or sim�lar changes accur wh�ch
<br /> reasonab�y migh� affect such de�ermination or cert�f��atinn, Borro�ver sha��also be respansxble for the payrn�nt of
<br /> any fees�mposed by�he Federal Emergency Managem�nt Agency i�a cannectian u�ith�he revie�r of any flood zane
<br /> determinat�on resu�t�ng from an�b�ection by Borro�v�r.
<br /> If Bflrrower fai�s�a�naintai.n any af the ca�erag�s described above, Lender may obta�n i_nsurance coverage� a�
<br /> Lender's op�ian and Borrower's expense. Lender�.s under no ob�igatian to purchase any par�icu�ar type or amaunt
<br /> of ca�erage. Therefore, such cc�verage shall caver Lender, but might or migh�not protect Barrower, B�rrow�r's
<br /> equity in�he Property, or�he c�n.tents of�he Property, agains�an�r�sk, hazard or liabil��y and might provide gre�.ter
<br /> �r Iesser coverage than was previously zn effect. Barrower acknawledges tha�the cost af the insurance caverag�so
<br /> abtained might s�gn��cantly exc�ed the cost of�nsurance that Barrower cauld have abtained. Any anZ�un�s disbur�ed
<br /> by Lender ux�der�h�s Sec�ion 5 shall become additional debt af Barr�wer secured hy this Securzty Instrument. Th�se
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam�Cy--Fannie NlaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM �NSTRUMENT Dn��la�ic
<br /> Form 3�28 '[1�1 Page 5 of 14 wwv►r.dvcmagic.carrr
<br />