<br /> i]E�D �F TRLJS�
<br /> lLoa� Mo: �73�57��� {�v���nu��� P�ge �
<br /> and upon any appea[. Whether vr nv� any cour� action �s in�o��ec�, and to �he extent no� prohi�ited by Iaw, a[1
<br /> reasana.hIe expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's vpinivn are necessary a� any time �or the pro��ction o� �ts
<br /> in�eres�or�he en-forcemenfi o�its rights shal� bec�me a pa�-t of the [ndebfiedness payah�e on demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at�he Note rate from the date of�he expenditure un�il repaid. E�cpenses cov�red by this paragraph include,
<br /> wi�hou� �=imitatian, hawe�er sub�ect�o any l�mits under applicabl� lavtir, L�nder's attorneys' �Fees and Lender's lega�
<br /> expenses, whether or no�there is a [awsui-�; including attorneys' f�es and expenses for 4anl�ruptcy proceedsngs
<br /> �in�luding efforts�o mod��Fy or vacate any au�amatic stay or in�unction�, appea�s, and any an��cipated post judgmen�
<br /> collection services, fihe cast of searching re�ords, ❑b�aining -�i�le reports �inG�uding foreclosur� �-eports}, sur�ey�rs'
<br /> reparts, and appraisal �ees, title insurance, and fees #or �he Trust�e, �a the ex�en� permi��ed by applicah�e law.
<br /> Trustor afso will pay any court cosfis, in addition to all��her sums praW�ded by[avv.
<br /> F��gh�s flf Trustee. Trustee shal[ ha�e all of the rights�nd duties o�F L�nder as set forth in thFs section.
<br /> P�VIIE�S AND agL��Q`fIDNS �F T"RUSTEE. The fo[�owing pro�isions r��ating to the pa�vers and obligations of Trustee
<br /> are part a�this Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Pov►rers o�Trustee. ln addifiion to al� powers of Trustee ar'rsing as a matter o-F faw,Trustee sha[i have t�e poinre�r to
<br /> �ake the�o[[owing �ctivns wi�h respecfi�o the Proper�y upvn the w�€�kten request of Lender and Trust�r: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and fi[ing a map or plat o� the Re�.� Proper�ty, inG[uding �he d�dica�ion of stre�ts vr o�her �-ights �v the
<br /> pubiic; �b} join in granting any easement or creatEng any restriction �n the R�ai Property; and �c3 join in any
<br /> subord�nation or other agreemen�affec�ing�his �eed v�Trust or�ne interesfi of Lender under this Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> Trus#ee. Trustee shaIi m��t a[[ qua�i�icatians required �Fo�T�-ustee under applicabie [av+r: ln addition to the rights
<br /> and remedies set fvrth abaWe, with respec� to a�� vr any part of the Praperty, the Trustee shall have �he right ta
<br /> �oreci�se by notice and sale, and Lender w��[ ha�e �he righfi fiv toreclose by judicial foreclosure, in eith�r case in
<br /> accordance wi�h and to�he fufl exten�pro�ided 1ay applicabie�aw.
<br /> Su�cessvr�'rus�ee. Lender, at Lender's op�ion, may from time�v time appoint a successor Trus�ee to any Trustee
<br /> appointed under th�s Deed o�T��st �y an �nstrument exe�u�ed and aG�Cnowledged by Lender and rec�rd�d ir� the
<br /> office of the recvrder of HALL �ounty, State o� �ebraska. �he instrumen� shall contain. in add�i�ion to aIl other
<br /> matters �e�u`ired by sta�e iaw, th� names vf the origi�aai Lender� Trustee, and Trustor; -�he �ook and page {or
<br /> compu�er sysfiem reference} where �his De�d of Trust is recorded, and the name and add�ess o�F the suc�essor
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be execu�ed and aeknowledged by a[[the beneficiaries under th�s Deed v�Trust or
<br /> �heir successors in interest. The successor trustee, w�thout �on�eyance o#the Property, sha�� succeed to a[� the
<br /> tit�e, power, and duties conferred upon the Trustee in this ❑eed ofi Tru�t and by applicable [aw. This pro�edure for
<br /> substitu�ian o�Trus�ee sha[I go�ern to the exclusivn of a�1 ofher provisions for subs�itution.
<br /> N�YICES. Any nati�e required �o be gi�en under th.is Deed o�Trus�, inc�uding without limitation any notice of defaui�
<br /> and any notice o�sa[e sha�� be given in wr.iting, and sha[f E�e e�fecti�e when ac�ually deli�ered, when actualIy rece��ed
<br /> by te[efacsimiie �unless oth�rwise required by law}, vvhen depasi�ed wi�h a nationa[[y recagnized overnigh-�courier, �r, ��
<br /> mailed, v�ihen deposited in the Uni�ed States mail, as first class, cer-ti�ied or registered mail postage prepaid, d�re�ted to
<br /> �he addresses s�own n:ear the beginning of�his �3eed of Trust. A[[ copies a� notices of�orecfosure �rom �he holder of
<br /> any lien whic.h has priori� o�er this Dee� of Trust sh�all be sen�to Lender's address. as shown near�he �eginning of
<br /> �his Deed o-�Y�-us�t. Any pers�n may ehan:ge his or her address ��r na�ices under this L7eed of Trust by gi��ng formal
<br /> writ�en r�o�ice t� the o�h�r person or persons, speci�y€ng that the purpose of �he nat�ce is to �hange the person's
<br /> address. For n�tice pu�poses, Trustor agrees�a keep Lender informed a�a���imes of Trus�o�'s curr�nt address. Unless
<br /> o�herwise proWided or required by [aw, i�th.ere is more than one Trus�vr, any notice gi�en by Lender�v any Trustor is
<br /> deemed to be no�ice gi�en to aI�Trustars. 1�w�ll be Trus�or's res�onsibility to te�l the others o��he notice from Lender.
