<br /> ��E�] �F TRU�T
<br /> L�an l�o: 87������3
<br /> ��ontinued� �a�� �
<br /> in any way by any act, �mission or defau�t of Trustor or any o�her person: Shvu[d the Real P��per�y be Iocated in
<br /> an area designated by�he Administra�or of the Federa[ EmergenGy Management Agency as a specia� ffoad hazard
<br /> area; Trustor agrees �o obtain and main�a�n Federaf F[ood lnsuraneet if a�ai[ah�e, for the maximum amount af
<br /> Trus�or's credit [ine and the �ull unpaid principa! bafance a�any prior Iiens on �he proper�}r secur�ng the ioan, up ta
<br /> th� maximum poli�y[imits set under the National Flood [nsurance Prvgram, or as o�h�rwis� required by Lender, and
<br /> to mainta�n such insurance�or th�term of�he loan.
<br /> AppIica��on of P�o�eeds. Trustor shall promptly na�ify Lender of any foss or damage to �he Pr�perty. Lender may
<br /> make pro�� �f loss �� T�usfior fails t� do so wi�hin fif-�een ���} days of �he c�sua[ty. VIlhe�her or not Lender`s
<br /> secu�-ity is impair�d, Lender may, at Lender's elect�on, �eceive and re�ain the praceeds of any ins:urance and apply
<br /> the proceeds -�o �he redu�tion of the [nde�tedness, payrnent of any lien af�ecting �he Property, or the res�o�-ation
<br /> and repair o�the Properry. �f Lender e�ects t� appfy the pr�c�eds to rest�ratian and repair, Trustor sF�a[f repair or
<br /> rep�a�e �he damaged or destroy�d Improvements in a manner sa�isfactary to Lender. Lender shaIl, upon
<br /> sa�is-�actory proof of such expend�ture, pay or re�mburse Trustor from the proceeds for the reasanable cost of
<br /> repair or restorafi�on �� Trus�or is not in de�ault under �his Deed o� Trust. Any proceeds wh�ch ha�� na-t been
<br /> disbursed �rv�thin '[SO days a�er their receip� and which Lende� has n�t committed to the repair or rest�rativn of
<br /> the Property shall be used -�rirst to pay any amount owing �o Lender under this Deed of Trust, th�n �o pay accrued
<br /> interest, and the rema3nder, if any, shall be applied to �he prin�ipal balance of the lndebtedness. [f Lender holds
<br /> any proceeds af�er payment in fu[[ af �he [ndebtedn�ss, such prflceeds sha[f be paid to Trus�or as Trustor's
<br /> interests may appea�.
<br /> CompIiance with Ex�sting indehtedness, During the p�riod in whi�h �ny Existing indebtedness described befvw �s
<br /> in ef-F�ct, compliance vvi�h the insurance provisivns contaEned in �he instrumen� ev�dencing such Existing
<br /> [ridebt�dness shall constitu�e comp�i.ance `nrith �he insurance pr��isivns under th�s �eed of Trust, �v the exten�
<br /> �omp��ance w�th the terms vf this Deed of Trust wou�d const�tute a duplicatian af insuranc� r�quirement. If any
<br /> proceeds -�rom the insurance becom� payable on toss, th� provisions in this Deed of Trust fa�di'�ision of praceeds
<br /> sha�1 apply only ta�hat portion o�the proceeds not paya��e�o th�holder o�the Existing lndebtedness.
<br /> LENaER'S E�CP�N1]ITURES. [f Trus�ar �ails {A} to keep the Property free o# aI[ taxes, �iens, security inter�sts,
<br /> encumbrances, and oth�r c[a�ms, �g� �a pro�ide any ��quired insurance on the Praper-�y, �C} �o make repairs �o the
<br /> Property or fio comp�y with any obli�a�ion to main�ain Exis�ing �ndeh�edness in good standing as �required belaw, then
<br /> Lender may do so. [� any action ar proceeding is commenced that would materially a�fect LenderTs �nteres�s in the
<br /> P�operty, then L�nder on Trustvr's b�half may, but is not required to, �ake any action �khat Lender believes to be
<br /> appropriate ta protect Ler�der�s interesfis. A[I expenses incurred or paid by Lender for such purposes wi11 �hen bea�
<br /> interest at -�h� ra�e charged under the Cred�t Agreement -�r�m the date incur�ed or paid by Lender to the date o�
<br /> repayment by T�us�or. A�i such axpenses will become a par�of the lndeb�edn�ss and, a�k Lend�r's op�ion, will {A} be
<br /> payah[e on d�mand; tB} be added to �h� balance o��he Credi�Agreement and he apportEaned amang and be payab[e
<br /> vui�h any ins�a[[ment paymen�s to becorne due during ei�her {1} the term o�any app[icable insurance policy; or {2� the
<br /> rema�ning term o�fhe Credit Agreement; �r {C} be treated as a ba��oon payment whiGh wilf be due and payable afi�he
<br /> �redi�Agreement's maturi�ty. Th� De�:d o�Trust a[so will secure payment of these am�un�s. The rights pro�ided�or in
<br /> thss paragraph sha€� be in addition �a any other rights or any remedies t� which Lender may be enti�led on account af
<br /> any defau[t. Any such act€vn by L�nder shall �ot be construed as curing the defauft sa as to bar Lender �rom any
<br /> remedy�hat it a�herwise vtir�uld harre had.
