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� ��14��S1S � <br /> DEEL7 �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 773��'���5 ����$�rlu�d� Pag� � <br /> [nse�urify. Lender in good�a�th he[ie�es itseif insecure. <br /> �igh�tu Cure, ff any default, o�her than a defa�It�n pa�rmen�is curab�e and if Trustor has not�een gi�en a notEce <br /> af a h�-each of the same pravis��n o��his D�ed o�Trus�within the prec�ding tv�relve {'€�� manths, it may be eur�d i� <br /> Trustor, after Lend�r sends written no�ice�o Trustor demanding cure o-�such defau[t: {'i} Gu�es the default w�-�hin <br /> fiwen�y {Z�} days; ar {23 if the cure requires more than �wenty ��p} days, imrnediate[y initiat�s steps virhich <br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole discretion to be sufffcient to cur-e the defau[t and therea-�-ter cantinu�s and <br /> cvmple�es afi reasonab�e and nec�ssary s�keps suf��cienfi to prvduce compfiance as svon as reasona�ly pr�ct�cal. <br /> R[GHTS AND FiElll[E�lES ON D�EFAULT. l�an Errent o�Defaul�occurs und��-this Deed o-F Trus�, at any-time ther�after, <br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exercis� any one or more o��he�allowing righ-�s and remedies: <br /> A�ce�erativn Upvn DefauIt; Addi#ionaI Remedies. 1�any Even�o�De�ault occurs as per�he terrr7s of the Not� <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a[[ �nofeb�edness s�cured by this D�ed of Trus�to be due and payable and <br /> the sam�sha���hereupon become due and payable vvi�hout any presentment, demand, pro�es�or notice of any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei�her in person or �y agen�, w��h o�- wi�hout bringing any ac�ion or proceedin�, or by a rece��er <br /> appain-�ed by a court and withvut regard to the adequacy of its securi�ty, enter upon and tak� possessian. <br /> af fihe Praperty, or any par��hereo�, in i-�s awn name or in the name of Trustee, and do any ac�s which it <br /> deems ne�essary or desirab[e�o preserWe the�aiue, marke�ak�i�ity or rentability of the Pr�p�r-ty, or part of <br /> the Proper�y or interes� �n the P�-operty; �ncreas� the income#rvm �he Property or protect the security a� <br /> the Property; andr with ar v�ri�hout taking possession o� the Proper�y, sue f�r o� o�➢�erwise collect the <br /> rents, issues and pro�i�s �f the Property, including those pas� due and unpaid, and appiy fihe same, �ess <br /> costs and expenses �f opera�i�n and collecti�n a�torn�ys`�ees,to any indeb�edn.ess secured by thEs fleed <br /> pf Trust, aIC in such arder as Lend�r may determine. The en-tering upon and �ak�ng p�ssession of �he <br /> Pr�perty, the cv[[ecfiian of su�h �en�s, issues and profits, and the application thereof shall not cure vr <br /> wafve any defau�t or no�ice vf de�ault under this De�d of Tr�ust or in�a�ida�e any ac-� done in response to <br /> such de�Fau�t or pursuant�o such natice of defauft; and, notwithstanding�he continuance in poss�ssion�f <br /> �he Praperty or �he collection, receipt and application af rents, i55ues or pro�tts, Trustee or Lender shali <br /> I�e enfiitled to �xerc�se e�ery righ�prv�ided �or€n the Nvte or-the Re�ated Documents or by law upon the <br /> occurrence ot any e�en�of defau[t.,�ncluding the right to exere�se the pawer af sa�e; <br /> �b} Commence an acti�n�o foreclase this L]�ed �f Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver or specifi�cally <br /> en#orce any of the ca�enants hereof; and <br /> �c} D�liver to Trus�ee a writ-ten de�iara�ion of default and dernand for sa[e and a writ�en notice of de�ault <br /> and elec�ion�o cause Trus�or�s inter�st in the Property to be so�d,which not�ce Trustee shall cause to �e <br /> du[y filed fvr record in the appropriate o�F�ices of the County in wh�ch the Property is Ioca��d; and <br /> {d� 11Vi�h respect to aC[ or any parf of�he Persana� P�roperty, Lender shall ha�e a�l the rights and remedies <br /> o�a secured party under the Nebrask� Ur�i€orm�Cvmmercial Code. <br /> Foreclosure hy Power vf 5a�e. I€Lender e�ects to fareclose by e�ercise of the Power o�F Sale here�n contained, <br /> Lender shall no�ify Trustee and shall depasit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and �he Note and suc��� ��ceipts <br /> and evidence of exper�ditures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may re�uire. <br /> �a� �por� �-eceep�of such notice�rorn Lender,Trus�ee shal! cause fio b� recorde�f, �aubfished and c!e[i�er�d <br /> to �frustor such Natice of De�ault and IV�tice o� Sa�e as then required by law and b��his Deed ���rust. <br /> Trustee s�all, without demand on Trustor, a�f�ter such �ime as may then be required by law and a�fter <br /> recordation of sueh Nvt�ce o� De€aul� and after Notice vf Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by Iaw, selC <br /> the Prop�rty a� the �ime and p�a�e v� sale fixed by i� �n such No�ice af Sa[e, either as a whv�e, or �n <br /> separate [ots or parce[s or��kems as Trustee shal! deem expedientr and in such vrder as it may determine, <br /> at public auetion to the highes�bidder for cash in �awful money ot the UnEted States payable a��he time <br /> of sale. Trusfiee shall de[��er to such purchaser or purch�sers thereo€ its good and su�ficient deed vr <br /> deeds cvnveying the. property so sold, but w�thout any eo�enant or warranty, express o�r implied. The <br /> recitals in such deed of any matters or -�ac�s sha[� E�� conc[us��e proof of the truth�ulness thereof. Any <br /> person, in�[ud�ng without limitation Trustor,Trusfiee, or L�nder, may purchase afi su�h sa�e. � <br /> �b� As �ay b� perrni��ed b�r �aw. a�e€� des��cting all costs� fees and expenses o� �r�stee and of this <br /> Trust, ir�cluding ��sts of evidence of�i��e in�ar�neGtior�vv9��safe,�rus�ee sirtal! apply the proceeds of sa[e <br /> �a pa�m�nt o� 4e� a!I sr�rr�s expe�d�d un�e��he�erms��t�his Deed af Trust or under the terms�f�he Nofe <br /> �o� then repa�d, inc��ding bu� not lirr�i�ed �Q a�cr�ed anterest and la$e charges� {�E} a[[ other sums then <br /> secu�ed h�reby, and �iii}the rermairtcier, i�any,to the�aerson or persons lega[�y entitled there�o. <br /> �c} T�-usfiee may�n the manner pro�ided hy lav►r postpone sale of a[I or any portion of the Property. <br /> Remedies Nvt Exc�usive. Trustee and Lender, and e�ach of them, shall be entitled to enforce paymen�fi and <br /> performance vf any indebtedness or obligations secured by this Deed�f Trus�and�a e�€ercEse ail rights and pnwers <br /> under this Deed of Trus�, under the Nvte, under any of the Related Dvcumentsr or under any ather agreemen� or <br /> any laws nav�r vr hereafter in -�orce; notwi�hstandingr svme or a!I of such inde�tedness and obiigations secured by <br /> �his Deed of Trust may naw or hereafter b� o�herwise s�cured, whe�her by mortgag�, deed o�trus�r p[edge. Cien, <br /> assignrr7ent or �therwise. Neither �he accep�ance of this Deed of �rust nor its enforcemen�, whe�h�:�- by co�rt <br /> actior� �r p�arsuan�to -�he power of sale or a�her powers con�ained in �his Deed of Trust, sha[� pr��udice or in any <br /> rn�nner affect T�rustee&s or Lender`s right �� rea�ize u��n �r e��orce any other secu�-ity n�w or hereafter held by <br /> Trustee o�Lendery i�being agreed that�r�s�e���d Lend�r, and each��-�e�nE sha[� be er�t��led���nfi�orce�h�s �eeai <br /> ❑f T�us� anc� any o�her securi�y novv ar herea�er �eld hy L�r�der or Ti rustee in such �rder �nc� m�nx�e.r as ��aey ar <br /> e��her vf�hem may in �thei�- a�so[u�e discretion deiermine. No remedy eonferred upon or �eser�ed �t� �rus�ee o� <br /> Lend�r, is in�ended�o be e�clusi�e vf any other remedy in t��s Deed af�rust or �y Ea`nr pro�ided or pe�-mitted, but <br /> each sha�1 he cumula�i�e and sha[� be sn additivn to every other remedy gi�en in �his Deed o� Trust ar novtir vr <br /> he�eai�er exis�ing at taw or in equi�y❑r by statu�ke. Every power or remedy gi�en by�he N.�te or any o��he F�elated <br /> Da�uments �o Trustee or Lender or to which either of �h�m may be othervvise ent�tled, �riay be exer�ised f <br /> concurrent[y or independently, �rrom t�me tv time ancf as o#ten as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and either o� �hem may pu�-sue incons�sten� remedies. Nothing �n th�s ❑eed of Trust shall b� e�nstrued as <br /> prahibi-�ing Lender��-om seeking a defic'rency�udgment against the Trustor to�he�xten�such ac�ion is permit�ed by <br /> �aw. <br /> �ectior� �f �iemediese A[[ o� �ender's rights and rerx�edies r�vi�� be �a�m��a�i�e a�d rnay be ex�a�cised a�o�ae or <br /> tagether. 1� Le�d�r decides �❑ spend rn�ney or to perf�arr� an�r a�F�rus'�or's ob�:ig�t�ons under ��is �eed o�Tra�s�r <br /> after Trustor's faF[u�-e tv do �o, that de�is��n �y ��:n�i��v►oil! ��� a��ect �.eraderas r�gi�t to ��c�a�e T��s�or in defau�� <br /> and�o exer�sse L�nder's re�ned�esa <br /> �eque�t for�Vo�ic�. Trustorr �n �ehal�vf T�-�€s�or and Lenc�e�-, h��-eby requ�sts�hat a copy o�an��otice�€De�a�alt <br /> and a copy of any N�tice�f�a[e under this Deed of Trus� b� rr-iaifed to them at the addresses se��orkh in�h� ��rst <br /> paragraph o�this Deed o�Trus�t. <br /> Atto�neys` Fees; E.�cpenses. C�f Lender insti�utes any suit flr action �v en�orce any of the t�rms of this �eed o� <br /> Trus�, Lender shat� be entitled to reca�er sueh sum as the court may adjudge r�asonak�[e as attarneys' €ees a�t�ial <br />