<br /> A l�cabl� Law. As used in �his Se�urity �nstrument, the �erm "Applicable Law" shal� mean a11 �ontrol��ng
<br /> pp
<br /> app�icable federal, state and lacal statu�es, regula�i�ns, ord�nances a�d administra���e ru�es and �rders �that ha�e
<br /> the effect af�av�)as we�1 as alI appl�cable f�na�,n�n--appealable�ud�c�a�;op7r�xons.
<br /> Charges; L��ns. �orrower shall pay a�1 ta�es, assess�nents, charges, f�nes and imp�si��ons at�ributab�e to the
<br /> Praper�y whi�h may atta�n priority ��er�h�s Secur��y Instrumen�, and leasehald payments �r gr�und rents, if any.
<br /> A�the request af Lender,B�rro�ver shall promp�ly furnish�fl L�nder receip�s e�idencing the�aymen�s.
<br /> Borrower sha1� promp��y discharge any lien which has priar�ty o�er this �ecurity Ins�run��n�unless B�rrov�er: �a�
<br /> agr�es in �ri�ing �o the payment �f the ob�igation se�ured by �he Iien �n a ma�ner a�ceptable �o Lender; �b�
<br /> cflntests �n good fa�th the �ien by, or defends against enforcemen� of�he Iien �n, Iega1 proCeedings wh�ch in �he
<br /> Lender's opin�on opera�e �� preven� the enforcemen� �f. the �ien; or (c} secures fram the holder �f the li�n an
<br /> agr�emen�sa�isfactory�a Lender subord�na�ing the �ien t�th�s Secur�ty�nstrument. �f Lender de�erm�nes tha� any
<br /> :
<br /> part af the Property is subjec��� a lien wh��h�nay a�tain pr�ori�y �ver�1�his Securi� �nstrument, Lender ma� give
<br /> Borrower a no�ice �den�ifying the 1�en. Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar�ake one or more of the acti�ns set farth
<br /> above with�n �4 da�s of�he g��ing�f notice. � ,
<br /> Hazard ❑r Property In�uranc�. Borrower sha�l keep the improvemerits n��r exis��ng o1 hereafter erec�ed on the
<br /> Proper�y insured against loss b�f�re,hazards�n�luded v�i�hin the�erm"e�t�nded�o�erag�" and any other hazards,
<br /> �nc�uding fl�ads �r flooding, f�r v�hich Lender requires insuran�e. Thxs �nsuran�e shall be ma�ntained �n �he
<br /> am�unts and for the per�ods t�a�Lender requires.The insurance carrier providing�he�nsu.rance shal�be chasen b�
<br /> Borrower subjec� �� Lender's approval wh�ch shal� nQ� be unreas�nably v���hheld. �f Bflrr�wer fails to mainta�n
<br /> coverage des�ribed abo�e, L�nder may, at Lender's apt�on, ob�a�n co�rerage t� pro�ec� Lender's rights �n the
<br /> Pr�perty�n a�cardance v�i�h sec��on�it�ed Pr�tec�ion af Lend�r's l2ight�in the Property.
<br /> A�1 �msurance pai�cies and renewals sha11 �e acceptable ta .Lender and shall include a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha1�have the r�ght to hold the polici�s and renev�a�s. �f Lender r�quires, Borrawer shal�prompt�y g��e to
<br /> Len�er aXl rece�p�s of pa�d premiums and rene�vai nat�ces. In the event��l�ss, Borrower shall g�ve pr�mp�t notice
<br /> �o�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may r�ake proaf�f��ss�f na�rmade promptly by B�rrovv�r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower �therwise agree in wri��ng, insurance proceeds sha�l be app�ied to restoration or
<br /> r�pair �f�he Property damaged, if, in Lender's s�le d�screti�n, the res��rat�on or repair is economically feasible
<br /> and L�nder's se�urity �s n�t �ess�ned. �f, �n Lender's so�e discre�i�n, the restara��on or r�pair is no� economi�a�ly
<br /> feasi�le ar Lender's securi�y vvould be lesseried,the�nsuran�e proceeds sha�l be app�ied�o the sums secured by�hxs
<br /> Securit� Ins�rument,.wh�ther �r not �hen due, with an� excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandans the
<br /> Praper�,or does not ansv�r�r w�thin�he number of days prescr�b�d by Appl�cable La�as se�for�h in a nat��e frarn
<br /> Lender�o B�rrower�ha�the insurance carrier has �ffered to settle a cl�.im,then Lender may coX��c�the insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use the proceeds t� repair or restore the Proper�y �r ta pay sums secured by this Secur�ty
<br /> Instrumen�,whether�r nat then due.The period�f t�me for Borrovver�o ans�ve�as se�forth�n�he�a��ce�vill be�in
<br /> when the notice is g��en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrov�er Q�h�r�v�ise agree in writ�ng, any applica��on vf proceeds�o principal shal�n�t e�tend
<br /> or postpone the due date of�he paymen�s due under the �ontrac�or change the amaunt of the pa�ments. �f under
<br /> the sectian����ed Acce��ratinn; Remedies, �he Pr�perty is acquired by Lender, B�rrawer's right t� any insurance
<br /> po��C�es and pro�eeds resu�ting frnm damage to �he Property pr��r to �he acqu�s��ion shall pass ta L�nder ta the
<br /> extent of�he sums secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�in�media�ely pr�or ta the acqu�s��ion.
