<br /> • ��14��59�
<br /> D�C ID #: **�*****4481�8013
<br /> �. Uccupancy. Borrower shall flccupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal, residence
<br /> w�.�un 6D days after the execu�ion af this Security Ynstrument and shall coniinue to occupy the Propert�as
<br /> Borrower's princ�pal residence for at �east one year after the date of❑ccupancy, unle�s Lender otherw�se
<br /> agrees xn writing, which cansen#sha�I not be unreasonahly vvi#hhe�d, or unYess extenuating ci�t�cumstances
<br /> exist wh�ich are beyond Bvrrawer's conirvl.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation, Main�enance and Protection af the Property; Inspec�ions. Barrov��r sball not destroy,
<br /> damage or impair the Property,allvw fihe Property�a de#er�arafie or comrnit waste an the Praperty.�]'{Thether
<br /> or nvt Borrawer xs residing in�.he Praperty, �orrower shall maintain the Proper�y in order ta pre�ent�he
<br /> Propert�from de�er�ora�ing or decreas�ing in�alue due to its canclition. Uxil.ess�t is determ�ned pursuan�to
<br /> Sec�ion � #hat repair or restoration is not econvm�icall�r feasible, Borrawer shall promp�y repair �he
<br /> Property if damaged ta a�roid fwrther deteriaration or damage, If u�surance or condemna�ion proceeds are
<br /> paid �n connection with damage to, or the takxng of, the Propexfiy, Borrower shall be respons�b�e for
<br /> repairing nr restoring the Property only if Lender has reieased proceeds for such purposes. Lender ma�
<br /> di,sburse proceeds fvr the repairs and restoraiion in a single pa�xnenf or in a ser�es vf progress paym�nfs as
<br /> fhe work is comple�ed. �f the insurance or condemna�ion proceeds are not sufficien�to repair ar restore�he
<br /> Property,Borrower is not relie�ed of Borr�wer's obligatioi�for�he completion vf such repair or restarat�on.
<br /> Lender ar its agent may make reasanable entries upon and inspec�ions of the Propert�.If it has reasonable
<br /> Cause, Lender may i�nspect �he inteMor of#he improvernents on the Prvper�. Lender shall give Borrov�er
<br /> natice at�he time of or pr�or fo such an�terior inspect�on specify�ng such reasonab�e cause.
<br /> S. Borrflwer's Loan Appl�ca��on. Borrower shall be in default if, during fhe Loan appi�cativn proc�ss,
<br /> Bvrrower vr a��y persor�s or enti#ies acting at the direction of Borrower or wifih Borrower's kYio�vtrledge or
<br /> consen�ga�e rnater�ally false, misleading, ❑r inaccurate information or statements tv Lender ��r fai�ed to
<br /> provid� Lender w�ith rnaterial information) in connecfiion wi#h the Loan. Materia� representations include,
<br /> but are not �im�ited to, represe�itations concer�ung Borrovc�er's occupaYicy of the Property as Borrovver's
<br /> principal residence.
<br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest �n the Prnperty and Rights Under this 5ecurity Instrument. If (a}
<br /> Borrower fai�s to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instr�unent, �b}there i�a
<br /> �egal prviceeding that nught sigruf�cantiy affect Lender's interest in �he Property andlor r�ghts under this
<br /> Securit�r Instr+ument �such as a pr�ceedung �n bankruptcy, probate, far condemnalion or forfe�ture, far
<br /> enforcement of a Iien which rnay aitain prior�iy vver this Secur�t�r �nstrument or to enforce �aws or
<br /> regulat�ons), or �c} Barrawer has abandoned the Properiy, then Lender may do and pay far vvhatever is
<br /> reasonable or appropr�ate #o protect Lender's interest in fihe Properh�r and rights under this Security
<br /> �nstrument, inc�uding protecting andlar a�sessing�he�alue of the Propert�, and securing andlar repairing
<br /> the Prvperty. Lender's actions can include, bu� are nat limited to: �a} paying any surns secured by a �ien
<br /> whxch has priarit� o�er this Securiry Instrument; �h} appearing ii� court; ai�d �c� payu�g reasonable
<br /> attorneys' fees to protect its interest�n the Propert�andlar rights under thi�Security Instrument, includ�ing
<br /> its secured posiiion �n a bankrup�cy proceeding. Securing fihe Property includes, but �s no� Ii�mited fio,
<br /> enfer�.ng the Properi�r to make repaus, chang�locks, replace or board up doors and vvu�dows, dra�in v�vater
<br /> from pipes,eiiminate bui�d.ing or other code violations or dangerous cvnd.itions,and ha�e ut3lities turned�n
<br /> or off. Although Lender may take actian under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not
<br /> under any du�or obligat�on to do so. I��s agreed that LendQr incw�s nv I�ab�li�r for not�akirtg any or a�l
<br /> aciions aufhor�zed under�his Sect�on g.
<br /> Any arnounts disbursed b�Lender under this Seetion 9 sha�l become additional debt vf Barrawer secured
<br /> by �h�s Security In�trument. These amvunts sha�� bear interest at the No�e rate from the da�e of
<br /> disburseme��t and shall be payable, with such interest, upvn notic� from Lender to Borrower requestuig
<br /> paymen�.
<br /> If�his Secur�ity Instrumen��s on a leasehold, Borrower shall comp�y w�.th all the pra�sions of the lease. If
<br /> Borrower acquires fee �it1e �o �he Propert�', the Iea,sehold and the fee tit�� shall not merge unless Lender
<br /> agrees to the merger Yn writuig.
<br /> i0. Mor�gage Insurance.�f Lender r�qu�red Mor�gage Insuran�e as a conditian of mak�ng the Loan,Borrower
<br /> shall pay #he premiums required �o main#ain �he Mortgage Insurance in effec�. If, for any reasvn, the
<br /> Mortgage Insurance co�erage required by Lender ceases to be availabYe from the mortgage insurer that
<br /> previousl� pro�ided such xnsurance and Borrower was required to make separate�y desYgna�ed payments
<br /> toward the prerniurns for Mor�gage Insurance, Borrvwer shall pay �he prerruums requ3red �o obtain
<br /> co�erage substantiall� equi�a].en� to the Mortgage Insurance pre�riously in effec�, at a cast substantially
<br /> equi�a�en� to fihe cast to Borrower of the Mar�gage �nsurance previous�y �in effect, from an alfernate
<br /> mortgage �nsurer selected h� Lender. If substantiall� equx�alen# 1Vlortgage �nsurance coverage is nat
<br /> avail.abie, Borrower shall cantinue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated pa�ments that
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family�-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFQRM iNSTRU1VlEIVT Form 3028 'i1D7
<br /> ❑eed of Trus#�NE
<br /> 2fl�6-�N E�D81�3} Page b vf 12
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