<br /> 11. ENVIR�NM�NTAL LA'V'L�'S ANI3 HAZARD�US STJBSTANCES. As used in this sec�ion,
<br /> ��.� Enviranmental Lav� means, withaut limita�xan, the �omprehensive En��rflnmental Respanse,
<br /> Comp�nsation and Liabxii�y Act �CERCLA, 4� U.S.�. 96D 1 et seq.}, and all other federa.l, state and Iaca1
<br /> 1aws, regulatians, vrdinances, caurt arders, a�torney g�neral opinions or interpreti�� letters cnnG�rning the
<br /> public health, safety, welfare, �nviranment or a hazardous suhstance; and��} Hazardous 5ubstan��means any
<br /> t�xic, radxoac�ive or hazardflus material, waste, pollutant or cantaminant which has charact�ristxcs vvhich
<br /> render the substance dang�rous or patentia��y dangerous to �he public health, safety, w�lfare ar env�ironment.
<br /> The term xnc�udes, without I�mitation, an� substances defined as "hazardaus material," "toxic substances,"
<br /> "hazardous waste" ar "hazardaus subs�ance" und�r any Environmental Law.
<br /> Trustar represents, warrants amd agr��s that:
<br /> A.Except as previously d�s��osed and acknowledged in writing ta Beneficiary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> or will be �ocated, stored or releas�d on or in th� Proper�y. This res�ric�ion dves no� apply to sma.l�
<br /> quantities of Hazardous 5ubstances �hat are gen�ral�y re�ognized to be apprapriate for the normal use
<br /> and main�enanc��f the Prapert�.
<br /> B. Except as prevxously d�sclosed an�i a�knowledged in wr�t�ng ta Beneficiary, Trustar and e�ery t�nant
<br /> have�een, are, and sha1�remain�n,full c�mplian��w�th any applicab�e En�ironmenta.�Law.
<br /> C.Trus�or sha11 immed�a�ely notify B�nef�c�ary if a r�l�ase ar threatened reiease of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> o��urs on, under or abaut the Prop�rry ar�here �s a��a�a���n of any Env�ronmental Law concerning tla.e
<br /> Froperty. 7n such an event, Trustor sha.11 tak� all necessary remedia� actian in accordance with any
<br /> En�ironmenta.l Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall zmmediately natify Benef�c�ary in writing as soon as Trustar has reason t�believe th�re is
<br /> any pending or threaten�d xnvestigation, c�a�m, ar proce�ding relating to �he release or threatened
<br /> r�Xease of any Hazardous �ubstance❑r the��olat�on af any Envxronmenta� Law.
<br /> 12. ESCR�'W' F�R TA�ES AND INSICTRAN�E. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, Trustor
<br /> wi11 nat be required ta pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> duties under th�s Secur�ty Instrument are j oint and indi�idual. rf Trustor signs thYs Security Instrument bu�
<br /> do�s no� sign an e�id�nce af de�t, Trustor daes so only to mortgage Trustor's xnterest in the PraperCy �fl
<br /> s�cure pa�rment of the Secured I3�bt and Trus�or does nat agree to be persona.11y lia�le on the Secured Debt. �f
<br /> this Securii�y �nstrument se�ures a guaranty between Beneficiary an.d Trustor, Trust�r agrees to wai�re any
<br /> rxghts that may pre�ent Beneficiary from bring�ng any actian or cla�.m against Trustar ar any party �ndebted
<br /> under the obligat�on. These r�ghts may inciude, but are not Iim�t�d�o, any anti-d��c�ency or one-act�on laws.
<br /> The du�ies and benef��s of this �e�urity Zns�rument shai��ind and�enefi�the successars and assxgns of Trustar
<br /> and Beneficiary-
<br /> 14. S�VERA,SILITY; INTERPYiETATI��. This Secur��y �nstrumen� xs comple�e and fu��y integrated. This
<br /> Security Instrum�nt may not be amended or modified by oral. agreemen�. Any section in this Se�urity
<br /> Instrument, attachments, or any agreemen� related to the Secured Debt that conflxcts with applicable law will
<br /> not be �ff���x�e, ux�ess �hat Iaw expressly ar impl�edly permits the �ar�ations by vvrit�en agreement. Zf any
<br /> section of�his Security �nstrument cannot be enfor�ed accarding to �ts terms, that sect�on will be severed and
<br /> wi�l not affect the enfflrceability of�he remainder of th�s Security Instrumen�. Whenever used, �he singular
<br /> sha11 i.nclude the plura� and the plura� th� s�ngular. The captions and headings of�he sections of th�s Security
<br /> Instrument are for conven�ence only and are not to be used to in�erpret ❑r d�fine the terms of�his Security
<br /> Instrument. Time xs of the essen�e in th�s Security 7ns�rument.
<br /> 15. SU��ESS�R TRUSTE�. BenefY�iary, at Beneficiary's option, may fram �ime to txme remove Trustee and
<br /> app��n� a successar trustee wYthau� any other formality than the designation in writing. Th�suc�essor trustee,
<br /> without conveyance of�he Property, sha11 succeed to�aII th:e�i�I�e;�pawer and d�tYes,conferred up�n Trustee by
<br /> th�s Security Instrument and app��cable law. � - _ � . -.
<br /> . -�
<br /> 16. N�TI��. Un1�ss atherurise requxred by Iav�, any na�ice sbalT be g�v�en by-deli�ervag it or�y mailing it �y
<br /> firs� c�ass mai� ta the appropriate party's address an page I. af this 5ecur�ty Instrum�n�, or to any o�her
<br /> address desxgna�ed �n writ�ng. Notice �o one trustor wi�i be deemed to be notic� to a�.� trustors. Trus�or and
<br /> Benef�ciary hereby request a copy of any notice of default, and a copy of any notice af sa�e thereunder, be
<br /> mailed to�ach par�y at the address far such par�ty set fnrth on page 1 af this Security�nstrument.
<br /> 17'. �W'AIVERS. Except ta �he ex��nt prahibited by law, Trustor wa�ves all appraisem�nt and hflmestead
<br /> exemptian rights relat�ng to the Proper�y.
<br /> 1S. LINE �F �REDIT. The Se�ured I]ebt �nciudes a revol�ing line af credit. Alth�ugh the Secured Debt may
<br /> be reduced ta a z�ra balance, this Securi�y rnstrumen�will remain in�ffect until rel�ased.
<br /> Security Instrcament-�pen-�nd-CansUmer-NE OCP-REDT-NE 712120�'1
<br /> VMf'Q Bank�rs SystemsT'" VMP-C465�NEJ �7�a7y.n0
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Finan�iaf 5er�i�es 0�994,20�1 Page 5 af fi
<br />