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��14��755 <br /> fu�l af a�l sums secured �y th�s Secur�ty �ns�rum�n�. H�v�ever, th�s a�p�ian s�all riot be exer�ised by Lender if <br /> e�er�ise is prohib��ed by federai�av�as�f�h�date af�his S��uri�.y Instrument. <br /> �f Lender e�erc�ses this op�ion, Lender shall gi�e Borrower na�ice flf a��e�eration. The n�tice sha�l provide a <br /> per�od of not �ess �han �he minimum number of days es�a�lished by App���a��e La�v from �he date �he noti�e is <br /> de�ivered �r mailed wi�hin which Borrov�er must pay a�i sums by �h1s Se�uri�y Ins�rumen�. If Borrflwer <br /> fa�ls to pay �hese sun�s priar ta �he e�pirat�o�� of this period, Lend�r may �nv�ke any remedies permit�ed by thzs <br /> Securi�r�nstrumen�with�u�fur�her no�ice��demand on Borr��ver. � <br /> Barrower's Right t� I�einstatie. �f Borrower m�ets cer�ain �ondi�ions, Borro�ver sha�l have �he right to have <br /> enf�rcement of this S��urity Instrument discontinued a�any��me pr�or�o the earlier of: �a} 5 days �ar such o�her <br /> per�ad as App�i�abie Law may spe��fy for reins�at�m�nt�bef�re sa��of°�h�Pr�per�y pursua�t�o any power of sale <br /> c�n�ained in this Security �nstru�ment; or �b� en�ry �f a �udgment enforc�n� �hrs 5ecuri�y Ins�rument. Those <br /> cvndi-tions are �hat Barr�wer: �a} pays Lender all sums wh�ch then would be due under�his Security Instrument <br /> and�he�ontrac�as if no a�celerativn had�ccurred;�b}�ures a��d�fau��of�ny ather covenan�s or agree�ments;(�} <br /> pays ali expenses incurred in�nforc�ng th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�, in��uc��ng,but no��im�ted to,reasor�able at��rneys' <br /> fees t��he extent perm�t�ed b�y law; and�d�takes su�h action as Lender may reasana�ly�equire�a assure tha�the <br /> lien of�h�s Se�urity�nstrument, I�ender's rights in t�e Prapert�y and B�rro��r's obl�ga�i�n t�pay the sums secured <br /> �y this Security Instrumen� shall �on��nue �nchanged. Upon re�nsta�en�ent b� Bor�-ov�er, this Security �ns�rumen� <br /> and the abliga�ions secured hereby sha�� rema�n fully effective as �f no a��elera���n had occurred. Hov�e�er, �his <br /> r�g�t�a re�ns�a�e sha1�nat apply in the cas�of acc��era��on un�er the section�itled Transfer vf the Prnper�y or a <br /> Ser�ef�c�al Interest in B�rrawer. <br /> Ha�ardaus�ubstances.Borrov�er sha��n�t�ause or permit the presence,use, C�15�?�5�.�, s�arage, or re�ease of any <br /> �azardous Su�bs�ances�n or�n�he Praperty.Borr�wer shall not da,nor�allo�v anyone e�se t�do,anything affecting <br /> �he Prop�rfiy �hat is �n vio�ation of an� En�iranrr�ental Law. The precedin� two sen�en��s shall nat app�y�a the <br /> presen�e,use,�r s�orage on�he Pr�perty tif sma�l quan�Y�i�s of Ha�ardous S�bstanc�s tha�are general�y recogr��zed <br /> �o be appropria�e�a norma�residential uses and to rnaintenance of�h�P'r�p�rty. <br /> Bonrower shal�promp�Iy gi�e L�nder wr�t�en no�i�e flf any�n�es�iga�i�n,claim, demand,lawsui�or flther act�on by <br /> any ga�vernmen�a� or regu�at�ry agency or pri�ate par�y involving th�'Pr�per� and any Hazard�us Substance or <br /> En��ronmenta� Law of which Borrower has actual knov�ledge. �f B��rov�rer learns, or is notified by any <br /> go�ernmenta�or regu]a��ry authority,that any removal�r o�her re�media�ion of any Hazardous Substance affec�ing <br /> �he Pr�per�y is necessary, Borr�wer shall pror�ptly �ake all necessar� remed�a� ac�ions �n accardan�e v�ith <br /> Envirflnmentai Lavv. <br /> ; <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�a2ardous Subs�ances" are those substances c�ef ned as toxic or ha�ardous subs�ances <br /> by En�irflnn-�enta� Lavv and the