. ��14���31
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<br /> Lvan N�: '�D��75348 ��ont[nued} Page �'
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in go�d fai�h beiie�es itself insecure.
<br />,_ Fx�s�ing lndebfiedness. The payment of any insfiaIlment❑t principal ❑�- any infieres�❑n the Existing �ndebtedness is
<br /> not made within the time �equired by the promissary nate e�idencing such indebtedness, ❑r a de�ault occurs under
<br /> �he instrument securing such indebtedness and is nofi cured during any appiicable grace per�od in such instrument,
<br />� or any suit ar❑�her actian �s cammenced to�oreclose any existing Iien ❑n�he Praperty.
<br />' Right t❑ �ure. I�any default, o�her�han a de�au�t in payment is curable and it Trustor has nafi I�een gi�en a no�ice '
<br />� a�a breach❑fi the same pro�ision o-��his Deed of Trus�within the preceding�wel�e {1�} man�hs, it may be cured i�
<br /> Trus�ar, a��er Lende� sends v+rrifiten no�ice t❑ Barrawer demanding cure ❑-� such de�aul�: ��} cures the de�aui�t
<br /> within fifrteen {�5} days; ❑r {2� if�he cure requires mvre than �ifteen �15} days, immediateIy initiafies steps which
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's sale discre�ion �o be suf�i�ient t❑ cure �he defaulfi and thereafter �on�inues and
<br /> �omple�es af� reasonable and necessary sfieps su��icien��o produce complianc� as soon as reas�nably practical.
<br /> RI�HTS AIVD REMEDIES �N �EFAULT, 1� an E�enfi a� De�ault a�curs under fih�s ❑eed ❑f Trus-�, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exe�cise any❑ne or more vf the�Fvllowing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acce�era�ivn �pan De�au�t; Additional Remedies. lf any E�en� o� Defaulfi occu�-s as per�he �erms ❑f the Nv�e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a�I Indebtedness secured by�h�s Deed ❑f Trust ta be due and payahle and
<br /> �he same shall thereupon become due and payable withaut any presen�ment, demand, p�o�es�❑r notice ❑f any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either �n person ❑r by agent, with ❑� wi�hout bringing any ac�ion or proceeding, ❑r by a r�ceiWer
<br /> appainted by a cou�� and without regard to the adequacy ❑�its securifiy, enter upon and �ake possession
<br /> at the Praper�y, ❑r any par�thereof, in i�s own name ❑r in�hg name of T'rustee, and d❑ any acts which ifi
<br /> deems necessary ar desirab��to prese��e the�alue, marke�abiIi�y ❑�-rentabilifiy ❑��he Praper�y, ❑� par�of
<br /> the Property or int�res� in�he Proper�y; increase the income from �khe Proper�y vr proteG�#he security ❑�
<br /> �he P�-aper�y; and, with �r without �aking possession o� �he Property, sue �or or o�herwise coI�ec� �khe
<br /> ren�s, issues and pro�i�s o��he Proper�y, in�Iuding �hose pas� due and unpaid, and appIy the same, less
<br /> casts and expenses af operation and cv�lecfiion afi�orneys',�ees,�o any indeb�edness secured by�his Deed
<br /> o� Trus�, all in such ❑rder as Lender may determine. The enfiering upvn and taking pvssession ❑fi �he
<br /> Property, �he �o�iecfiivn a� su�h rents, �SSLI�S and profi�s, and the appfica�ion �hereaf shall na� �ure ar
<br /> wai�e any defiaul� or no�ice of defau�t under�his Deed of Trus� ar in�al�dafie any act done in response �❑
<br /> such default a�-pursuan��ta such notice ❑-F de�fault; and, no�wi�hstanding�he continuance in possession of
<br /> the Praper�y ❑r�he caIIectivn, receip� and applica�ian o� ren�s, issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shail
<br /> be enfi�tIed t❑ exe�cise e�ery righ�provided for in the Nvte or the Related ❑ocuments or by law upon the
<br /> occurrence of any e�ent o�defaul�, inciuding the righ�ta exerc�se the pvv+ier af sale;
<br /> �b� Cammence an act�an�❑ foreclose this Deed ofi Trust as a mortga�e, appoint a receiWer or spec�-�ically
<br /> en�orce any vf�he co�enants hereo-�; and
<br /> . tc} Deli�er t❑Trusfiee a written declarafiian ❑f defauI�and demand far sa�e and a writ�en notice ❑�default
<br /> and elecfii�n ta cause Trustor's interes�in the Property fiv be sold, whi�h nafi�ce Trusfiee shaIl cause�o be
<br /> du�y filed far reGard in�he appropriate offices of the County in which the Proper�y is Io�ated; and
<br /> {d} VVifih resp�ct ta alI or any par�of�he Pers�na� P�vperty, Lender shall ha�e ajl the righfis and remedies
<br /> ❑f a secured par�y under the Nebraska lJnifo�rn Commercial Code.
<br /> Fvre�lvsure by Pvwer❑f 5ale. I�Lender elects fio fvreciose by exercise af�he Power o�Sale hersin cantained,
<br /> Lender shall n�tify Trustee and shal� depasit w�th T�ustee th�s ❑eed ❑f Trust and the Note and such receipts
<br />; , and eWidence ❑f expenditures made and secured by this Deed ❑�Trus�as Trus�tee may require.
<br /> E
<br /> {ay Upon receipt o�such nvti�e �ram Lender,Trustee shall cause�o be recorded, puhlished and delivered
<br /> fio Trust�r such No�iGe �� Defaul� and No�ice of Sale as then required by law and �y�his Deed of Trust.
<br />� Trustee sha[I, wi�hou� demand on Trusfior, after such time as may then be required by Iaw and after
<br /> i recardativn at suGh No�ice of Default and after Notice o� SaIe haWing been g��en as required by law, sel!
<br />�' the Proper�y at �he time and Qlace a� sale fixed by it in suGh No�i�e af 5a1e, ei�her as a whvle, vr in
<br /> separa�e la�s ar parcels ❑r items as Truste� shall deem expedienfi, and in such arde�-as it may de�ermine,
<br />� at pub�ic auct�on to �he highes� bidder�ar cash in lawful mvney ❑f the Uni�ed States payable a��he time
<br /> ❑f sale. Trus�ee shall de�i�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof i�s gaod and su�fficient deed or
<br />� deeds �on�eying the proper�y so sa1d, but wifihoufi any covenan� or warranfiy, exp�ess ar implied. The
<br /> re�ita�s in such deed ❑� any ma�ters ❑r fac�s sha�I be con�lusi�e proof o�the truthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> person, incIuding withou�limifia�ian Trustor,Trus�ee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> f �b} As may be p�rmitfied by law, after d�duc�ing aI� cos�s, fees and expenses ❑f Trustee and ❑f this
<br /> 1 Trus�, in�luding cos�s ofi e�iden�e of tit�e in connec�ian w�th sale, Trus�ee sha�� apply the proceeds v�sale
<br /> to payment o� {i} a�l sums expended under the fierms o��his De�d ❑f Trust ar under the terms ❑f#he No�e
<br />� no� �hen repaid, including but nat limi�ed t� accrued interesfi and Iate �harges, tii} all ofiher sums fihen
<br /> se�ured her�by, and �iii}�he remainder, i�any,tv�he persan o�persons Iega!!y entit�ed theret�.
<br /> �c� T�ustee may in the manner proWided by law pas�pone saIe ❑f all ❑r any por�kion a�f�he Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusi�e. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of �hem, shatl be enfi���ed to en�orce paymen� and
<br />