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��14��459 <br /> DEED �F �`F�UST <br /> Lvan No: �7�fl�9�5�� ���ntir�ued� Page 4 <br /> �his Deed of Trust and take wha�ever other ac�i�n �s requested by Lende��v per�ecfi and cont�nue Lende�r's lien on <br /> �he Real Prop�rty. Trustor sha�� reimburs� Lender �o� .al! taxes, as described be��w, fogether with a11 �xpenses <br /> incurred in recarding, pe�r��cting �r continuing this Deed o� Trust, �nc�uding wi�hout �imi�atian al� �axes, �ees, <br /> documentary stamps, and other charges-�or recording�r regis�ering this Deed af Trus-�. <br /> Taxes. The �oIiovving shall c�nst�tute taxes to which this section applies: �1} a spec�f�c tax upon this type vf <br /> Deed o-�Trust vr upon a�� or any part of�he lndebtedness seeured by this Deed of Trust; {2� a speci�i� tax on <br /> Trustor which Trus�or is authori�ed or required to deduct��-om payments an the lndeb�edness secu�-ed by this typ� <br /> o�De�d a�Trust; t3} a tax on this type o�r Deed o#Trust cha�geab[e against�he Lender or th�hv�der o�the Cred.�t <br /> Agreement; and �4} a speci��c tax �n a�� or any portion of the [ndeb��dness or an payments a� prin��pal and <br /> in�erest made by Trus�or. <br /> Subsequer�� Taxes. �f any �ax to wh�ch this section applies is enacted subsequent to fihe da�e of this D�ed ❑� <br /> Trust, �his even-� sha�� haWe �ne same e��ect as a-n Even� o� De�au[t, and Lender may exer��se any or a[[ o� i-�s <br /> available remedie� for an E�ent of Defau�t as pro�ided be[ow unless Trusto� either {�} pays the �ax be�o�e it <br /> becomes deiinquen�, or �2} con-�es�s�he tax as pro�ided abo�e in �he Taxes and L�ens s�ction and dep4sits wi�h <br /> Lende�cash ar a sufficient cnrporate surety band�r other security satisfactory fio Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEi11�ENT: FCNANC�IVG S�CATEIl1�EIVTS. Th� �a�[owing pro�is.ions re�ating to this Deed of Trust as a <br /> security agreemenrt a�-e a part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Security A�reement. This instrument shal� const�fiu�te a S�curi`ty Agreement tfl the e�c�ent any of the Pr-operty <br /> cons�itutes fix�ures, and Lender shal[ ha�e aII of the ��ghts vf a s�cured party under the Uniform �ommercia[ Cvde <br /> as amended�ror�time�o�ime. <br /> ��Gurity Inferest. Upvn request hy Lender, Trustor shal[ take wha�te�er action is �-equested by Lend�r tfl perfec� <br /> anci cvntinue Lender`s securi�y Fnte�est in the Pers�na� f'roper�y. [n addi-�ion to re�Qrding this aeed of Trust in the <br /> real praper�y �-ecords, Lender may, a�k any �ime ar�d �vi�hout �Further au�horization frar� �rus�or, �i(e execu�ed <br /> coun�erparts, cop�es o� reproductions o� this Deed of Trusfi as a financing stat�men�. Trustor shall reii�r���rse <br /> Lender �or aff e�penses incurred in per�ec�ing or confiinuing �his secu�-�`ky in-terest. Upon defaul�I Trus�or sha€� not <br /> remove, se�er or deta�h the Personal Property frorn �he Property. Upon de�ault, Trustor sha�� assemble any <br /> Personal Property not a�ffixed to th� P�operty in a manner and at a pla�e reasonably con�enient �o Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�rai�ab�e to Lender v�rithin th�-ee �3} days after receipt of writken demand f�om Lender to �he <br /> exfient permi�kted by applicable law. <br /> Addresses. The m�ailing addresses of Trus�or �debtvr} and Lender �secured parfiy} from which info�-mation � <br /> concerning �he security in�erest granted by this Deed vf Trus� may be obtained {each as require.d by the Unifflrm <br /> Gommercial Code� are as stated on�he firsfi page of�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCIES; A`fT�RNIEV-[N-FACT. The foflowing provisions re.lating �o further assuranc�s and <br /> attorney--in=�ac�are a par�vf this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Fur�her Assurances. Af any�ime, and from �ime to �irri�, up�n re�qu�s�t o� Lend�r, Trusfior will r�nake, execu�e and <br /> del�ver, or v►rill cause tv be made, execufied vr deli�ered, �� Lender o.r to Lender`s designee, anai viihen requested by <br /> Lender, cause ta be fi��d, record�d, refiled, or rerecvrded, as �he case may be, at such times and in such of-�ic�s <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and af[ such m�ortgages, deeds �f trust, seeuriJty deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing sta�emen�s, cont�nuation sta�ements, ins�rumen-�s of �urther assurance, cer�ifi�a��s, and <br /> o�her documents as may, in�he sole opinian ofi Lencfer, be necessary ar desirab�e in arder to effectuate, comp[e�e, <br /> perfect, con�inue, or preser�e ��} T�-ustor's ob��ga�k�o�s und�r the �redit�-Igreement, �his Deed a�Trust, and the <br /> R-elated Documen�s, and {�� the liens and security interests crea�ed hy this Deed