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��14��755 <br /> Inspec#�an. Lender or its agen� may make reasonable en�r�es upon and inspect�ons af the Prope�-�y. Lender sha�I <br /> give Borrour�r notice at�he���ne�f or pr�ar�o an znspec��on spec�fy�ng reas�nable cause for�he�nspectzon. <br /> �andemna�ion. The praceeds of any aWard or�la�rn f�r damages, direc�or�ansequentia�, �.n�onnect�an��th an <br /> Y <br /> condemnatian or other tak�ng of. any part�f�he Property, �r for conveyance in 1��u of cQndemnatifln, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha��be pa�d to Lender. <br /> In �he e�ent of a���a� ta�ing �f�he Property, �he proceeds sha�l be appI�ed to �he sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen�, vvhether ar n�t �hen due, w�th any excess paid �� Borrov�er. In �he eventi of a par��a� �a�ing �f the <br /> Property �n �vh�ch �he fa�r market �a�ue �f�he ProperCy �mmedia��ly hefore �he �akxng xs equa� �� or greater�han <br /> the amount of the sums s��ured by �his Security �nst�-ument immed�ate�y before the �a��ng, un�ess Borrav�er and <br /> Lender��he�-v��se agree rn writing,the sums se�ured by this Security�ns�rumen�sha�i be redu�ed by the amounti of <br /> �he proceeds multip�ied�y�he fo�Io�cring fraction: �a}�he to�a�amaun�of�he surns se�ured�mmr.�diate�y before the <br /> �aking, div�ded by �b� the faur marke� �a�ue vf�he Praperty immediate�y befare the �ak�ng. Any balance shal� be <br /> paid to Bflrr��ver. In �h� even� of a part�al;tak�.ng of�he Pr�perty �n wh�ch �he fair marke� va�ue �f the Proper�y <br /> immediate�y before �he �ak�ng is �ess �han�he am�un� af�h� sums secured immed�ate�y befvre the �ak�ng, un�ess <br /> B�rrower and Lender a�her��se agree �n wrx��ng�r un�ess Appli�ab�e Lavv o�her�v�se prav�des, the prace�ds sha�I <br /> be applied�o the sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rurnen�u�he�her ar na�the sums are then due. <br /> If�he Property is abandoned by F3orrawer, or�f, after not�ce by Lender�o Borrower tha��he Gflndemnar affers ta <br /> make an award or�ettle a c�aim far damages, Borrovver fa�ls to respond�fl Lender v���hin the�n�nimum�number af <br /> days estab��shed by App�icable Lav�after the date�he no�i�e �s gi�en, Lender is auth�r�zed to col�e��and apply�he <br /> pr�c��ds, a� ��s �p�ion, e��her tio r�storatian flr r�pair �f the Praperty ar tifl the sums secured hy �his S�curity <br /> Ins�rument,whe�her or not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrovver o�herw�se agree in�vr�ting, ar�y app�ica��an vf praceeds�a r�nc� a� shal� n��ex��r�d <br /> P P <br /> or postpone the due da�e of�he pay�nents due under the Cnn�ract or change the arnoun�of su�h paymen�s. <br /> Borr�wer No� Released; Fvr�earance �y Lender Not a �Va�ver. Ex�ens�an �f the ��me for payment or <br /> madif ca��on af amor��za�ion flf�he sums secured by�his Securi�y �nstrumen� �ranted by Lender�o B�rrovver ar <br /> any successar xn �nterest of Bflrrower sha1� not operate to re�ease �he liab��ity af th� or�g�na� Barr�wer ar <br /> Borrflw�r's suc�ess�rs �n interes�. Lender sha�l no�be requ�red�o c�mmence proceed�ngs agains�any successor in <br /> znteres�or refuse�n e��end txme for paymen�or o�herw�se mad�fy amor�izativn of the sums se�ured by�his Security <br /> �nstrument by reas�n of any dernand made by the origina� Borrovver or Borrovver's successflrs in xntere��. Any <br /> f�rbearance by Lender xn exer�is�ng any r�ght or remedy sha�l nflt be a wa�ver �f ar preclude �he exer��se a�any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Succe��ors and A�signs BaUnd; J��n� and Se�era� Liab���ty; Accammodatian ��gner�. The covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Se�ur�ty Instrume��sha��bi.nd and benef�t the successnrs and assigns of Lender and B�rrower, <br /> subaec� to the pro��s�ans of se�tion ti�Ied Transfer of �he Prvperty ar a Benef�cia� �nterest in Borrower. <br /> Borrower's Ga�emants and agreemen�s shall be ja�n�and severa�. Any person who ca-signs�his Security.