<br /> 1�[S�ELLANE�US IPR�VISI�NS. The�olCawing miscel:laneous pro�isions are a pa:rt of th'rs ❑eed o�Trust:
<br /> Amen�r�en�s. V1Ih-at is vvritten in this Dee.d vf T�ust and in �he Related Documents is Trustor's ent�.re ag��emen�
<br /> with Lender cancerning the matters eo�ered by fihis �eed a�Trust. To be effecti�e, any change or amendment�a
<br /> �his Deed vf T�-ust must be in wri�ing and rnust be signed by whoever will be bound vr vb[iga�ed by the chang�or
<br /> amendmer,t.
<br /> �ap�i�n Headlinc�s.. Cap��on h�adings in th�s Deed o��'rus� are �or cvn�enience �urposes onl� and are noz �o be
<br /> used tv in�erpre��r define�he pr�W�sivns of�hes �ee� of�rus�.
<br /> �Vlerg�r, �here sha�l be no merger of the interes��r�s�a�e created by�his �eed of Trust��t� a�y�ther in�erest�r
<br /> estate in t�� P�aperfy a�any�Arne held b�r vr for�he benefit o�Lender in anr�capac�ty, withvu��he vUritten conser��
<br /> o�Lender.
<br /> Go�erning Law. Yhis Deed ��Trus� wil� be governed �y f�derai law a�ppli�able �� Lender anc�� fa the ex�en� not
<br /> pre�rr�ptedl by�edera�I�►►v,�he la�vs��the��ate o�Nebraska wi�lhou�regard to its c�n��ic�s of Haw pro�risions. This
<br /> I]eed vf Trus�has �e�n accep��dl by Lender in the Sta�e�f Nebraska.
<br /> C.ho��e ��Ver�ue. [f the�-e is a [awsuit, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's re�uest t� suhm�t tv �he�urisdiction o��he
<br /> cour�s o�Hall Goun�y, State vf Nebraska. �
<br /> Jvint �nd Se��a�a� LiabiIity. A�� �bl�gations o� Trustor under this Deed o� Trust shall be joint and se�eraf, and a�[
<br /> references to Trustor shalf inean each an�d e�ery �rustor. Th�s means tha� each �rus�or signing below is
<br /> responsib�e for a[[obaiga�ions �n this �eed o�Trust,
<br /> N� V�ai�er b�Lender� Trustoa-unders�ands Lender�r�ll nQ�g€ve up any o� Lenaier's righ�s unde�this �eed of�rus�
<br /> unless �e�+d�r does so �n writ6ng. The �act tha� �ende�- d�[a�s or �mi�s �� exercAse any ra�h� �ni�1i s�ot mean �ha�
<br /> Lender has g;i�er� �p �Pnat right: l� �ender does agree in v+irE�i�g �o g3�e up �ne of Lende�`s righ�s, tha� daes n��
<br /> mean Trus-tor wi[[ no� have �o c�mp[y wifih the �th�r pr�visio�s oT this Deed of Trust, Trus$or also understar�ds
<br /> �ha� �� Lender does cons�nt to a reques�, that do�:s not mean that Trustor v►rill no� ha�e tv ge� Lender's cansent
<br /> aga'in��the situation happe-ns agai'n. Trustor�u�ther unders�ands�hat just becaus� Lender consenfis to o.ne or mare
<br /> � o�Trustor's requests, rtha�t does not mean Lender will he required to consent to any of Trus�vr's #uture r��ues�s.
<br /> Trus�or�rvai�es presentm�nt, demand for paymen�, protest. and n:ot�ce o�dishanvr.
<br /> S�►�er�biIi�y. Ef a cour� finds �hat any pro�ision of thEs i���d of Trust is no�t �alid o� should not be en�orced, that
<br /> �act by itself will na�mean that th.e rest v�F tf�is Deed of Trus�will not 1�e�alid ar enforced. Therefore, a court wil[
<br /> en�orce�he res�of�he prov�sions vf�his Deed af T�r�st e�en i�a provision ot this Deed vf Trust rna�be found�a �e
<br /> in�alid or ur�en��rceable.
<br /> Successors �nd Ass�gn�e Subjec��o an� �ir��t�tior�s sta�ed �r� this Deed o�Trust �r� tr��ns�Pr�f�r�s�o�"s in�e�es��
<br /> thi:s aeed �f T�us� s�a�� be �inding upor� ar�� inure �a �1�e ��n��ifi r��fi�� par�pes, t�e�r s�c�e�sors ar�d �s�ig��. lf
<br /> ownersh�� a���e P�oper�y bec�mes veste� �ra a �ersv� o�����h�r�T�r�st€��-, �ender� �itho�� no���e �a frus�or, �av
<br /> � deal with�"rustor's suc�es�sors wi-�h referer�Ge�o th�s ���d �r��rus�an��the Indebted��ss by rn��v o��o�-bearance or
<br /> exfiension withou�releasing Trustor�rorn the�hEigat�vns of this �eed of Trust or liahili�y under the �nd�4tedness.
<br /> Time is af the Essence. Time is o��he ess�nce�n the performance of this ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> V�Taive Jury. AII �ar�ies tv�his �eed o��rusf hereby wa�We the riglht to any jury trial in any actio�, proceeding, or
<br /> �vun��rclaim broug��by ar�y party against any ofher par�y.
<br /> 111�aYrrer vf Ho�es#eacl Exernpt�vn. Trustor he�r�by releases and vtiai��s a1! rights and benef�s o� the homestead
<br />