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��14��513 <br /> DEE[] �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: ��1�75954 ��ont�nuedj . Page � <br /> attorney--in-fact are a part of this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Further Assurances, A� any�ime, and �ram �ime to time, upon request �f Lender� Trustor will make, �xecu�e and <br /> deli�er, or will cause ta be made, executed or deli�ered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requ�sted by <br /> Lender, cause t❑ be filed, recorded, refile�, or rere��rded, as the case may be, at such times and in su�h affices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such m�r�gages, deeds of trust, security deeds, securi#y <br /> agreements, financing statements, con�inua�i�n statements, instruments of �Fur�her assurance, certifica�es, and <br /> o�her da�uments as may, in �he sale opinion of Lender, he n�cessary ar d�sirable in ❑rder�o effe�tua�e, compl�fie, <br /> per��ct. �ontinue, or prsser�e �1} Trustor's o�ligati�ns under th� No��, �his Deed �f Trust, and �khe Related <br /> Documents, and ��} the liens and securit}�in�erests create�l �y this Deed of Trust on�he Property, v�rheth�r now <br /> �wned or hereafter acquired by Trustor. lJn�ess prahibited by law or Lender agrees to �he cvntrary in wri�ingr <br /> Trustor sha�[ reimburse Lender fior all �asts and expenses incurred in ��nn�ction wi�h the matt�rs referred to in this <br /> para�raph. <br /> Atrorney-in�Fact. lf Trustor�ai�s to d❑ any ❑f the �hings referred tv in th� preGed€ng paragraph. Lender may do sQ <br /> for and in th� name vf Trus�or and at Trustar's expense. Far such purposes. Trus'�o� hereby irre�acably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustor's a�torney-in-fa�t f�r the purpose of makin�� �xecuting, deliW�ring, filing, recordin�, and doing al! <br /> o�her �h�ngs as may be n�cessary or desirable, in Lend�r's svle opinion, �v accomp[ish the matters referred to in <br /> the precsding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RNlANCE. lfi Trust�r pays a11 the ln�eb�edness, including withaut �imitation al� future ad�ances� when due. <br /> and otherwise performs al� �he Q�ligations imposed up�n T�-ustor under this ❑eed vf Trust, Lender shall �xecute and <br /> �eli�er to Trustee a requesf for fufl re�on�eyance and shall �xecufie and deliver to Trustvr suitabl� statements of <br /> termina�ion of any finan�ing stat�ment vn fi[e evidencing Lender's s�curity interest in the Rents and the Personal <br /> Proper�y. Any recon��yanc�fee required by�aw shall be paid by T�-ustor, if p�rmit�ed by appli�able law. <br /> DEFAULT. At Lender's option,Trustvr wi�l b�in defau�t under this ❑e�d af Trust�f any of the�Follvwin� happen: <br /> Fraud or 1Vlaferia! iVlisrepresen�ation. Trus�or commits fraud vr material m�srepresentation in connectian with the <br /> terms�f�he Note. <br /> Payment Default. Trustor fai�s t� meet the repayment terms of the Note for any outstanding balance. <br /> Dther Defau�ts, Trustor's act or failure tv act ad�ersely a��fec�rs Lender's security interest in the Prop�rty, or any <br /> right of Lender's in such s�curity. <br /> Right tv�ure. If any defaul�, v�her than a default in payment is curabie and if Trustor has not been gi��n a notice <br /> ofi a breach of the same provisian af�his Deed of Trust wi�hin the preceding twel�e ���� mflnths. it may be �ured if <br /> Trustor, after Lender sends written notice to Trus�or d�manding cure of such default: {'l} cures�he default within <br /> ten {10y days; or {�} if the cure requires mvre than ten ���y days, imrnediately ini�iates steps which Lender cleems <br /> in Lend�r's sol�discretion to be suf�ici�nt to cure the default and�hereafter continues and c�mpletes all reasonable <br /> and necessary st�ps su�fficient to produce compliance as soon as reasonably practical. <br /> RICHTS AND REi1�E�lES �iV aEFAULT. If an E�ent af Default occurs under this Deed of Trust. at any�ime thereafter, <br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any one❑r mare of th�following rights and remedies: <br /> Acceleration Upon Defauit; Additional Remedies. I�any Even� of Default occurs as per the terms o#the Note <br /> s�cured hereby, Lender may dsclare a1l Indebtedness s�cured by this Dee� of Trust to b�due and payable and <br /> �he same shall thereup�n be�ome due and payable withou�t any presentrnent, demand, protest or n�tice❑fi any <br /> I�ind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> {a} Ei�her in persvn or by a�en�, with or withvu� bringing any actifln or praceeding, or by a receiver <br /> appointed by a court and without regard �a�he adequacy of i�s security, en��r upon and �ake possession <br /> of the Prvper�y, a� any part thereaf, in its awn name �r in�he name �f Trustee, and do any acts which it <br /> deems nec�ssary or desirable to preser�e the�alue, marke�tability or ren�abili�y of the Property, or part of <br /> �he Property or interest in the Prop�rty; increase the incame �from th� Praperty or prvtect th� securi�ty n�f <br /> th� Pr�per�y; and, wi�h or wi�hout �aking possession of th� Proper�y, sue for or otherwise cvllect the <br /> rents, issues and prafits ofi the Praperty, includin� thase pas� due and unpaid, and apply the sam�. less <br /> cas�s and expenses Qf�peratian and co�lection attvrn�ys' fees,to any indebt�dness secured by this Deed <br /> of Trust. a�l in such order as Lender may determine. The en�ering upon and �akin� poss�ssion of the <br /> Property, �he colleGtion o�F such rents, issues and profits. and the application ther��f shal! n�t cure or <br /> wai�e any defaul�or nvtice of default under this Deed of Trust ar in�alida�� any ac�done in response t� <br /> such d�faul�❑r pursuant to such notice vf defau�fi; and� no�withstanding�the canfiinuance in p�ss�ssion ot <br /> �he Property or the collectivn, receipt and applicat�on of rents� issues vr profi�s� Trustee ar Lender shall <br /> be en�i�led to exercise eWery right pra�ided for in iche Nate or the Related Documents or by iaw upon the <br /> nccurrence of�ny e�ent af de�ault, including the right t❑exer�ise the paw�r of sa1�; ' <br /> �by Commence an action to foreclose this Deed vf Trust as a mor#gage� appoint a r�cei�er or specifically <br /> enf�rce any of the co�enants herea�; and <br /> �c} Deli�er to Trustee a writ�en declaration of defau��t and demand for sa[e and a ►rvritten notice af defau�t <br /> and election t� Gause Trustor's interest in the Pr�perty to be sold, which notice Trustee shall �ause to be <br /> duly filed fiar record in the appr�pria'�e af��ces of the Coun�y in which the Proper�y is iacated; and <br />