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��14�3�4� <br /> Property Condition, Alterations and Ynspect�on. Trustar will keep the Property in good cond�t�on and <br /> make a11 repairs �hat are reasanably n�cessary. Trustar shall nat commit or allow any waste, impairment, ar <br /> de�eriorat��n of the Prnperty. Trustor a�rees that the nature flf the a�cupancy and use wi�� not substan�ially <br /> change without Benef�cxary's prior wrxtten cons�nt. Trustar will no� permit any �hange in any license, <br /> res�r�ct�ve covenant ar easement wx�hout Beneficiary's prior wri�ten cansent. Trustar wi11 notxfy Beneficiary <br /> af all demands, pr�ceedings, Claims, and actions aga�nst Trustar, and of any�oss or damag�to the Prop�rty. <br /> Ben��ciary or B�n�f�ciary's ag�nts may, at Benefxcxary's option, en�er�he Property a�any r�asonable time for <br /> the purpose of inspectin� the Property. Beneficiary shali gi�e Trustar natic� at the time of or before an <br /> inspection specifyzng a reasanable purpase for the inspection. Any inspectYan of th�Property shall be entirely <br /> far Beneficiary's benefit and Trustor wi1� in no way rely on Beneficiary's inspecti�n. <br /> Autharity to P�rfarm. �f Trustor faxls �o perform any duty ar any af the cov�nants contained �n this Security <br /> Ynstrument, B�n�fxciary may, withou� noti�e, perform ar cause them to be performed. Trus�or appoin�s <br /> Beneficiary as attarney in fa�� to sign Trustor's name or pay any am�unt necessary far performance. <br /> B�neficiary's right to perform for Trustar shal� no� create an o�Iigation to perform, and Bene�c�ary's failure <br /> ta perform wYll not preclude Beneficiary from e��rcisxng any of Beneficiary's other r�ghts und�r the Iaw or <br /> this Security 7nstrumen�. <br /> Leaseholds; Condam�niums; P�anned Un�it Devexopments. Tru.stor agrees to comply with the pro�isians af <br /> any Iease if�his Securx�y �nstrum�nt �s on a leaseho�d. Zf the Fropexrty inciudes a unit in a condominium or a <br /> planned unit de�elopment, Trustor will perf�rm a�l of Trustor's duties und�r the co�enants, by--Iaws, ar <br /> regula�ians of the condominium or planned unit de�relapment. <br /> Cnndemnation, Trustor w��� gi�� �3eneficzary prompt not�ce of any pending or threatened ac�xan, by prxva�e <br /> ar pubii� ent�txes to purchase or take any or all of the Frapezrty �hrough condemnat�an, eminent domain, or <br /> any other means. Trus�or authflrxzes �3eneficiary to inter`rene �n Trustor's name in any of the above described <br /> actions or claxms. Trus�or assigns �o Beneficiary the proceeds of any award or c�aim for damages cvnnected <br /> wxth a �ondemna��on or o�her taking af a11 ar any par� of the Property. Such praceeds sha�I be considered <br /> payments and wi�1 be app�ied as prov��ded in this Security �nstrument. This assignmen� of proceeds is suhject <br /> �o the t�rms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement ar other Iien d�cument. <br /> Insurance. Trustar sha�I keep Prap�rty �nsured aga�nst loss by fir�, �1ood, �heft and other hazards and risks <br /> reasonably associated wi�h the Proper�y due to its type an�i ln�at�an. Th�s insurance s�all be maintained in th� <br /> amounts and for �he periads that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary requires pursuan� ta the preced�ng <br /> two sentenc�s can change durxng the term of the Se�ured Debt. The insurance carrier provid�ng �he insurance <br /> sha.11 be chosen by Trustar subj ect t� Ben�fxc�ary's apprQval., which shal.l not be unreasonabiy withheld. Yf <br /> Trustor fails to main�ain the cav�rage d�s�r�bed abo��, Benefi�iary may, at Beneficiary's optifln, abtain <br /> co�erage ta protect Benefi�iary's rights xn�h�Prflperty a�c�rdxng�o th�t�rms of this S�curity rnstrument. <br /> AI� insuran�e poi�cies and renewals shall b� acceptable�o Benef�ciary and sha11 include a standard "mortgage <br /> ciause" and, where app�icable, "IQ55 payee clause." Trustar sha11 immed�a�e�y notify B�ne�ciary af <br /> cancexxati�n ar ��rmznati�n of �he insurance. Beneficiary sha.�� have the rzght t� hold the palicies and <br /> renewals. If Bene�ciary requ�res, Trustor sha11 immediate�y give ta Benef�ciary all r�cezpts of paxd premiums <br /> and renewal notices. �Jp�n loss, Trustor shall g�ve immedia�e no�ice to the is�.suran��carr�er and Beneficiary. <br /> Benef�ciary may make prn�f of Ioss �f nat made xmmediately by Trustar. <br /> Unless atherwise agreed in writing, aI� insurance proceeds sha�� �e applied �o the restorat�an ar repair of the <br /> Prope�t�r ar to the 5�cured I3ebt, whether or not th�n due, at Beneficiary's optxon. Any app�ica�ion of <br /> proceeds ta principai sha11 nat extend or pastpone the due date af the schedul�d payment nor change the <br /> amaunt af any payment. Any excess will be paid to the Trus�or. Yf the Pr�perty xs acquired by Beneficiary, <br /> Trustor's right to ar�y insuranc� policies and pr�ceeds resu�ting fram damage to the Property �efore the <br /> acquisition sha�l pass t� Benef�c�ary to the extent of the Secured I]ebt immediately before the acquisi�ion. <br /> F�nanciax Reports and Add�t�anaZ I3ocuments. Trustor wili prov�de to Bene�ciary upan reques�, any <br /> financia.I statem�nt or �nf�rmatian �enefic�ary may cleem reasanably necessary. Trus�ar agrees to sign, <br /> d�liver, and�le any additxona� documents or cer�ificat��ns that �enef�ciary may consider n�c�ssary to perfect, <br /> continue, and preser�re Trustor's o�iiga�ions under thYs Secur�ty Instrument and B�neficiary's �xen status an <br /> the Property. <br /> 5. �VY Y �F TITLE. Trus�or warrants that Trustor xs or wi11 b� �awfully seiz�d of the estate convey�d <br /> by this 5ecurity Instrument and has the right ta xrreva�ably grant, conv�y, and sell the Property to Trus�ee, in <br /> trust, w�th power of sale. Trustor als❑ warrants that th� Property xs unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br /> o f recard. <br /> 7, DUE QN SAL�. Beneficiary may, at its aptran, de�lare th� �ntire balance of �he Secured I]�bt to be <br /> �mmediately due and payable upan the creatx�n af, or ��ntrac� for th� creation of, a transfer or sale of all or <br /> any part of the Pr�perty. This rz�ht is subj�ct ta the r���r�ction� imposed by f�dera.I, �av� �I2 �.F.R. 591�, as <br /> appli�a�le. : <br /> 5ec�rity Instrument-�pen-End-Gvnsumer-N� aCP-REDT-NE 71212�1� <br /> VMPD Ban[cers 5ystems� VMP-�455{NE} ���07].fl0 <br /> Walters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ices Q"1994,2D�� � Page 3 of� <br />