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��14��513 <br /> DEE[� �F T�U ST <br /> Loan No: "����75984 ���r��inued� Pa�e 5 <br /> survive the ex�cu�ion and delivery of this D�ed v�Trust, shali be continuing in nature and shal� remain in full fi4rce <br /> and effect until such�ime as Trustor's lndebtedness is paid in fu�l. <br /> E�ISTING 1NDEBTEDIVESS. The f�llowing pro�isi�ns conc�rning Existing �ndeb�edness are a par�of this Deed v�Trust: <br /> Exis�ing Lien. The lien o� this Deed of Trust securing �hs �ndebtedness may be secondary and inferiar t� an <br /> existing lien, Trusto� expressly co�enants and agrees to pay, or s�s t� the paymsnt of, the Existin� Indebtedness <br /> and ta pr��ent any defaul�an such indeb�tedness� any defauI�under th� instruments e�ridencing such indeb�edness, <br /> or any ds�Fauit under any s�cur�ty documents for such inde�tedness. <br /> No IVlodi�icatian. Trus�or shal� not ent�r into any agreement with the hfllder v�F any mart�ag�, deed �f trust. or <br /> other security agreemen� which has pr�ori�ty o�er this Deed of Trust by which that agreement �s madi�i��, <br /> amendsd, ex�ended, or renewed without the pr�or written consent �� Lend�r. Trustor shall neither request nor <br /> a�cept any future advances under any su�h security agreement without the privr writ�ten cons�nt�f L�nder, <br /> CONDEMNATI�N. The fallawing prav�sions relating tv candemnation pro�ee�ings are a part af this Deed of Trust: <br /> Prviceedings, If any proceeding in con�emnation is filed, Trus�or shal[ pramptfy not�fy Lender in writin�, and <br /> Trustor shaEl promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the ac�ion and ❑btain the avuard. Trusfior <br /> may be the nominal party in such proceedin�, but Lender shall be enti�led to par#icipa�e in�he prviceedin� and to b� <br /> repr�sented in th� prviceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Trustflr will deli�er or cause �❑ be deli�ered �o <br /> Lender such �nstruments and docum�ntation as may he r�quested by Lender from tim� �o time to permit such <br /> participa�i�n. <br /> Applicatian of Ne# ProGeeds. �f all vr any part�f the Prop�rty is candemned by�minent damain proGeedings or by <br /> any proc�eding or purchase in I�eu o�cond�mnatfan. Lender may at its election require�hat all or any portivn of the <br /> ne� proce�ds of the award bs applied ta �he Indebt�dness or the repair ar res�oration a�f the Prnperty. The n�t <br /> proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of ali reasonabfe costs� expenses. and at�orneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in conn�ction wi�h the con�smnation. <br /> IMP�SIT1�31V �F TA�ES. FEES AND CH►�1RGES BY GC�VERN1111ENT'AL �4UT�10RITIES. The fol�awing pro�isi�ns re[ating <br /> to gavernmental�axes, fees and charges ar�a part o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Curren� l"ax�s. Fees and Chargese L1p�n request �y L�nder, `Trustor shal! exe�u�e such d�cuments in addition t� <br /> this Deed of Trust and ta�e whate��r❑ther action is requested by L�nder ta per�ect and cantinue Lender's lien on <br /> the Real Praperty. Trustor shall reimburse Lender f�r all �axes, as descrilaed belaw, together with all expenses <br /> incurred in recvrding, perfect�ng or continuing �his D�ed afi Trust. including without limitation all taxes, f��s, <br /> dvcumen�ary s�amps, and other charges for recarding or regisfiering�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Tax�s, The follow�ng shall constifut� taxes to which this sec�ion applies: ��} a speGific tax upon this �ype af <br /> Deed o� Trust or upon a11 or any part o� the Indebtedness secured by this D��d of Trust; �2} a specific tax on <br /> Trust�r which Trustor is authorized or required to deduct�rom paymen�s on the �ndebtedness secured by�his�ype <br /> of Deed of Trust; �3} a tax�n �his �ype of ❑eed �f Trust chargeabl� a�ainst the Lender ar the holder o�the Nvte; <br /> and {4� a specifEc tax vn ali or any partion ofi�he Indebtedness or on payments �f principal and in�eresfi ma�e hy <br /> Trus�or. � <br /> Subsequent Taxes. l�f any tax to whi�h this s�ct�on applies Es enacted subsequent to the date �f this aeed of <br /> Trust, this e�en� shall ha�e the same effec� as an E�ent �f �efault, and Lsnder may exercise any vr alf of its <br /> available remedi�s for an Event of Default as provided bel�w unless Trustor either {1� pays the tax befare it <br /> becomes ��linquent, or �2� contests the tax as provided abv�e in th�Taxes and Liens sec�ifln and deposits with <br /> Lender cash ar a sufficient corp�rate surety b�nd or other security satisfiactory fiv L�nder. <br /> �ECURITY AGREElti11ENT; F�NANCIiVG STATEMENTS. The folfowing prvWisions relat�ng #o this Deed of Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a par�t of�his Deed of Trus�: <br /> 5e�urity_Agreement. This instrument shall cvnstitute a Security Agreement ta the extent any �f ths Praperty <br /> �onsti�utes fixtur�s, and Lender shal� haWe a11 of th� rights flf a secured party under the �ni�orm Commercial ��d� <br /> as amended �rom time to time. <br /> Security Inter�st. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shall ta�e whate�er acti�n is requested by Lender �a perf�ct <br /> and continue Lender's s�curity int�res� in the Pers�nal Prnper�y. In addition ta recording this ❑eed af Trus�in the <br /> rea� praperty records, Lender may, at any �ime and wi�haut fiurther au�hvrization from Trustor, file execut�d <br /> cvunterparts, �opies or repro�uc�ivns vf �his Deed o�F Trust as a financing sta�em�nt. Trusfor shall re�mburse <br /> Lender for all expen�es incurred in perfecting ar �ontinuing this security interest. lJpon default, Trustor sha�l not <br /> remo�e, seWer or detach the Personal Property fram the Property. Upon d�fau�t, Trustor sha11 assembEe any <br /> Persvna� Property no� a�F�fixed �o the Property in a manner and at a plaGe reasvnably canvenien� to Trust�r and <br /> Lender and mak� it available to Lender within �hree �3y days after rec�ip�t of writ��n demand from Lender ta �he <br /> ext�nt perm�t�ed by applicable law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustar �debtary and Lender �secured party� fram which informa�ion <br /> concerning the security interest gran�ed by this �eed of Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uniform <br /> �vmmercial ��de� are as stat�d on�he first page�f this Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER AS�URANCES; ATT�RNEY�IN�FACT. The �allowing pro�isions rela�ing �a furth�r assurances and <br />