<br /> �]�EE� �F �'�1�5T
<br /> Loa� �v: '����7�34-8 ��01�$���e[�} Page �
<br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such ma��gages, deeds o��rust, securi�y deeds, securifiy
<br /> agreemen�s, financing statements, con��nuatian statemen�s, ins�rumen�s ❑f �u�ther assurance, cer�ifi�ates, and
<br /> o�her documents as may, in the svle opinion o-�Lender, be necessary ar desirahle in order�❑ ef�ectuate, cample�e,
<br /> perfec�, cantinue, or preser�e {1} Borrower's and Trustor's obligations under the Nate, �his Deed of Trus�, and
<br /> �he Rela�ed l�acuments, and ��� the Iiens and securi�y infierests created by�his Deed ❑�Trus� an the Property,
<br /> whe�her now awned ❑r hereaf�e�- a�quired by Trus�or. Unless prohibited by law �r Lender agrees�❑the cont�ary in
<br /> writing, Trustvr shaf� re�mburse Lender far aiI casts and expenses in�urred in cannect�vn wi�h�he matters re�erred
<br /> �v in�his paragraph.
<br /> Attorney�in�Fac�. �fi Trusfivr�aifs t� d❑ any o��he things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender- may do so
<br /> for and in fihe name of Trus�ar and at Trus�or`s expense. Fa� su�h purposes, T�-ust�r hereby ��re�ocahly appoin�s
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's�at�arney-in-�ac��for�he purpose ❑�making, �xecuting, delivering, �iIing, recarding, and doing all
<br /> other�hings as may be ne�essary or desi�-abie, in Lender's svle ❑pinian, t❑ ac�ompfish fihe matte�-s re�erred to in
<br /> �the p�receding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�FiMANCE. I�F Borrawer and Trusta�- pay aI� the lndebfiedness, including w�thout �tmi�atian all �uture
<br /> ad�an�es, when due, and Trustor❑the�-wise per�orms al�the ❑bjigations impased upon Trus�or under�his ❑eed of Trus�,
<br /> Lender shaI� execu�e and deii�er fiv Trustee a reques�t �or full recon�eyance and shall exe�u�e and deli�er t❑ Trustor
<br /> sui�able s�a�emen�s of termina�ion ❑f any financing sta-�ement ❑n �ile e�iden�ing Lende�`s security interest in the Ren�s
<br /> and �he Personal Property. Any recon�eyance �ee required �y law shal� be paid by Trustar-, if permi��ed by appli�able
<br /> law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each ❑f the fo�lowing, a� Lender's op�ion, shall consti�ute an E�ent af Default under fihis Deed
<br /> o�Trus�;
<br /> Paymen�Defau�t. gor�-ower fai�s t❑ make any paymen�when due under the lndeb�edness.
<br /> ❑�her Defaults. Barrawer ❑r Trustor �aiIs �a comply wi�h or tv perfarm any a�her �erm, ob�igation, co�enant ❑r
<br /> conditian Gontained in this Deed vf Trust ❑r in any of the Related I�ocumen�s or�o comply with ❑�-�a per�orm any
<br /> �erm, ❑bliga-�ian, cv�enan�❑r cvndition cvnta�ned in any v�her agr�ement befiween Lender and Barrower or Trus�or.
<br /> Cflmpliance �3efault. Fai�ure t❑ comply wi�h any other term, vbIigatian, ca�enanfi ar �andition �ontain�d in �his
<br /> Deed vf Trus�,�he Note❑r-in any❑�F�he Rela�ed Documents.
<br /> Detaul�vn nfih�r Paymen�s. Failure o�T�us�or wifihin the�ime required hy fihis Deed a�Trus�t❑ make any payment
<br /> for taxes or insurance, �r any other payment necessary�❑ pre�en�filing ❑f or to effect discharge v�any Iien.
<br /> Fa[se Statemen�s. Any warran�y, rep�esenta�ion vr statement made a�furnished to Lender by Barrower or Trustvr
<br /> or on garrower's or Trus�or's behal� under this Deed ❑f Trus-� or the Related flocuments is false ar m�sleading in
<br /> any ma�eria� respect, either naw or afi fihe time made or fiurnish�d or becames false or mis�ead�ng at any time
<br /> �hereafter.
<br /> Defec�ive Colla#eralization. This Deed ❑� Trust ❑r any ❑f �he Related Documen�s ceases to be in �u�l �arce and
<br /> ef�Fec� �including failur� ❑� any collatera! dvcumen�to crea�e a �alid and per�ected security in�erest ❑r iien� at any
<br /> �ime and for any reason.
<br /> Inso[vency. The dissvIutivn or termination of Borrower's or Trus�or's existence as a going business, the insal�ency
<br /> vf Borrower ❑r Trus�o�, �he appointment o� a recei�er �o� any part af Borrower's ❑r Trustor's prvper�y, any
<br /> assignmenfi fiar the bene�Fifi ofi creditors, any type of creditor workvut, ❑r �he commencement ❑f any praceeding
<br /> under any bankruptcy or insol�ency laws 1ay or aga�nst Borrvwe�vr Trustor.
<br /> Credi�or or For�eiture Praceedings. Gommencement ❑f �oreclosure ❑r forfei�kure pro�eedings, whethe�r by judicial
<br /> proceeding, sel�f--heIp, repassessivn or any ather mefihvd, by any creditvr of Barrower ar Trustor ar by any
<br /> gv�ernmental agency agains� any praper�y securing the �ndebtedness. This incIudes a garnishmen� ❑f any ❑�
<br /> Borrawer`s or Trust�r's accounts, including deposi� accvunts, with Lender. Hvwe�er, fihis E�ent ❑f ❑e�auIt sha�I
<br /> nvt apply if�here is a good faith dispute by 6orrower or Trustor as �ko �he �alidi�y or reasonableness v�the claim
<br /> which is fihe basis ❑�the ��edito�-or for-Feiture proceeding and if Bvrrawer ar Trustor gi�es Lender writ�en no�ice a�
<br /> fihe creditor❑r�ar�ei�ure proceeding and deposits wi�h Lender monies ❑r a sure�y band for�he credita�-vr�or�eifiure
<br /> proceeding, in an amoun�de�ermined by Lender, in its sole dis�re�ion, as being an adequafie r-eserve❑r bond-�a�the
<br /> dispu�e.
<br /> Breach v��ther Agreement. Any breach by Borrvwer vr Trustvr under the�erms ❑f any❑ther agreement be�ween
<br /> Borrov�rer ❑r Trusto�- and Lender that is nat �emedied within any grace periad pro�ided therein, inciuding wi�hout
<br /> limi�a�ivn any agreement cancerning any ind�b�edness or o�her ❑bligation o-� Bo�rvwer or Trus�or �a Lende�-,
<br /> whether exis��ng naw or la�er.
<br /> E�en�s Affecting Guarantvr. Any of the preceding e�ents ❑ccurs with respect�❑ any guaran�or, endorser, sure�y,
<br /> or accommoda�ian party of any ❑f�he Indeb�edness ❑r any guaran�ar, endorser, sure�ty, ❑r- accammvdation par�y
<br /> dies vr becomes incompetent, ar r-e�okes or disputes the �alidi�y af, or �iabili�y und�r, any Guaranty of �he
<br /> �ndebtedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A ma�er�al ad�erse Ghange ❑ccurs in Borrov+ie�'s ❑r Trustar's �inan�iai �ondifiion, ar Lender
<br /> laelie�es�he prospec�o�paymen�or pe��o�man�e vf�he Inde��edness is impaired.
<br />