<br /> The property is located in ...Hall.................................................. at .....................................
<br /> {County}
<br /> ..2715„Apache_Rd........................... ..Grand.Island............,.... Nebrasl�a ..5.88�1---•---...
<br /> ....... .. --•---- --- ., ......-•.. ........... ., - •-•----
<br /> �Address} ��iry} �ZYP Code}
<br /> Tagether with all righ�s, �asemen�s, appurtenances, rflyalties, m�n�ral rzghts, azx and gas r�ghts, a�.� water and
<br /> riparian righ�s, d�tches, az�d water stack and al.x �x�st�ng and futur� improvements, structur�s, fi�tur�s, and
<br /> repla�ements�.a�may now, or at any time in the future, b�par�of�he real es�ate descrzbed above (al.l referred
<br /> to as "Property"}.
<br /> 3. M[A�IMUM �SLIGATIQN LIMIT. The totai prz�x�ipal amaunt s�cured by this S��uri�y Ins�rument at an.y
<br /> one t�me sha11 not ex�eed $ 5 0�.a o o:.�.�................................... . This Iimitatian af amount does z��t
<br /> include xnterest and oth�r fees and charges val�d�y made pursuant to �h�s Secur�ty znstrument. Alsa, this
<br /> li.mitatian does n�t app�y to ad�ances made und�r the �erms of tihxs S��ur�ty �nstrument to prote�t
<br /> S�neficiary's security and ta perform any of the co�enan�s conta�ned�n th�s Secur�ty �nstrument.
<br /> 4. S]E�iJRED D�I3T AND FU'TURE ADVANCES. T�.e term "Secur�d D�bt" is defined as follows:
<br /> A.L7eb� incurr�d under the�erms of aI� promzssary note(s}, con�ract�s}, guaranty�ies} or ather evidenc� of
<br /> debt descrzbed below and aII their �X���,15I4I15, renewal.s, modzf�cat�ons or substitutinns. �Yo�c must
<br /> speci�cally ider�tify the debt��sJ s�cr�red and you shnr�Zd ir�clude the final mat�urit�y date of such debt��s).}
<br /> Nate L7ated May l�,. 2�l4 ,In The .Amount �f $5�, ��4_��
<br /> Accruing At A Variabl� Rate With A Maturity Date �f May 25, 2�19
<br /> Said Loax�. Ia�. Th� Name{s} af Thomas E Gdowski
<br /> And Reb�cca 5 Gdo�nrs�i
<br /> B.A11 future advan�es from Benefzczary to Trustvr or oth�r futur� ob��gatians of Trust�r t� B�n�fi�xary
<br /> und�r an,y pram�ssory note, contract, guaran.ty, or other e��dence of deb� �x�cuted by Trus�ar xn fa�or
<br /> of B�nefxcxary after this Security Instrume�a� wheth�r ar nn� this S�curity �nstrument �s specificaliy
<br /> referen�ed, �f mare than one pers�n szgn� thx� S��urity Instru�n�nt, ea�h Trustor agrees that this
<br /> Security Ins�rum�nt wi.�� secure �II future ad�ances and future abl�gati�ns that are g���n to or in�urr�d
<br /> by any one or more Trustor, or any one or more Trustor and athers. AII future advances and oth�r
<br /> futur� ob��gat�ons are secured by thzs Securxty Instrument ev�n thaugh aI1 or part may n�t yet be
<br /> advanc�d. AII futur� ad�ances and �ther future obligations are secured as if mad� �n the date of this
<br /> Securzty Znstrument. Na�h.�ng �n this S�curity �nstrument shall canstxtute a commitment to make
<br /> additional or future loans or advan��s xn any amount. Any such �ommxtment must be agreed to �n a
<br /> separat�writing.
<br /> �.A11 oth.er ob�igations Trustor owes ta Beneficiary, wh��h may la�er arzs�, to the �xten�nat prahibited by
<br /> xaw, xnc�uding, but not I�m�ted to, �iabilities far overdrafts re�at�ng to any depos�t account agre�m�nt
<br /> b�tween Trustor and Beneficiary.
<br /> D.AII addztzonal sums advaneed and expens�s in�urred by �enef�c�ary for insurxng, pr�servzng or
<br /> o��ierwis�prote�ting the Property and zts val.ue and any o�h.er sums ad�anc�d and expenses incurr�d by
<br /> Ben�ficiary under�he terms �f th�s Securi�y�nstrument.
<br /> In the e�ent�a.at Ben�ficiary fails to prov�de any re�uxred notice af the right�f resczssion, Benef�ciary wai�es
<br /> any subs�quent securzty interest zn th.e Trust�r's prxncipal dwe�x�ng�ha�zs created by thzs Security Instz�xm.��.t.
<br /> 5. I�EED aF TRUST C�VEN'ANTS. Trustor agrees th.at the covenants zn this sectzan are materxa� obliga�ions
<br /> u.nd�r the Se�ured Debt and this Secur�ty �nstrument. �f Trus�or brea�h�s any covenan.t �n this sec��on,
<br /> B�nefzciary may refus� to make additionaI. extensions of�redit and reduce th� credit limit. By nat exerc�s�ng
<br /> ezther r�medy on Trustor's breach, Bene���ary da�s nat waive Beneficiary's rzght�o later consider�he�ven�a
<br /> br�ach�f it happens again.
<br /> Paym�nts. Trustor agrees that al.�payments under the 5ecured D�b� wi�l be pazd when due and in accordance
<br /> wzth the terms af the Se�ured I]ebt and this Security InsCrum�nt.
<br /> Prx�r Secur�.ty Interests. With r�gard t� any other m�rtgage, deed �f trust, securzty agre�men� or ather Izen
<br /> d�cum�nt that creat�d a prior security in�er�st or encumbrance an the Property, Trustor agrees �o make ail
<br /> payments when due and to perform �r camply wzth a11 covenants. Trustor also agrees not ta allaw any
<br /> mQdzf�ca�ian ar extezasxan of, nar ta request any future advan�es under any note or agreement secured by the
<br /> Iien documen.t wzthout B�neficiar�r's prior vvrztten appro�al.
<br /> ��aims Aga�n�t T�tle. Trustor wzX� pay ai� taxes �in��uding any tax assessed to th.xs Deed of Trust�,
<br /> assessments, Izens, encum�rances, �ease payments, ground rents, utz�ities, and ather charges r�latzng �o the
<br /> Prope�ty when due. Benefzc�ary may r�quxre Trus�or to pro�xde t� Benef��iary copzes af all notices that such
<br /> amaunts are due and the re�ezpts ��xdencing Trustor's payment. Trus�or wi�� d�fend txt�e to the Praperty
<br /> against azay claims �hat wou�d zmpazr the �ien of th�s 5ecurit� �nstrumen�. Trustor agrees to asszgn to
<br /> B�neficzaxy, as r�quested by Benefi�zary, any r�ghts, clazms or defenses Trustor may have against parties who
<br /> supply labar ar materials t�mai.n.tain or zmprove the Property.
<br /> Security lnstrument-�pen-�rid-Cansumer-NE OCP-REDT-NE 71�12�1 1
<br /> VMPa Banicers SystemsT"s VMF'-C4�5{NE} �7�07y.��
<br /> Wfllters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices�1994,Z0�1 Page�❑f�
<br />