<br /> Pr�ser�ation, Maintenan�e and Protection �f the Pr�perty; Borr�wer's Loan .�pp�ica�i�n; I.easeho�ds.
<br /> Borrower shall not destr�y, damage o�impair the Proper�y, a11ov��he Proper�y t�de�eri�rate, �r commit was�e on
<br /> the Froper�y. Borrower s�all be in defau�t if an�forfe�t�re action or praceeding,whe�h�r ci�i�or cr�minal, �s begun
<br /> tha� in Lender's go�d faith j udgm.ent �ould resul� in f�rfei�ur� of the Proper�y ar ather�rise materia�ly �mpair�he
<br /> �ien �reat�d �by �his Secur��y �ns�rument �r L�nder's secur�ty �n�er�s�. Borrovver ma� cure such a defaul� and
<br /> re�nstate, as pro�id�d in sectian tit�ed Borr�wer's Right ta Re�n�tate, �by causing the aCtian flr proceeding��b�
<br /> dism�ssed v��th a ruling�ha�, in Lender's g��d fai�h determina�ion,p�-ec�udes forfeiture of the Ba�rawer's interest in
<br /> �he Proper�y ar other ma�erial im.pairmen� of the �ien created by thxs �ecur�ty Instru�ent or Lender's security
<br /> in��rest.��rr�wer sha11 als�be in default if Borrov�rer,during�he��an app�ication process,ga�re mater�a�ly fa�se or
<br /> �naccurat� infflrmatifln or statements to Lender �ar fai�ed �� p��vide Lender wi�h any ma�erial informa�ion� in
<br /> connection wi�h�he loan evidenced�by the ��n�rac�. If th�s Se�uri�y �nstrument is an a�easeho�d, Barrower shall
<br /> comp�y with all the pravisions af the�ease. �f Borrvwer acqu�res fee ti�Ie to�he Property,the leaseho�d and the f�e
<br /> t�t��shal�not merge unless Lender agrees t�the merger in wr���ng.
<br /> Prote�tinn �f Lender's Rights �n the Proper�y. �f Borro�ver fails �o perform the covenan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> contained in thxs Security Instrumen�, or�here is a Xega�proceeding that may signifcantly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Property �such as a praceeding in bankruptcy, proba�e, for conde�mna�ion or forfei�ure or to enforce lavvs ar
<br /> regu�a�i�ns}, then Lender may do and pay for wha�ewer is n�cessary t� pro�ect ��e �ralue �f the Pr�perty and
<br /> Le�der's rights in the Proper�y. Lend�r's ac�ions may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a lien wh�ch has priari�y
<br /> o��r th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�, appear�ng�n caurt,paying reasonab�e attarneys'fees and en��r�ng on�he Prope�-�y�o
<br /> make repairs.A�though Lender may�ake actian under this sect�on,Lend�r does nat ha�re�fl do so.
<br /> An.y amoun�s disbursed hy Lender under �his section sha�l becflm.e addit�flnal deb� of�3orrovsrer secured l�y �h�s
<br /> S��ur��y �nstrument. Unless �3arr�vver and Lender agree to �ther �erms of paymen�, these amounts shall bear
<br /> in�eres� from �he date nf dis�bursemen� a� the same rate ass�ssed on advances under �he �ontrac� and sha11 be
<br /> pa�able,with�nterest,upon n���ce from Lender to Borr�v�er reques��ng payment.
<br /> Q 20�4-2413 Corr�piiance Systems,Inc.8E83-320E-2013L2.D.Ei.712
<br /> Cansurner Real Estate-Security�nstrument DL2�3d Pa�;e�o�5 www.campliancesystezns.corn
<br />