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��14��513 <br /> f�EE�] �F T'F�LJ�T <br /> L�an 1Vo: 1�'1�75984 ����1$i�luedy Page 7 <br /> �d} 11Vith respect tv a�l or any par�of th� Pers�nai Prvp�rty, Lender shall haW� all the rights and rsmedies <br /> ofi a se�ured party under the Nebraska Un�farrn Cammerc�al Code. <br /> Forec�osure by Power of Sa[e. I�Lender elects to fore�los� by exercise of the Power a�Sale her�in cvntained, <br /> Lender shal! na�ify Trustee and shall depasit wi�h Trustee �his Deed af Trust and the No�e and suGh recei�ts <br /> and ��idence o�expenditures made and secure� by this Deed of Trust as Trustse may requir�. <br /> �ay Upon �e�eipt�f such notice from Lend�r, Trus�tee shall cause to �e r�corded, published and delivered <br /> tv Trustor such Notice af aefault and N���ce a� 5ale as �hen requ�r�d by law and by�his Deed v�Trust= <br /> Trustee shall, withoufi demand on Trustvr, aft�r such time as may then be required by law and a�ter <br /> r���rdation �f such Natics �� De�ault and after N��ice vf Sale having b��n given as �equired by law, sell <br /> the Property at the time and pla�e of sale �ixed by it in such Nvti�e af 5ale, ei�her as a whfll�, or in <br /> separa�e lots or parcels �r it�ms as Trustee shall d�em expedient, and �n such order as it may determine� <br /> at public auc�ian to the highest bid�er for cash in Iawful maney af the �ni�ed 5�ates payable at�he time <br /> o� sale, Trus�ee shall deliver to such purchaser or purchasers ther�of its �aod and suf#icient deed ❑r <br /> deeds ��n�eying the property so s�ld� but wi�hou� any coW�nant or warranfiy, expr�ss nr imp[ied. The <br /> re�itals in such deed �f any ma�ters or facts shall be conclusive proo� of the truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> persan, including without limita�ion Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sa1e. <br /> {b} As may be permitted by law, aft�r deducting all costs, #ees and exp�nses of Trustee and fl-F this <br /> Trust, including cos�s�f e�idence of�it1e in connec�ian with sa�e, Trustee shal! apply�he proceeds af sale <br /> �v payment of �i� all sums expended under the�erms o�F this Deed af Trust or under�he�erms of the Note <br /> not then repa�d, inc[uding but not limited ta accru�d in�erest and late charges, �ii} all oth�r sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iiiy th� remainder, if any,to the psrson or persons [�galiy entitled�hereto. <br /> {c� Trustee may in�he manner pr��ided by law postpon�sale of a�l ar any por�ian ofi the Property. <br /> Remedies Not Ex�IusiWe. Trustee and L�nder, and each �f �hem, shall be en�itled �❑ �n�nrce payment and <br /> perfiormance of any indeb�edness or obligations secur�d by this ❑eed ofi Trust and tv exercise al! rights and powers <br /> und�r this Deed of Trust. under �he Nate� under any of the Re�a�ed Documents, �r under any ather agreement or <br /> any laws now vr herea#ter in force, no�withstanding, same or all ofi such indebt�dness and obligations secured by <br /> #his Deed af Trust may now vr her�afiter he atherwise secur�d. uvhether �ay mortgage, deed vf trust, pledga, lien, <br /> assignment �r oth�rwise. N�i�ther the acceptance of �his Deed �� Trus� nar its enforcemenf, whe�her by court <br /> actian or pursuant tv the paw�r of sale �r ather pvwers con�ained in �h�s ❑eed af Trust, shal� pr�judi�e or in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lender's right fio rea�ize upon ar enforce any other se�uri�ty naw or h�reafter h�ld by <br /> Trustee ar Lender, it b�tng agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shall be entitled�ko�n�orce this Deed <br /> n� Trus� and any other securi�y n�w ar her�aft�r held by Lender or Trustee in such ord�r and manner as they ar <br /> �i�her of them may in their absalute discretion de�termine. N� remedy conferred upon or reserved ta Trustee or <br /> L�nder. is intended �o be exclusi�� af any vther remedy in this Deed o�F Trus��r by !aw pro�ided or permitted, bu� <br /> each shall be cumulat�ve and shall be in addi�ian �� e�ery o'�her remedy gi�en in this Deed af Trust or now vr <br /> h�reafter existing at�aw or in equity ar by statute. EWery pawer or remedy giWen by th� Note�r any o�the Relat�d <br /> ❑o�um�nts to Trustee ar Lender or to which �ither of �hem may be ❑�herwise entitled. may be exercised, <br /> cancurrently or independently, from �im� to time and as vften as may be �eemed expedient hy Trus�tee or L�nder� <br /> and either af �hem may pursue incansistent remedies. Nathing in �his �7eed ❑� Trust shal� foe cans�rued as <br /> prohibitin� Lender�rarn seeking a defiG��ncy judgment aga�ns�the Trustor to the ex�ent such acti�n is p�rmitted by <br /> la�rv. <br /> Election of Remedies. Al� of Lender's rights and remedies wili be cumuEati�e and may be e�ercised alone vr <br /> together. If Lender decides ta spend m�ney or to perform any of Trustvr's ohligations under this Deed a�Trust, <br /> after Trustor's �ailure ta do sa, that d�cisian by Lender wil! n�t aff�ct Lender's right tn dec�are Trustor in default <br /> and�o exercise Lender's remediss. <br /> Reques#far 1Vofiice. Trustor, an behalf o#Trustor and Lender, hereby r��uests that a capy of any Notice of ❑e�ault <br /> and a G�py of any Natice of Sale under this D�ed of T�ust �e mai�ed �o them at the addresses set forth in the �irs�k <br /> paragraph a��his Deed of Trust. <br /> Attarneys' Fees: Expenses. l� Lender insti�ut�s any suit or action �� en��rce any af �he terms af this aeed af <br /> Trus�, Lender shall be entitled ta recov�r such sum as the cvur� may adjudge reasonable as a�torneys' f��s at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhsther or no� any court acti�n is in��l�ed, and �o the extent n�t prohi�ited by law, al� <br /> reas�nab[e expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any �ime f�r �he pro�ection o� its <br /> interest or the en�Fvrcement af its rights sha�l become a part af�he lndehtedness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> interest at the Nvte rate�rom�he date of the expenditu�e until repaid. Expenses c�v�red by this paragraph include, <br /> wi�hvut limitation, howe��r subjec�to any iimz�s under applicable lawf Lender's attorneys' �e�s and Len�er's legal <br /> exp�nses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, includin� a��orneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy procee�ings <br /> {in�luding efforts�ta modi�y❑r�acate any aut�mafiic s�ay or injun�tion3, app�als. and any anticipated p�st--judgment <br /> cQllectian ser�ices, the cost af searching r�cords, vbtaining ti�fe reports {inc�uding foreclosure r�ports}, sur�eyars' <br /> r�p�rts, and appraisai fees, title insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, �ta the ext�nt permit�ed �y applicable law. <br /> Trustor also will pay any court costs, in add�tion fo all oth�r sums pr��ided by law. <br /> Righ�s of Trust�e. Trustee shall ha�e all af the righ�s and du�ies a�L�nder as se�forth in this sec�ion, <br /> PDVIIERS AND �BLI�ATIaNS DF TRUSTEE. The fallowing pravisions relating t❑�he pvwers and ab�igatians v�f Trus�ee <br />