<br /> L�E�� ��F �`�L���'
<br /> Lvan No: '1+D'���'�3�-$ ��onti�7��+d} Page �
<br /> per�farmance of any indeb�edness ar❑bligations secured �y this Deed o�T�us�and�o exercise a�l rights and pawers
<br /> under-this ❑eed ❑-�Trust, under the Nvte, under any ot the Relafied ❑ocumen�s, or under any ❑ther agreemen� ❑r
<br /> any �aws nvw or hereafke� in tvr�e; notwithstand�ng, some or a!i o�su�h indehtedness and ❑b��gatians secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust may now ❑r hereaf�er be o�herwise se�ured, whe�her by mortgage, deed v�trust, pledge, �ien,
<br /> assignment ❑r o-�herwise. Nei�her th� accep�ance ❑� �his Deed ❑f Trus� nvr jts enforcemen�, whether by cour-�
<br /> ac�ion ❑r pursuan��o fihe power- of saIe ❑� afiher pawers �onfiained in this Deed ❑f Trus�, sha�l prejudice or in any
<br /> manner a�fec� Trus�ee's o� Lender's �ight t❑ reali�e upan v� enfarce any ather securi�y now ❑r herea�ter held by �
<br /> Trustee ❑r Lender, it being agreed fihat Trustee and Lender, and each of�hem, shafl be entitied�o enfar�e this Deed
<br /> ❑f Trust and any ofiher secu�i�y now or hereafter held by Lender ar Trustee in such arder and manner as they vr
<br /> ei�her of them may in their absolute d�scretion dete�mine. N❑ remedy con�ferred upvn ar reser�ed to Trus�ee ❑r C
<br /> Lender, is intended �� be exc�usi�e ❑� any o�he� �emedy in �his Deed of Trust❑r by law pro�ided or permitted, bu�
<br /> each shail be cumula���e and shal� be in addition to e�ery a�her remedy giWen in �hi5 �eed ❑f Trus� ❑r now ❑r
<br /> hereaf�er exisfiing at law ar in equity or by sta�ufie. E�ery power vr remedy giWen �y�he Nate ❑r any of the Rela�ed
<br /> ❑a�umen�s tv Trus�ee ❑r Lender ❑r �❑ which ei�her o�F �hem may be ❑the�wise en�i�led, may �e exercised,
<br /> concurrent�y or independen�ly, fram �ime fia �im� and as often as may be deemed expedien� hy Trus-�ee or Lender,
<br /> and either o� them may pursue inconsisten� �emedies. Na�hing �n this �eed vf Trust shall be cvnsfirued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender fram seeking a de�ic�ency judgmen�againsfi the Trus�or t❑�he �xtent such action is permit�ed by
<br /> law. Election by Lender�o pursue any remedy shall no� ex�lude pursui� o� any.vther remedy, and an elec-�ion �❑
<br /> make expenditures or to take ac�ion �a perfarm an ❑biigation a�Trus�ar under�his Deed o�Trus�t, af�er Trustor's
<br /> failure to.perfvrm, shall not a�f�fec�Lender's right ta declare a de�ault and�xercise its rem�dies.
<br /> Request�or Nv�kice. Trus�a�-, on behalfi v�Trustor and Lender, hereby requesfis tha�a copy of any No�ice ❑�❑efaul�
<br /> and a copy o�any No�ice o-F Sale under this I�eed ❑�Trus� be mailed�❑th�m at�he addresses set�for�h in�he �irst
<br /> paragraph o�fihis �eed of Trus�. �
<br /> ti
<br /> At�orneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender InS�l�ll�ES any sui� or a�tion �� enforce any ❑f �he �erms Df �h15 ❑eed ❑�
<br /> Trus�, Lender sha�l be enti��ed to reGv�er su�h sum as the �aurt may adjudge reasonable as a�torneys' �ees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whefiher ❑r not any cou�� ac�ian is in�al�ed, and �a �he ex�ent nat prohibited by law, all
<br /> reasanahle expenses Lender incu�s tha�t in Lender's apinion are necessary a� any time for �he prvfiect�on ❑f its
<br /> in�eres�❑r the enfarcement of its r�ghts shal� hecome a part❑f the lndebtedness payabie an demand and shafI bear
<br /> in�eresfi afi fihe Nvfie rate frvm�he da�e o�the expenditure un��I repa�d. Expenses cove�ed by�his paragraph include,
<br /> wi�h�ut limi�a�ionr h�wever subjec��a any �imits under applical�ie [aw, Lender's atkorneys` fees and Lender's �ega� �
<br /> expenses, whe�her ❑r nvt fihere is a lawsui�, in��uding a�tto�neys' fiees and expenses �For bankruptcy proceedings �
<br /> �including efforts tv modify❑r�aca�e any autama�i�stay❑r injunc�ion�, appeals, and any an�i�ipa�ed post-�ud�men�
<br /> collec�ian servi�es, the cos� ❑�searching records, obtaining tit�e repar�s {including �arec�osure repor�s}, surWeya�s'
<br /> repor�s, and appraisal �ees, t��Ie �nsurance, and fees fvr the Trustee, t❑ the exten� permitted �y appli�able law. I
<br /> Trus�or also wi�i pay any court cos�s, �n addi�ion�❑ alI ather sums provided by Iaw.
