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<br /> I�ome FederaZ Sa��ngs&Laan Assac�a��on of Home Federal Sa��ngs&I..loan Assacia�xon of
<br /> �rand Is�and �rand�s�and
<br /> 2Z1 S�uth Lacust Stre�t Z21 Sauth Locust Stre�t
<br /> �RAND ISLAND,NE 688�1 �RAND�SLAND,NE 688�1
<br /> �Space Above This Line Far Recording Da�a}.
<br /> L�AN QR�G�NAT�R NA,ME: Lisa Mayer
<br /> NMLS CaMPANY�DENTIF�ER: 44f443
<br /> NMLS�R�GINAT�R�DENT�F�ER: 494�f9
<br /> I���D ��' TR�JST
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Secur�ty �ns�rument"} is made �n April �4, ZU14. The grantors are CRA�G W
<br /> LINDSAY and PAMELA � LINDSAY, HUSBAND AND �YIFE, �h�se address is 4��3 NEVADA AVE,
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, Nebraska 588U3--1.UU4 �"Borrower"}. Borrovver �s nv� necessarily the same as �he Person or
<br /> Persons who s�gn �he Hvme Equi�y Line of Credit Agreemen�, dated Apr�� Z4, 2�14 �"Con�ra��"�. The
<br /> ob��gations Qf Borrowers vvho d�d not sign the �ontrac�are expla�ned further�n�he sectifln t��led Successars and
<br /> Ass�gns Bound; Ja�nt and Se�era� L�ab��i�y; A�cammodation Signers. The �rus�ee is Arend R. Baack,
<br /> At�arn�y whose address �s P.U. Box 79�, Grand �sland,�ebraska G8842 �"Trus�eeT'}. The benefi�iary is Home
<br /> �'e�eral �a�ings � ��an A��v��a�ion af�rand �s�and, v�hich is �rganized and ex�s�ing under the lativs of the
<br /> Un��ed S�a�es of Amer�ca and whase address is Z21 Sou�h Locust�Str�Qt, �ra�d Island, Nebraska �88�1
<br /> �"Lender"3. CRAI� VV L�NDSAY and PAMELA G LINDSAY have en�ered xn�n a�a�a�ract vvi�h Lender as of
<br /> April�4,2U14, und�r the terms of which Barrower m.ay, from�ime ta time, obtain advances not��exceed, a�any
<br /> ��me, a x�xMA��MU�VI PRIN�IPAL ;AN��3UNT �EX�LUDIN� PR�TE�TIVE AI3VANCES�'`�*'`� of
<br /> Twenty Thousand and 4411�0 D���ars �U.S. �Z�,00�.�0} �'{�redzt L�mz�"�. Any par�y interes�ed in �he details
<br /> rela�ed t�Lender's con�inuing�bl�gat��n t�make advances ta Barrower�s ad�ised�a consul�d�re��ly vsri�h Lender.
<br /> If n�t pa�d ear��er, �he sums t�wing under Borrflwer's Conxract vvith Lender w�l� be due on May l.5, ZU�9. This
<br /> Securi�.y Instrumen� se�wr�s to Lender: �a} �he repaymen�.�f�he de�� under the Cflntra�t, w�th �nterest, �nclud�ng
<br /> fu�ure advances, and ali renevWals,extens�ons and mod�f catY�ns af�he�on�rac�;�b��he pay�rnent of ali��her su�n.s,
<br /> with �nteres�, ad�anced�o pra�ect�he secur�ty of�his 5ecur��y�ns�rument under the prov�sxons of the sectian t���ed
<br /> Protec��on of Lender's�.ights in the Praperty;and�c}�he perfarmance of Borrovver's�vvenants and agreements
<br /> under th�s Security Ins�rume��and�he �antrac�. F�r this purpose, B�rro�ver, �n cans�dera�ion of�he deb� and�he
<br /> trus�here�n crea�ed, �rre�ocably grants and con��ys�o Trus�ee,in�rus�,vvith po�er of sa�e,�he folla�ving descr��ed
<br /> prnpert��aca�ed in the�UUNTY flf HALL, State�f Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 42U3 N�VADA AV�,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska fSS�3-1U�4
<br /> Legal Des�ription: LUT TH�RTY�THREE �33), IN �APITAL HEI�HTS SEV�NTH.
<br /> T�GETHER W�TH ali �he imprv�ements novv ar hereafter erec�ed �n the proper�y, and a�l easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and fxture� now ar hereafter a part af the praperty. A�X rep�acemen�s and addi��ons sha�� als� be
<br /> c��ered by th�s Security �ns�rument. A1� of the forego�ng is referred ta in �his� Security Instrum�nt as the
<br /> '�Praper�y."
<br /> B�RRUV�ER��VENANTS that Borr�wer is �av�fu��y seised of th� es�ate hereby con�eyed and has th� right�a
<br /> grant and convey the Property and that �he Praperty �s unencumbered, ���ept f.flr encumbrances of recard.
<br /> Borrower �arran�� and w�ll defend genera��y�h� ��tle ta �he Pr�perty aga�n�t ai� claims and demands, subjec�to
<br /> any encumbrances of recard.
<br /> Bflrrower and Lender covenant and agree as fol�ov�s:
<br /> Payment�f Pr�nCipa�an�i In�Qrest; t]ther�harg�s. B�rrower shal�prflmptly pay vvhen du�the pr�nc�pai of and
<br /> infieres�on the debt.o�ed under the Con�ract and late�harges or any a�her fees and charges due utader the Cantrac�.
<br /> C�Z4b4-2Q 13 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.8EB3 W3��E-2fl i 3L2.O.E�,712
<br /> C�nsumer Rea�Es#ate-Securi�y Instn�ment DLZQ35 Page l af 5 www.compliancesystems.corr�
<br />