<br /> Any app�icatian of payments, insurance proceeds, or N�[�scellaneous Pro�eeds�o principa.� due under the Note
<br /> shall n�t extend�r p�s��one the due da�e, ar change�he amount, of the P�riod�c Paym.ents.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Item�. B�rrower sha��pay t� Lend�r on the day Per�odic Paymen�s are due under the
<br /> No��, until the No�e�s paid in fu�l, a sum��he "Funds"}�o pra��de f�r payment of amounts du�for: (a} tax�s
<br /> and assessmen�s and o�her i��ms v�h�ch can attain priar��y aver th�s Security Instrument as a lien ar
<br /> encumbrance�n the Proper�y; �b} leaseho�d payments or gr�und ren�s�n the Praper�y, if an�; �c}pr�miums
<br /> for any and al� �nsuranc�required by Lender under 5ec��fln S; and �d} Mflr�gage�nsurance premiums, �f any,
<br /> or an�r sums pa�rab��by Borrourer to Lender in l�eu of�he payment of Mor�gage�nsurance premiums�n
<br /> accordan�e v���h�he pro�xsions of Section l�. These i�ems are ca.��ed "Escrav� I�ems." A�arigination or a�
<br /> any t�nr�e dur�ng the term of�he I.�an, Lender may require�ha�Community As�ac�a�ion Dues, Fe�s, an.d
<br /> Assessmen�s, �f a�y, be escrowed by Borrou��r, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shall be an Escr�w
<br /> Itern. Borrov�rer shall promptly fixrn�sh�o Lender a��natices of amaunts to he paid under this �ect�on.
<br /> Borrower sha1�pa� Lender the Funds for Escrow ��ems un�ess Lender vvai�res Borr��ver's ob�igat��n ta pay
<br /> �he�unds far any or a�� Escrvw �tem�. I...ender may�ra�ve B�rrower'�ab�iga��on��pay t� I�nder Funds for
<br /> an�r ar all �scrow��en1s a�an�t�me. Any such wa�ver may only be in vvri�ing. �n��.e event of such v�a��rer,
<br /> Borrower shail pay d�rectly, vvhen and where payab�e, the am.ounts du�far any Es�raw Items for wh�ch
<br /> paymen��f Funds has been waived b�Lender and, �f Lend�r requ�r�s, �ha�� furnish to Lender rece�pts
<br /> evidenc�ng such paymen�with�n such��me per�od as L�nd�r may requxre. Borr�vver's ab��gation ta nzak�
<br /> suCh paymen�s and��provide receip�s sha�I f�r all purposes�e deemed�o be a cov�nant and agre�ment
<br /> con�ained �n this Securi�y�n�trument, as�he phrase t'co�enan�and agreement" is us�d�n Sect�on 9. If
<br /> Borrow�r�s�b�igated ta pay Escrow ��em�d�r����y, pursuan��o a waiv�r, and B�rrawer fai�s ta pay�he
<br /> amoun�due f�r an�scrow ��em, Lender nlay exercise��s r�gh�s under S�c�ian 9 an�pa� such amount and
<br /> Borrower shall�h�n be ab��gated under Sect�on 9�o repa�r to L�nder any such am�unt. Lender may revoke
<br /> �he wai�rer as�o any or al� Escrow �tems at any tzm��y a nat�ce gx�en in accordance with Sect�on 15 and,
<br /> upan suc�revoca��on, Borrower shall pa�r to Lender a�l Funds, and�n such amaunts, that are then requ�re�
<br /> und�r�h�s S�ct�on 3.
<br /> Lender may, a�any�ime, colle��a�.d h�id Funds �n an amount�a} suff��ient to permit Lender ta app�y�he
<br /> Funds at the�ime speci��d under RESPA, and�b}not to ex�eed�he rnax�mum amount a�ender can require
<br /> under R.ESPA. Lender sha��est�mate the a�x�.aunt of Funds due on�he bas�s of current da�a and r�as�nable
<br /> �s��ma�es of expenditures of future Escrow��ems�r otherw�se in accordance with Applica�le Law.
<br /> The Funds sha11 be he�d in an ins�itu���n whose dep�sits are insured by a federal agency, ins�rumen�al�ty, or
<br /> en�ity��ncluding Lender, �f Lender is an�nsti�u�ion v�rhos�depas�ts are�o insured�or in any F�dera� �ame
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha�� apply the Funds�o pa�the Escrow Items na�ater than�he��me speci�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender s�all no��harge Borrower for ho�ding and applying�he Funds, annually ana��zing�h.e
<br /> es�raw ac�oun�, or�erify�zag the Escrov�r It�ms, un�ess Lender pays Barrawer interest on�he Funds and
<br /> Appli�able Lav�permi�s I�nder fo make such a charge. Un��ss an agreemen��s mad��n writ�ng ar
<br /> AppX�cab�e Lav�r requ�res int�res��o�e paid on the Funds, Lender shai�no��e requir�d to pay Barrower an�
<br /> in�eres�or earnings on the Funds. Borrovver and I.ender can agree in wri�ing, howev�r, tha�in�er�s�sha���e
<br /> paid vn the Funds. I,�ender sha�� gi�re to Barrower, vvithout charge, an annual ac�ount�ng�f�he Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds he�d xn escro�r, as defzned under RESPA, Lend�r shal� accoun��o Borrawer f�r
<br /> �he excess funds �n accordance with RESPA. If there�s a shor�age of Funds he�d in�scr�w, as de�ned under
<br /> RESFA, Lender sha��n���f�r Borrower as requ�r�d by RESPA, and Borrovver sha11 pay to L�nder�he am�unt
<br /> neGessary�o m.ake up�he shor�age in accordance with R�SPA, but�n no mare�han 1�m�onthiy paymen�s. �f
<br /> �here is a deficiency of Funds held in escr��, as d�fined under RESPA, Lender sha��notify Borrower as
<br /> NESRASKA-Single Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFaRM€NSTRUM�NT Fvrm 342$1101
<br /> VMP[� VMP6{NEf(13Q�}
<br /> WoIters Kluwer Fir�anciaf 5er�ices Page 5❑f 17
<br />