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��14��S1S <br /> �EEa �F T����r <br /> L�ar� N�a ���V����V , <br /> ont�nued3 Page 7 <br /> exemption lav�rs of the S�a�e o�Nebraska as to all �ndebtedn�ss secu�ed by this Deed o�Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The fo[Iowing wvrds sha[[ ha�e�he�ollalrv�ng mean�ngs when used �n�his Deed of Trust: � <br /> Beneficiary. The wa�-d "Bene��ciary" means Equi�ab[e Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Bv�rvwex. The v�rord nB�rrower" means Everett Wiley [l[ and 1Vlelanie M VIliley and `rnc[ud�s alf co-signers and <br /> co-makers signing the Nv�e and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The vuords "Deed of Trust" mean �his Deed of Trust amvng T�-us�or, Lender, and Trustee. and <br /> includes v►rithout �imita-�ion af� assi�nment and s�curity �nterest provisians re[ating to the Pers�nal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Envirvnme�tal Laws. The �rvords "En�ironmenta[ Laws" mean any and all sta�e, #ederal and �oca� sta�utes, <br /> regu�ations and ordina.nces re�ating to the protection �� human h�a�th or the en�ironmen�, including v�rithout <br /> [imita�ion the Comprehens�ve En�iron-mentaC Response, Cvmpensa�'ron, and Liabi�ify Act a-� �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S,�. 5ection 9�4�, et seq. {'=CERCLA"}, -�he Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Ac�of 1955, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"}r the Hazardous Ma�eria�s Transp�rtation Act,49 U.S.C. SeGtion '�8D�, et seq.,th� Resource <br /> Conserva��on and F�e�ov�ry Act, 42 U.S.�. Section 69Q�, et seq., or other applicable state or federa� laws, ru�es, <br /> or regulatYons admp�ed pu�rsuant there�o. <br /> Erren�vf Defaui�. The words =`E�ent�f❑e�aul�°' mean any vf the e�ents v�de�ault se�forth in this IJeed vf Trust in <br /> th���en�s o�c�e�aul-�secti�n ofi�his aeed of Trus�. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guarantyn means�khe gua�an�y-�rom guaran�or, endorser, surety, or accommodation parry to <br /> Lender, inc[uding w�thout limi�ation a gua�an�y��all or part of the Note. <br /> Hazardous Substan�es. The w�rds 'r Hazardous Substances" m�an mat�ria[s �hat, becaus� of their quanti-ry, <br /> concentra�ian or physicai, chemiCal or in€ectivus charac�eristics, may caus� or pose a present or potential ha�ard <br /> to human hea��h or�he en�ir�nm�n�wf�en imprap�rly used,treated, s�or�d, disposed of, gene�at�d, manu�ac�ured, <br /> transpar�ed or �-�herwise handied. The words 'r Hazardvus Substances" are used in th��r�ery broadest sense and <br /> inc�ud� �ri�hou� limi�ation any and a[E hazardous or toxic substances, ma�erials or was�e as de-�ined by ar list�d <br /> under the Environmental Laws. The term nHa�ardous 5ubstances" also includes, without limitation, petr�leum and <br /> petro�eum by produc�s or any fracfiion ther�of and asbestvs. <br /> �mprover�ents. The word '�[rnprovements" rr�ear�s all exis�ing and fu�ure impro�ements, bu�[dings; s�ructu�es, <br /> moh�4e homes a��ixed on the Real Proper�y; �a�i[i��es, addi�ions, rep�acements and othe� construc��on on the Rea! <br /> Property. <br /> Indeh�edness. The word "[ndef�tedness" means a11 principal, int���s�, and o�her amoun�s, c�sts and expenses <br /> paya�le und�r the Nate or Re[a�ked Documents, together vv�th al[ renewa�s vf, extensians of, modi�ications a�f, <br /> c�nsolida�ions of and suhstitutians f�r the NQt� or Related Documen�s and any amoun-ts expended vr ad�anced hy <br /> Lender to discharg� Trustor's obliga�ians or expenses ineurred by Trus�ee �r Lender to enforce Trusfiar's <br /> ob��gations under�his Deed of Trust,t�gether v►ri�h interest vn sueh amou:nts as provid�d in�h'rs Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Lender. Tne word "Lender" means Equitahfe Bank, E�s suecessors and assigns. The words "suc�essflrs or <br /> ass��ns" mean any persvn or company that acquires any inter.est in the Note. <br /> iVo�e. The word n No�e" means the promissory na�e dated Ma�7, 2�'�4, In th� orig�na� �ri���p�l �m�usr�t of <br /> $7�$����.�� from Trustor to Lenderr tflgether with a[[ renewals of, ex�ensions of, rnodi-�ica�ions o�, <br /> r���nancings of, consol�dat�ons ❑�, and subst��utivns for �he prornissory no�e or agreemerit. The maturity date o� <br /> this Deed o��rus�is Apr�� �8, 2�'f a. <br /> Persana� Prvper#y. The words '�Persona[ Property" rr�ean all equipmen�r fix�ures, and other ar�icIes of �ersona� <br /> property now or hereafter pwn�d by Trustvr, and nQw or hereafter attached �r a��i�ed to the Rea! Prvperty;. <br /> tage�her with ai� accessions, parts, and additions ta, a[I replacements �f, and a[[ substitu�ions for, any vf such <br /> property; and �ogeth�r with all proceeds {including inrithvut 1imi�at�on a[[ insurance proceeds and re-�unds o� <br /> premiums} �rom any sale or other disposition o�the Proper�y. � <br /> Property. The word "Property" means collecti�ely the R�ai Prvperty and�he P��-sonal Property: <br /> �ieal Property. The v�rords "Real Proper�y'� mean th� real property, in�erests and rights, as fur�her described in this <br /> Deed o�Trus�. <br /> ReIated Documents. �he v►rords "F�e[ated Documents'� r�rcean a[[ promissor� notes, �redi�t agr�emer�ts� [oan <br /> agreemen�s, en�ironme�tal agreements, g�€ara��ies, secur��� agreerr�en�s, r�oa�tgages, deeds c�f �rust, security <br /> • d��ds, coliatera� rr�oa-��ages; and all vther instrumen�s9 agreerr��n�s and doc�€rrs�nts, tirvhe�her n��rv �r herea�er <br /> existing, executed in c�nnection with the lndeb�edness. <br /> Renfs. The word °'Rents" rr�eans a[! pres�n� a�d fu�ure ren�s, �eve�ues, encome; �ssues, royalt�es, prof��ts, and <br /> a�h�r b�nefits derived frvm the Proper-�y. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Equitahle Bank {Grand [sland Region�, whose address is �13-1�5 lV Locust <br /> St; PD gox 1��, �rand [sland, NE 588��-����and any suhstitu�e or successar t�us�ees. <br /> Trustvr. The word "Trus�or" m�ans Everet�11Vi�ey �11 a,nd Me(anie M W�fey. <br /> EA�H TRUST�R ACi�N�WLEDGES HAVINC READ ALL THE P�OVISIDNS �F THIS DEED �F TRUST, AN!] EACH <br /> TRUSTflR ACREES T�ITS T�F�N1;S��.-- .. .. ... .. .. <br /> � � <br /> `�RUS`f'�1�: . . � :. <br /> . � ,._. .� . ...,,.�,,. .w ._w....�.�,.... . . .. _ <br /> � � <br /> �ve�e�1lll��ey II <br /> 4 <br /> � � ��'-'� �.�� <br /> �ll elanje Wiley `� � <br />