o� T�ust �n the Property, <br /> whe�her now owned or hereafter acquired by Trustor. �nless proh�bited by law or Lender agrees to the contrary in <br /> vvriting, Trust�r shall reimburse Lender far aff costs and e�epenses incurred in connection w�th�he mat�ers referred <br /> to in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fac�. €f Trustor faiis�o do any of the �hings re�err�d ta in �he pr�c�ding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for anc� in the name of Trustor and at YrustQr's expense. FQr such purpvses, T�ustor hereby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trus�tor$s a��rney-in-�ae�foe-�he �u��ose of r�aking, �xeeu�ing, de6i�ering, �iling, rec�rding, and e�oi�g all <br /> other �hings as may be necessary or desirahle� in Lender°s s�ie opinion, t� accor�p(ish �he matt�rs re�erred to �n <br /> the�r�ced�ng paragraph. <br /> FULL PEFiF�RIIlIANCE.. lfi T�ustor pays all the [ndeb��dness�r►rhen c�ue, �erminates the credi�[ine accoun�, and other�rvise <br /> per-�o�ms all the ob[iga�ians imposed upon Trustor under th�s Deed of Trusfi, Lender shall execute and de�iV�r t�Truste� <br /> a request for fu[[ recvn�eyance and shall exec.u�e and del:iver to Trustor suitable statements of �erminat�Qn of any <br /> financing s�a�emen� on file eWiden�ing Lender's securifiy interest in �he Rents and ths P�rsona[ Property. �4ny <br /> recan�eyance�ee r�quir�d by law shall be paid by Trusfiar, if pe�rmitted by a.ppEicabf�faw. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFALdLT. Trustor wi�� �e 'rn de�au��under th�s Deed of Trust if any o��he �oflowing ha.pp�n: {A} Trustor <br /> cvmmifis fraud ��r makes a ma�eriaf mis��p�esentation �t any time in Gonnectian w�th th.e Credit Agreemen�. This can <br /> include, for �xample, a false stat�m�nt about Trustar°s �n.came, assefis, 1ia_bilities, or any other aspects o� Trustor's <br /> financia€ conditivn. �B} Trus�or does not meet�he rep�ymen�terms o��he Credit Agreement. �C� Yrusta�-'s action or <br /> inaction ad�ersely afi�e�ts th� c�[fateraf ar Lenderps righ�s in the colla�eral. This can include, for exam��e, �aifure �� <br /> ma�ntain required insurance, waste ar destruc�iWe use o�the dw���Eng, failure t� pay taxes, �eath af all persons �iabie on <br /> �he accoun�, transfer of titie or sale o� the dUve[[�ng, �rea��vn ��F a sen�or �"ien �n the dwell�ng vv�t�hou� L�r�der's <br /> permission,forec�osure by�he holder o�anot�ner lien, or�he use a��unds or the dw�[[ing for prohi�ited <br /> ��GE-ITS ANiJ REt11�ED1]ES �N DEFALI:LT. lf an Erient o� De�ault oGcurs under fihis Deed o�Trust, a�any tirne�herea�ter, <br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exercise any one or more o�the�o�lowing rights and remedies: <br /> Wcce�erativn Upon De�rault;Addi�ivna� Fiemed�es. l�any E��nt vf�efaul�t❑ccurs as per the terms of the �redi� <br /> A.greement secured hereby, Lender may declare a�I lndebtedness secured by�his Deed of Trust to be due and <br /> payab[e and the.same shaf[ thereupon become due and payable witho-ut any presen�ment, demand, protest or <br /> nati�e of any kind. Thereafter, Lend�r may: <br /> �a� E�ith�r in person �r by agen�, wi�h or withou� brangrng any ac�ion vr prviceeding, ��- by a receEver <br /> appointed by a caur�a�d wi�hou�regard �to �he adequacy vf its security, entea� upor� and �ake poss�ssion <br /> of the Property, vr any par��hereo-�, €n �ts own €�arr�e or in the name o�Trus�tee, �nd �do any acts which i� <br /> deems necessary or desirable ta preserve the va[ue, marketah���ty ar rentability o�th� Prope�-�ty, or par�o� <br /> the 1'roper�c�r irrteres� �n the Pa-opert�., increas�tl�e income from ��e Proper�y or protec��he sE�urity o� <br /> �he Proper�y; and, vvifih or wi�hout �aking passessior� �� th� Prvper�y, s�e �or or a�he�rwese �olaee� �ehe <br /> rents, �ssues and profits o��he Pro�er�ty, including th�se past due and �npafd, and appiy�he same, [ess <br /> �osts and expenses o��pe�-at�.�n and coflectian attorneys' fees,t� an�3nd�btedness secured by this Deed <br /> o� Trust; all in such vrder as Lender may determine. The entering upon and �aking passessivn of the <br /> Pr�perty, the �alfection of such rents, issues and profits, and fihe app�icativn rthereof shall no� cure or <br /> wai�e any d��au�t or notice ❑f defau[-� under�his Deed of Trus�or�n�a�idate any ac� done in response to <br /> such default or pursuanrt�o such n:o�ice o�default; and, no�wi�hs�anding�he cvnt�nuance in pvssess�on vf <br /> the Property ar �he collection, receip� and app�.icatian of rents, issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery righ-t pravided ��r in the Gredit Agreement or the Re�at�d Documents o:r hy <br /> law upon th�accurrence of any e�en�of de�Fault, including�he right��exerc�se�he power�of sale; <br />