fo�Iawing substances: gasolxne, kerosene, ather flam.mable ar �ox�� petr�leum <br /> praducts, �o�ic pesti�ides and herbicides, ���ati�e salven�s, ma�eria7s con�aining asbes��s �r �'��ma�dehyde, a�d <br /> radioactive�nateria�s.As used in this paragraph, '�Env�ronnaental La�"�neans federal laws and la�rs of the state of <br /> Ne�raska�hat re�ate�o heal�h,safet�r or en�xranmentai protecti�n. <br /> Acceleratio�; Remedi�s. L�nder shall gi�e nntice tn Borr�wer pri�r° �o acceleration fa�low�ng Borrower's <br /> br�a�h of any�a�venant or agreement�n�his S�cur�ty Ins�rurnent or�h�Contract under vvhich acc�lera�ivn <br /> is permitted ��ut nat pr�vr�o ac�el�rativn under the section ti�ied Transfer vf the Praperty or a 13en�fcial <br /> Interest in Sorrn�ver, unless Appl�cabi� Law prn��des ❑th�rvvise). Th� n�tice shal� specify: (a} the c�efau�t; <br /> �b} the action requ�r�d to cur� the defau��; (c} a date, na� les� t�an th� min�mum �numbe�- vf days <br /> est�blished by App�icab�e Lavv fr�m the date the notice�s g��en to Borrawer, by which the defau�f rnust be <br /> cured; and �d} �ha� fa�iure to cure �he default an ❑r l�ef�re th� da�� spec��ed in the notice may resu�t in � <br /> ac�e�era��on of �he sums se�ur�d by t�is Se�urity Instr�mei�� and �ale of the Propertg�. Tn the extent <br /> permit�ed �y law, th� no�ic��hali furth�r inform Borrow�r of�he right to r�insta�� after accelerat�on and <br /> the right tv�ring a �ourt action t�assert the n�r�-existence❑f�defaul�vr any a�her defense of B�rrower to <br /> ac�e�eration and sa�e. If#he defau�t is n�vt cur�d on or before �he dat�specifi�d in �he n��ice,Lender at its <br /> option may requir� ir�mediate paymen� in fu�� of al� sums s��ured hy this Secur°ity Instrument withou� <br /> further derr�and and may invak� the p�wer �f sal� and a�y other remed�es permitted by Appli�able Law. <br /> Tu the exte�t perm�tted �y la�v, Lender sha�l be ent�txed #n c���ect ��� �xpe�se5 ��curred in pursuing the <br /> remedies pr��ided �n th�s Sec�iony includ�ng, but n�� limit�d t�, rea5or�able att�rne�s' fees and c�sts vf title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If�he power of�ale is in�oked,Trus��e shal� record a not��e o�default in each coun�y in which an� part of <br /> t��I'ra�erty�s Io���ed and shall mail cflpies of 5uch notic� in the mar�ner prescribed b�Applicable Law to <br /> l3nrrower and to �he other persons prescribed by App��cah�e Lavv. .�fter the t�me required by Applicable <br /> Law, Trust�e sha�i gi�e pub�ic nntice of sale �o th� pers�ns arnd �n the ma�ner prescribed by App�icable <br /> Law. Trus�ee,withou�d�m�and on Barrow�r, shall sell the Property a� pub�ic auc�i�n to the highes� bidder <br /> at�he��me and place and und�r the��rms designated �n�he notice of sal�in one¢r�nore parce�s and in any <br /> arder TruSt�Q determine�. Trustee may pos�pone sale �f all or ar�� parc�� of �he Praperty by puhlic <br /> an�oun�em�nt a�the t�me�nd pla�e af any prev�aus�y schQduled sale.L�nder or i�s designee may purchas� <br /> the Property at any sa�e. <br /> �pon rece�pt of pavment of�he price bid, T�us�ee shall deli�er �o thQ purchaser Trustee's deec� con�e�ing <br /> the Praperty. The reci�a�s in the Trustee's deed sha�l be pr�ma fac�e e��dence�f the truth of the statements <br /> made therein. Truste� shall apply the prviceeds o� �he �ale in the f��l�wing order: �a� to ali casts and <br /> expen�es of exercising th� power vf sale, and the sale, includin�the paymen� of�h� Trustee's f��s actual�y <br /> C�2044-2�13 Camplianc�System�,�nc.SEB3-32DE-2�13L2.�.E1.712 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2D35 Page 4 of 5 wws�.campliar� <br />