�nstrument <br /> but has n� personal 1�ab�ii�y under the �ontrac� �"Accommoda�ion Signer"�: �a� �s co-signing th�s Security <br /> �nstrumen� on�y �o mor�gag�, gran� and convey tha� Accommada�i�n Signer's in�eres� �n the Property under �he <br /> terms �f the Security �ns�rumen�; �b� �s not p�rsana��y obl�gated to pay �he sums secured �y this Security <br /> �ns�rumen�; and��}agrees�hat Lender and any�ther Borrovver may agree�o ext�nd, m�od�fy, farbear or make any - <br /> accommoda�ions w��h regard to�he�errns�f th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�or�he C�n�rac�vv��hout tha�1�ccomrnodation <br /> Signer's�onsen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he �aan se�ured by this Security Instrument is subje�t to a lav�r whxch se�s maximum Iaan <br /> charges, and�hat �avv �s fnally�n�erpre�ed sa�ha��h� �nteres��r��her loan charges col�,ec�ed�r to be cai�ected in <br /> �annect�on with the �oan exceed �he permitted �imx�s, �hen: �a� any such �aan charge sha�� be redu�ed by the <br /> amount necessary ta reduce �he charge �o the perm���ed �imY�s and �b� any sums already coi�ected fr�m Borrovver <br /> vvhich e�ceeded perm�tted �imi�s v�i�1 be refunded �o Bflrrovver. Lender may choose ta make this ref.utad by <br /> reducxng the pran�zpa� ovved under the �ontract nr by making a dire�t paymen�ta �orrower. If. a refund reduGes <br /> princxpa�,�h�reduc�i�n,wil�be�reated as a par��al prepayment under�h�Contrac�. <br /> Not��es. An€y nfltice t� Borrower provided for �n �his Se�ur�ty Instrum�n� sha�l be g��en by delYver�ng �� or by <br /> mai�ing��by f rs�class mai�u��ess Applicab�e Lav�requ�res use of another methad. The na�ice shail be d�rec�ed to <br /> �he Property Addr�ss ar any other address Borrower designates by nat�ce to Lender. Borrovwer agrees ta pra�ride <br /> Lender with BarrQv�er's most curren�maiX��ng address, as it may change fram��me-�o-txme. Any notiice to Lender <br /> sha�I be given by frst ciass mazl t�Lender's a.ddress stated herein or an�a�her address Lender des�gna�e�by no�ice <br /> to Borrower. Any notice prov�ded for�n th�s SeGur��y�ns�rument sha�l be deemed to ha�e been g��en to Borrower <br /> or Lender when g�v�p as pro��ded�n this paragraph. <br /> ; <br /> Govern�ng Law; Se�erab�Iit�.Th�s Securi�y Ins�rument sha�i be ga��rned by federal Iavv and�he�aws of the s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the e�en� that any pro��sran or c�ause of�h�s S�curity Instrumen� ar �he �ontrac� conf�icts vv�th <br /> Appl��a��e Lav�, such conflic� sha�i na� affec� other pro�is�flns of�his Security Instrument or�he ��ntra�t v�hich <br /> �an be g�v�n�ffect���hout�he canflict�ng pra�is�on. To this end the provis�ons af�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument and�he <br /> Con�rac�ar�d�clared t�be se�erable. � <br /> Barrawer's��py.Borrower shal�be gx�e�one c�py of th�s Secur��y�nstrument. = <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�c�a�Znterest in Borrawer. If a�l or any par�af�he PrQpex-ty or any�n�eres� <br /> �n it is sold or �ransferred �ar xf a b�nef�cia� in�erest in Barr�w�r is �o�d or transferred and Borr�v�er �s not a <br /> natura� person� wi�hou� Lender's pr�or vvr�tten cansent, Lender�rnay, at xts op�ion, require �mm�edia�e paymen� in <br /> �2ad4-2�I3 Campliance Systems,Inc.8EB3-32QE-24I3L2,a,E�.7I2 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Secur�ty Instrurnent DL2ti36 Page 3 vf 5.�lian�esystems.cvrn <br />