<br /> Righ#s ❑�Trus�ee. Trus�ee shail ha�e all o��he righ�s and dut�es ofi Lender as se�far�h �n this sec-�ion.
<br /> P�VIIERS AND OBLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTFE. The �oIlowing provisions relating �a�he pawers and �bligatians of Trustee
<br /> are part❑�F�his �]eed ❑�Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trus�ee. In addition�o all powers ❑-�Trus�ee aris�ng as a ma��ter o��aw, Trus�ee shall ha�e the power�o
<br /> take the fol�owing ac�ions wi�h respec�fia the Property upon the wri��en requesfi of Lender and Trustor: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and fiiling a map or plat o�the Rea� Property, inc�uding �he dedica�ion af s�re��s or other righ�s to �he
<br /> publF�; �b} join in gran�in� any easement vr crea�ing any res��ictivn on �he Real Proper�y; and �c} join in any
<br /> subor-dination ar ather agreement a��ec�ing�his ❑eed ❑�f Trus�❑r the in�eres�a�Lender under this aeed a�Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall mee� a�� qualifica�ions requ�red for Trustee under applicable law. In addition �❑ the rights
<br /> and remedies set�or�h abv�e, wi�th respec� �v ali ❑r any part v�the Prvperty, the Trus�ee sha�I ha�e �he righ� t❑
<br /> �vreclose by no�i�e and sale, and Lender sha�l ha�e the right ta �orecl�se by judicia� �orec�osure, in ei�her case in
<br /> acco�dance with and ta the�ull extent pro�ided by appIicable Iaw.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, a�t Lender's �p�ian, may fram time to�ime appoinfi a successor Trus�ee to any Trustee
<br /> appoin�ed under this Deed vf Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recarded in the
<br /> of�ice of the recorder ❑f HALL County, 5�a�e a� Nebraska. The ins�rumen� shall contain, in addition to alf other
<br /> ma�ters required by s-�ate law, �he names of the originai Lender, Trus�ee, and Trusfior, �h� baok and page �or
<br /> computer sys�em referenGe} where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address o� the successor
<br /> �rustee, and the instrumen�shaI� be executed and acknawledged by all the bene�iciaries under�his ❑eed of Trust or
<br /> their successors in in�eres�. The successo�-�rustee, withou�t con�eyance of the Praper�y, shall succeed t� a�l the
<br /> t�tIe, power, and du�i�s conf�rred upon the Trus�ee in�his Deed of Trust and by applicahle Iaw. This pracedure far
<br /> subs�ifiufiian ❑�T�ustee shall go�e�n to�he exclusion ❑�f al� athe�pr��isions for substFtufiion.
<br /> N�TlCES. Any nofiice �equired t❑ be gi�en under�his Deed ❑-�Trus�, includin� withou� [imitation any no�ice ot de�fauIt
<br /> and any n��ice of sale sha�l be gi�en in writing, and shall be e��ec�iWe when aGtually deli�ered, �rvhen ac�ua[Iy recei�ed
<br /> by telefa�simile �un�ess ❑fiherwise required 1ay Iaw�, when deposified w�th a na�iona�ly recagnized ❑Wernight courier, or, if
<br /> mailed, when deposi�ed �n the United 5�ates mail, as ��rst c�ass, cer�ified or registered mail postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> �he addresses shvwn near�he beginning ❑f�his Deed o�F Trus�. All capies ❑f notices o�-�areclosure fram fihe hvlder ❑-�
<br /> any lien which has priority a�er this ❑eed ❑f Trus�fi shai� be sent �❑ Lender's address, as shvwn near �he �aeginning o�
<br /> �h�s Deed afi Trust. Any party may change its address far no�tices under th�s Deed a� Trust by giv�ng forma� wrifi�en
<br />