<br /> 11VAR�ANTY: DEFENSE QF T1�'L1E. The to�lv�rving pro��sions re�ating to ownership o�the Property are a part a��his Deed
<br /> o�Trusfi:
<br /> Ti�ie. Trus��r warrants that: {a) Trustor hoids goad and marketab�e t€rt�e ot record t� fihe Proper�y in fe� simple,
<br /> free and clear �f a[� liens and encumbrances o�h�r �han thase se� farth in �he Real Proper-�y descrip�ion or in �he
<br /> E��sting �nd�btedness sec�ion belo�nr or in any-tit[e insurance po[icy,ti�le repor�t, or fina[�ti�le vpinion �ssued in�a�or
<br /> of, and accepted by, Lender rn connection with �his De�d of Trust, and {h} Trustor has ths �u�l right, power, and
<br /> authari-�y to execute and deli�er this Deed of Trust tv Lender.
<br /> Defense of Ti#le. Suhject to the exceptivn in ths parag�aph aho�e, Trustor warrants and wiil fore�er defend �he
<br /> ti�le ta�he P�-oper�y against�he fawfu[ c9aims o�all persons. ln the e�en�any activn or proceeding is cammenced
<br /> that questipns Trus�or's ti�[e or the interest of Truste�or Lender under this Deed of Trust,Trus-�or shal! defend the
<br /> ac�ian at T��stor's expense. Trus�or may be th� nomir,a� par-ky in such prviceeding, bu� L�nder sha[� be entit�ed tQ
<br /> participate in the prviceeding and tv �� represe��ed ar� the p�oceed�ng by counsel �f Lender°s vwn choice, and
<br /> Trus�or�vill d�fiver, ar cause tfl f�e deliver�d, tv Lenc�e�s�cn instrumer��s as L�:nder rrba� request�r�m t�me�o time
<br /> Tfl permi�such partic�pation.
<br /> ComplianGe Wifh Laws. Trustor warrants that the Proper-ty and Trus�or's use of the Proper�y comp[ies with a[[
<br /> exis�ing applicable [aws, ordinances, and regulations��go�ernmen-�a[ authorities.
<br /> Suruival of Prvmis�s. All prom�ses, agr�ements, and s�a�ements Trustor has made in this Deed o� T�ust shall
<br /> sur�ive the e�ecution and delivery o�this Deed o�Trust, sha[� be can�inuing in nature and shall rema�n in�ull �orce
<br /> and ef�ect until su�h t�me as Trustor's lndebtedness is paid in�ull.
<br /> EXlS�ING lNDEBTEDNESS. The fai�owing pro�isions cvncerning Existing lndeb�edness are a part of this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Ex�stYng Lien. The lien o� this Deed o�r Trust securing the lnd�btedness may be secondary and inferior �o ari
<br /> exis�ing �ien. Trustor�xpr�ss�y co�enants and agr�es to pay, or see�o �he payment of, the Exis�ing [ndebtedness
<br /> and ta pre�e��any de�ault an such ind��tedness, any d��ault und��the ins�tirurnents e�idencing su�h indebtedness,
<br /> vr any de�au[�under any security doc�ments�or such ind�b�edness.
<br /> No Nivd��catian. Trus�or shal[ not enter into any agr�err�er�t �rvith the holder of any martgage, deed of t��s�: or
<br /> other security agreement w��ch has priori�ty o�er this Deed af Trust hy which -that agreement is modified,
<br /> amended, ex�ended, vr renewed withou� the prior written �onsent of Lender. Trus�or sha�� nei�her reques� nor
<br /> accept any future aduances under any such security agreement vtirithvut the priar wri��en cansent of Lender.
<br /> CQNDEIVINATIDII�. The fo[lvwing prQ�isions relating t� condemnatian proeeed�ngs are a part of th�s Deed of Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. �f any proceeding in cond�mna�ion is ��led, Trusto� sha�l prompt[y noti�y Lender in wri�ing, and
<br /> Trustor shall prompt�y take sueh steps as may be necessary t� de�end the actiori and ob�ain the award. Trustar
<br /> may be�he nomina[ party in such proceeding, but Lender sha�� be entitled to par�ic�pate in the proceeding and�o E�e
<br /> represented ir� �he p�oceeding by counsel of its �wn c�oice� and Trustar wi�l deli�e� or cause to be delivered to
<br /> �..ender suGh instruments and documentat�an as rna� be reques�ed by Lende� �ror� tir�e �a time t� perrr-��� such
<br /> par�i�ipatiora.
<br /> ApplY�afiivn of Net Pr�ceeds4 1�all vr any pa���f tF�� Prope€�y es condemned by eminent d�rr�ai� proceedings or by
<br /> any praceedin� or purchase in �ieu of conder-nna�ionr Lender may a�its e[e�t�on re€�uire�ha�a�1 or any por�ion o��he
<br /> net proceeds o��the award be appfied �o the l�debtedn�ss or the repa:ir ar restora-�ion �f �he Pro�aer�y, The net
<br /> proceeds vfi the awa�d shall mean the award after p�yment o�a�� reasonable costs, expenses� and attorneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trus�ee❑r Lender in connectian v�rith the evnd�mnation.
<br /> tv governmen�a[ta�ees,fees and charg�s are a par��f this Deed of Trust;
<br /> Current Taxes. �ees an� Charges. Upon request by Lender, T�-ustor shali execute such dacuments in addition tv
<br />