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��14��777 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrav�er shall pa�to Lender the a�maunt necessary t�ma�e up �he defic�enc� in <br /> accordance wi�h R�SPA, �ut in no more than 1�manth�y paym�n�s. <br /> Upon payment in ful��f a�� sums se�ured by �his S�cur�ty��astrumen�, Lender shal�pr�mptiy refunc�to <br /> Borra�v�r any Funds he�d by Len�er, <br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Borrower shall pay al�ta�es, asses�ments, charges, fznes, and �mp�sxt�ons at�ributab�e to <br /> the Pr�per�y which can a��ain priority�v�r this S�curity�n��rument, �ea��ho�d payments or ground ren�s on <br /> the Proper�y, if any, and C�mmunity Associa�i�n Dues, Fees, and Assessn�ents, �f an�r. To the e�ten��hat <br /> these items are Es�row �tems, Bflrrower sha11 pa�them in the manner pro�ided�n Sect�on 3. <br /> Barrower shai�promptly di��harge any�ien which has priflrity a�er this Secur��y �nstrum�n�unles� <br /> Barr�wer: �a} agrees in wri�ing ta�h�payment of the obliga�ian s�cured by�he lien�n a manner acceptah�e <br /> t� L�nder, but�nly sa l�ng as Borrflw�r�s perforrn�ng such agreement; �b}c�nt�s�s the�ien in g�od faz�h by, <br /> or d�f�nds agazns�enforcement�f the l�en in, �ega�prac��d�ng�whzch in Lender's opinion aperate t�pre�en� <br /> the�nforc�ment�f the Iien wh�le thase proc�ed�ngs ar�pend�ng, bu�nnly un�il such praceed�ngs ar� <br /> conc�uded; ar�c� secures from the ho�der of the lie�an agreem.ent sa��sfactary ta Lender suhord�nat�ng the <br /> ���n�o this Security�nstrument. If Lender de�ermines tha�any par�af th�Prnper�y �s sub�ect t� a��en which <br /> can a��axn pri�ri��r oWer th�s S�cur�ty Ins�rumen�, Lend�r may give Borra�er a no���e�dent�fy�ng�he�ien. <br /> Wi�h�n ��days of the date on which tha�n�tice is given, Barrovver shall satisf�r the��en�r take one�r more <br /> �f the actxons ���forth above�n�his Section 4, <br /> L�nd�r may require Borrawer�o pay a one-t�me�harge far a real estate tax Werifi�at�on andlar report��g <br /> service used b�r Lend�r in connec�ion v��th th�s Laari. <br /> 5. Pr�perty �nsu�ran��. Bflrr�vv�r shall k�ep�he�mpra�ements na� exzs�ing or hereaft�r erected on the <br /> Proper�y �nsured against�oss b�fire, hazard� inc�uded w�th�n the t�rm "extended ca�verage," and any�ther <br /> hazards zncluding, but na���mited to, earthqua.��s and floads, for which Lender requ�res �nsuranc�. This <br /> insuranc�shall�e maintained in the amounts ��nciu�ing dedu�tible 1����s} and far th�peri�ds that Lend�r <br /> requires. V�hat Lender requires pursuant to th��receding s�ntences �an char�ge during the term of th�L�an. <br /> The�nsurance carr�er pro��ding th�insurance sha��be ch��en by B�rrow�r subject�a Lender's rzght t� <br /> d�sapprov�B�rrow�r's�hoice, which r�ght sha��no�be e�.er�ised unreasonably. Lender may require <br /> Borrawer�a pay, in connect�on�vith this Loan, ei�her: �a} a one-��ime charge far f�oad zane de�ermina�ion, <br /> �ert�f�cat��n and tracking serv��es; flr�b} a one-time charge for flood z�ne determina�ion and cert�fication <br /> servic�s and su�se�u�nt charges each t�me remappz�gs or sim�lar changes occur which r�as�na��y rnight <br /> affec�suCh d�terminat�on�r certificati�n. Barr�wer sha�� a�so be responsz��e for the payment of any fees <br /> �mposed by the Federa� �m.ergency Mariag�m�n�Agency �n cannec��an w�th�he rev�ew of any flood zan� <br /> de�erm�na�xon resulting from an objec�xon by Borrower. <br /> If Borrow�r fa��s ta maintain any Qf the�ov�rages described above, Lender may abtain insurar�ce co�verage, <br /> at Lender's op�i�n and B�rrow�r's expense. Lender is under no obl�gation to purchase any par�icu�ar type�r <br /> amnun�af ca��rage. Theref�re, such c��erage sha��c��er Lender, bu�m�ght or might no�pr�tec�Borro�ver, <br /> Borr�wer's equ��y in�h�Property, ar the c�nt�n�s of the Prop�r�y, agaznst any r�sk, ha.zard or�zab�li��and <br /> m�ght pr�vid�greater or��ss�r���erage than was prev�ous�y �n effect. Borrower ackn�w�edges�ha��h�c�st <br /> of the�nsurance coverage s��b�a���d might significan��y exceed the cos�af�nsurance that B�rrow�r couid <br /> have ob�a�ned. Any amounts d�sburs�d b� Lend�r under th�s Section 5 sha��became add��zonal debt of <br /> Borrow�r secured b�th�s Secur��y�nstrument. Th�s�amoun�s shall bear interest at th�N�te rate from th� <br /> da�e of d�sbursement and sha��be payabl�, with such interest, upon notice fron�Lend�r to Borr�wer <br /> request�ng pa�m�n�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNi��RM tNSTRUMENT Fvrm 3D28 i IDi <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NEf(13��} <br /> Wolters Kiuw�r�inancial 5er�ices Page 5 af 17 <br />