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��14�3�4� <br /> S. D]EFAULT. Trustor wi�l be in defaul��f any of�he fol�owing occur: <br /> Fraud. Any �onsumer Borrower engages �n fraud ar mater�al mzsr�presentat�on �n connectzon wzth the <br /> Secur�d Debt that�s an op�n end home equzry p�an. <br /> Payments. Any Consumer Borra�v�rer on any 5ecured Debt that zs aza open end home equity plan fails to mak� <br /> a p ayment when due. <br /> Property. Any actzon or znaGtzan by the Borrov�er ar Trustor occurs that adversely affects th� Pr�per�y or <br /> ��neficiary's rights in the Property. Thzs xnc�udes, but �s nat ��m�ted ta, the fo��owxng: �a} Trustor fa�.�s to <br /> maintain requir�d insurance on�he Prap�r�y; �b} Trustor�ransfers �h.e Proper�y; �c} Trustor commzts vvast� or <br /> otherwise destru�ti�e�y uses or fa�Is ta maintain�i� Property such that the action or in.activn adversely affects <br /> Benefzczary's securzty; �d} Trustor fails ta pay taxes on the Property �r otherwise fails ta act and thereby <br /> causes a Iien to b� fz�ed a�aznst the Property that zs senzar to the ���n of thzs S�cur�ty Lnstrument; �e� a sole <br /> Trustor dies; �f} �f mor� than one Trus�or, any Trustor dxes and Benefic�ary's security zs ad�er�e�y affected; <br /> �g}the Property is taken through emin�nt domain; �h} a judgment is filed a�ainst Trustor and subjects Trustor <br /> a�d th� Properry �o act�on�hat adverse�y affects Beneficzary's int�rest; or �i} a prior 1i�nh�lder fare�loses �n <br /> the Property and as a result, Ben�ficiary's interest�s adverse�y affected. <br /> Executi�e �ff���rs. Any Barrawer is an �xecuti�� officer af Benefzcia�y �r an aff��zate an.d such �orrower <br /> becomes �ndebted to Beneficiary or ax�other Iender in an aggregate amaun� greater than�h� amount p�rmi.tted <br /> under federai Iaws and r�gulatrans. <br /> 9. REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. �n addzt�on �o azay o�h.�r remedy available under t�ie terms of this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, Benef�ciary may accelerate the 5ecured Debt and forec�as� th�s Secur�ty Znstz-ument in a manner <br /> prov�ded by �aw if Trustor is in default. In some �nstan.��s, federa�. and state law wi1l require Ben�fzczary to <br /> pro�ide Trustor with nat��e of the right to cure, or oth�r not�ces and may �stablzsh time s�h�du��s for <br /> f�re��asure actzons. Each Trustor requests a�opy of any notice af d�fault and any not�c�of sale�her�under be <br /> mai.Ied to�ach Trustor at the address pro�ided in S�ctzon � abo�re. <br /> At the option of Benef���a�y, al.I or any part af the agreed fees and charges, a�crued interest an.d prznczpal <br /> sha�.� became imm�diate�y due and payable, after gxvzng notice if requxred by �aw, up�n �he o�currence of a <br /> default or anytzme thereafter. <br /> �f there is a defau�t, Trustee sha11, at the request af B�nefzc�ary, advertise and se�I the Property as a whale or <br /> in separate parceis at pub��� auctzon to th�h�ghes���dder for cash and �on�e�r absolu�e t���� fr�e and clear af <br /> al.l rxght, tztle and inter�s� of Trustor at such tzme and plac� as Trustee designa�es. Trus�ee sha11 gzve n�txce of <br /> sa�.e xncluding the txm�, terms and p�ace of sale an.d a description of th.e proper�y to be so�d as requ�r�d by the <br /> app���a�le law in eff�ct at the txxxa,e��t�ae prop�sed sal.e. <br /> Upon sale of th.e ProperCy and to the extent no� prohibi�ed by �aw, Trustee shal.l make and deliver a de�d to <br /> the Property sold which can�eys absoxute title ta the purchaser, and aft�r first payzng a11 fe�s, charges and <br /> costs, shal� pay ta Beneficiary a1� moneys ad�an�ed for, taxes, insurance, 1�ens, assessments and prior <br /> encumbrances and znterest thereon, and th�principal and interest an the Se�ured Debt, pay�n� �he surp�us, if <br /> any, to Trustar. Benefzc�ary may purchase the Praper�y. Th� recitais �n any deed af con�reyan�e shall be <br /> prima fa�xe evidenc�of the fa�ts set farth ther�in. <br /> The acc�ptance by Ben�f�ciary of any s�um zn payment or part�al, payment on the Secured Debt aft�r th� <br /> bal.ance is due ar is ac�elerated or after foreclosure proceed'uags are fi�ed shall not canstx�ute a wa��er of <br /> B�neficiary's right to require comple�e �ure of any exis�ing defaul�. By no� exercxsing any r�medy an <br /> Trustar's default, B�nefic�ary daes not waive Beneficzary's right ta �a��r consider the e�rent a default �f �t <br /> happens again. <br /> 1U. E�.PENSES; AI�VAN�ES �N ��VENANTS; ATT�RNEYS' FEES; �[]LLECTI�N' C�STS. �f <br /> Trustor breaches any covena.n� �n this Security Instrument, Trust�r agrees �a pay a1.� �xpenses B�nef�czary <br /> incurs in performing such�ovenan�s or pr�tect�n� i�� security �nt�rest in the Prop�r�y. Such�xpenses include, <br /> but are not lim�xed to, fe�s in�urred for inspecting, preserv�ng, or otherw�se protect�ng the Properry and <br /> Benefic�ary's securi�y �nterest. These �xpenses ar�payab�e on demand and w�ll bear �nterest from�he date of <br /> payment untx�paid in full a�the highest rate of xnteres� zn effect as pro�zded in the terms of the Se�ured Debt. <br /> Trustor agrees to pay aJ.� �osts and expenses xncurr�d by Benefzczary �n ca�lectzn�, enforcing or protectzng <br /> B�neficiary's rights and remedzes u.nder this Securzty Lnstrumen�. This amount may include, but xs nat Iimz�ed <br /> t�, Truste�'s f��s, c�urt costs, and oth�r Iega.I. expens�s. Ta th� ��tent permztt�d by the United States <br /> Bankruptcy �nd�, Trustor agrees ta pay the reasonab�� at�orneys' fees B�nefxczary zncurs to callect the <br /> S�cured De�t as awarded b� any cour� ex�rczsing jur�sdict�on u�der th� Bazakruptcy Code. This S�curity <br /> �s�rument sha11 remain in �ffect until re�eased. Trustor agre�s t� pay for any recordat�on casts of such <br /> relea.s e. <br /> Security�nstrumer�t-�pen-�nd-Cansumer-NE ��P-R�DT-N� 71�120"i"1 <br /> VMPa Bankers Systems71" VMP-C465tN�7 {T�Q7�,�0 <br /> Walters K�uwer Financia�5er�i�es a1994�2D'1 1 P�g�4��� <br />
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