. � ��14��59�
<br /> Doc zD #: ********448108013
<br /> Lender may require Borrov�er to pay a oiie--tirne charge for a real estate tax verif�cation andlor repvrti,ng
<br /> service used hy Lender xn connecti.on vvith th�s Loan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrawer shall keep the improvements naw existing or hereafter erected an the
<br /> Praperty insured against loss by f�re, haZards included,w�ith�n the term "extend�d coverage," and any other
<br /> hazards inc�ud�ng, but not lim�ted t�, earthquakes and floods, for whicb Lender requ�ires insurance. Th�s
<br /> insurance shall be maintaiiied ui the amaunts ��ncluding deductible Ie�eL�} and for the period�that Lender
<br /> requires.�hat Lender requires pursuant to the preced�rig sentences can change during�he term of the Loan.
<br /> The �nsurance carrier pro�v3iding #he insurance shall be chosen b� Borrower subject to Lender's righf �o
<br /> disappro�� Borrower's choice, which r�ght shall not b� exercxsed unreasonab�y. Lender may reqwire
<br /> Borrower to pay, in conneciian with this Loan, either: �a� a one�time charge far flaod zvne determu�a�ion,
<br /> cer�'t�tca�ian and tracking services; or�b} a one-time charge for fload zvne determuaation and certificat�on
<br /> serv�ces and subsequent charges each t�me remapp�ngs or similar changes occur�vhich reasanably mught
<br /> affect such determinai�on vr cex�taif�cat�on. Borrower shall alsa be respans�hxe for the payment of any fees
<br /> iunposed by the Federa�Emergency Management�gency in connecfxon wifh the reviever vf any flood zone
<br /> determination resul.�ng fram an object�on by Borrower.
<br /> �f Borrower fails to main�ain any of�he Go�erages described abo�e,Lender may abtain insurance co�erage,
<br /> a�Lender's op�ian and Borr�wer's expense.Lender is under n�obligation to purchase any partiicular iype or
<br /> amount af covera�e.Therefore,such co�erage shall co�er Lender,hut might or might nat protect Borrawer,
<br /> �orrower's equity xn the Prapert�y, vr the con#ents of the Propert�r, agauist any r�sk, hazard ar liabi�it�and
<br /> m�igbt pra�ide grea#er or lesser co�erage than wa� previvu�ly in effect. Borrower ackno�vt�ledges that the
<br /> cos#of the insura�nce ca�erage sv ohtained might signit�'ican#Iy exceed the cast of insurance tha#Borrower
<br /> cou.ld ha�e obtained. Any amounts dis�ursed by Lender under this Sec�ion 5 shall became add�t�onai debt
<br /> of Borrawer secured by fh�s Securit�r�nstrwmen#. These arnounts shall bear�nterest at the Note ra#e from
<br /> the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such iiriterest, upvn not�ce from Lender to Borrower
<br /> request�ng payment,
<br /> All insurance policies required b�Lender and renevvals of such pol�c�es shall he subject to Lender's r�ight ta
<br /> disappro�e such pvlicies, shall include a standard n�or�gage clause, and shall nan�e Lender as mortgagee
<br /> andlor as an addit�ona�loss payee. Lender shall haye the r�ght to hold the po�ic�es and renewal cert�fica�es.
<br /> �f Lender requires, �arrower sha�� prvrnp�ly give #o Lender a�I receipts af paid premiurns and renewal
<br /> no�,ces.If Borrovver o�tauns any farm of insurance co�era►ge,not❑therwise required hy Lender,far damage
<br /> to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall incxude a s#andard mortgage �Iaus� and shall name
<br /> Lender as mortgagee andlvr as an add�iiional lv5s payee.
<br /> �n the e��nt of Iass, Borrvwer shall gi�e prornpt no�,ce to the �nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> rnake proof of loss i�f no� made pramp�ly by Barrvwer. Unless Lender and Borrower athe�ise ��ree in
<br /> wri.ting, any iunsurance proceeds,whether vr not#he under�y�ng in�urance was requ�red by Lender,shall be
<br /> applied �o restoration or repair of the Froperty, if the restoration or repair is �conamacally feasible and
<br /> Lender's secur��y is not lessened. During such repa�r and r�.staration per�od, Lender shall ha�e the r�ght to
<br /> hald such insurance proceeds unt�Lend�r has had an opportuxuty�o �nspec�such Proper�y�a ensure the
<br /> work has been complet�d to Lender's sati�sfac#ian, provided that such inspection shall �e undertaken
<br /> prornpt�y.Lender rnay d�sburse praceeds for the repa�rs and res�nrat�on in a s�ngle payrnent or in a serles of
<br /> progress pa�rments as the work is comple#ed. Unless an agreement is made in v�i�ing or App�icable Lavtr
<br /> requ�res interes�to be paid❑n such ix�surance proceeds, Lender shall not be requ�red to pay Borrnwer any
<br /> interest ar earnings on such prviceeds.Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties,retained by Borrower
<br /> shall no# be paid out of fihe u�surance proceeds and shall be the so�e obl�gation of Borrov�er. �f the
<br /> restoration or repau �s no� ecanomicall� feasible or Lender's secur°i� would be lessened, the �ns�rance
<br /> proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by#his Security Insirument,whether or nv�then due,v�ith the
<br /> excess, Xf any, paid �o Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in #he order provided for in
<br /> Sec#�an 2.
<br /> Yf Borrawer abandans#.he Froperty,Lender may f��e,negotia�e and seitle any available insurance claim and
<br /> related matters. �f Borro►wer does no� respvnd wi#hin 30 days to a no#ice fr4m Lender that the �nsurance
<br /> carr�€er has offered tv se#tIe a claaim,fhen Lender may negotiate and set#le the cla�am.The 30-day per�od w�ll
<br /> begin when the no�ce is g��en. In either e�ent, vr if Lender acquires #he Praperl� under Sec�ion 2� ar
<br /> otherwi.se,Borrower hereby assigi�s to Lender�a} Borrower's righ�s to any�nsu.rance proceeds in an amaunt
<br /> no� to exceed the amaunts unpaid under the Note or this Security �nst�-atrnent, and tb} any o�her of
<br /> Bvrrower's righ#s �other than the right to an� refund of unearned pr�xniurns p��d by Barrawer} under all
<br /> insurance policfes co�er�ng the Praper�, insofar as such rights are applicable �o the coWerage of the
<br /> Prapear#y. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either�v repair or restore the Praperty or to pay amounts
<br /> unpaYd under�he Note or thi.s Securxty Znstrurnent,whether or no#then due.
<br /> NEgRASKA--Sin�[e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IVlac llNlF�Riifl INSTRUMENT Form 30Z8 'I10'f
<br /> Deed of Trust-N E
<br /> 200b--NE��8113} Page 5 of�2
<br />