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��14��459 <br /> �EE� oF TRusT <br /> � <br /> Loan No= 87��59563 ���nt�rl[�ed� Pag� 5 <br /> {b� Cammence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appo�n�a recei�er o�sp�cifically <br /> en�orce any o��he c�venan�s hereof; and <br /> �c} DeliWer�v Trustee a writ�en dec�ara�ion of defau�t and demand for sa��and a wri�ten no�ice of defaul� <br /> and elec�ion to cause Trus�or's in�erest in�he Property to be s�ld,which notic�T�-us�ee shaJl cause ta 1ae <br /> du[y filed far record in th�appropria�e o-��ices of the County in wh�ch�he Proper�y is [ocat�d; and <br /> �d} 11�i�h respect to al[ or any part of the Persana� Propertyr Lender shali ha�e all the rights and rem�dies <br /> vf a secured party under th� Nebraska Uni-�flrm Commercial �ode. <br /> Foreclasure hy Pvwer o�Sa�e. I�Lender elects to fvreclose by exer�ise af�he Power of Sale he�-e�n cvnfiained, <br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and sha!! depvsi� wi�h Trustee �his Deed of Trust and the �red��t Agreement and <br /> such receipts and e�id�nce of�xpenditures made and secured by this De�d of Trust as Trus�ee may require. <br /> {a} Upon receipt of such notiGe from Lender,Trustee sha�� cause�o he recorded, pub[ished and de�iver�d <br /> to Trustor such Notice of �e�au��and Nati�e vf Sa�e as then re�uired by [aw and by this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Trus�ee sha�l, withou� demand on Trustor, after such t�me as may then be requ�red by Ialrv and after <br /> recordation a�such NotQce o� Default and after lVvti�e of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by�aw, se[[ <br /> the Prop�rty at the time and p�ace of sale ��xec! by it in such Notice v�F Sa[�, ei�her as a who[e, or in <br /> separate Iots vr parcels or items as Trustee shal� deem exp�di�n�, ana in such order as i�may determine, <br /> afi public au�tivn�o the highest bidder fvr cash in Iaw�ul money of the United States payable a�the t�me <br /> �f sa�e. Trustee sha�l deliver �� such purchaser vr purchasers �hereo� its good and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the property so sold, but w�thou� any c�venant or warranty, express or imp[ied. The <br /> reci�a[s in such deed a� any ma�ters or fac�s sha�l be conclusiWe proo�o�the �ru�hfu�ness thereaf. Any <br /> person, €nc�uding withou�[imitation Trus�or,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> {b,} As may be permitxed by 1aw, after deducting all costs, �ees and expenses of Trustee and af �his <br /> Trus-�, includ'rng cvsts of e�idence of title in ca�nectian with sale,Trustee sha�! appfy the proceeds vf sale <br /> to paymen� of {i} alf sums �xpended under the terms of �his Deed of Trust or under the terms ❑f the <br /> �redi�Agreement not then repaid, inc�uding but no� �i:rnited �a accrued interest and �ate charges, {ii� aff <br /> �ther sums �hen secured hereby, and {iii} �the rema�nder, E€any� to the person ar persons lega[[y enti�led <br /> thereto. <br /> ��} Trustee rr��y in the rrmanner provided �y[aw postpon�sale o�all or any portion�f the Prvper�y. <br /> Remedies Nat Exclusi�e. Trustee and Lenderr and eac� ❑� �hem, sha[[ b� entitled to en�vrce payment and <br /> perfvrmance o�any indebtedness or obli.gat�ons secured by th�s Deed of Trus�and to exercise all r�gh�s and powers <br /> under thEs ❑eed of Trus�, under �he �redit �4greement, under any of th� Re[at�d Documen-�s, or under any other <br /> agreement ar any laws naw or hereafter in -�vrce; nvtwithstanding, some or all of such indeb�edness and <br /> �bligat'rons secured by this Deed af Trust may n�w or herea#ter be otherwise secured, wh�ther by mor�gage, deed <br /> nf trus�, pledge, lien, assignment or atherw�s�. Neither�he acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforc�ment, <br /> �irhether �y court action ar pu�-suant to the power of sa[e or other pow�rs contained in this ❑e�d at Trust. shal� <br /> pr�judice or in any manner affect Trustee's or Lender's right to realize upon or enforce any other secur"r�y now or <br /> hereafter he[d �y Trust�e�r Lender, it being ag�eed that Truste� and Lender, and each of them, shall be enrtitled to <br /> en-�oree this Deed af Trust and any other se�ur�ty now or hereafrter he['d by Lender or Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they �r either of them may in their absolu�e discr�t�on determ'rne. No remedy conterred upon or <br /> reserved to T�-ustee �r Lender, is in�end�d to be exclusi�e of any other remedy fn �his I]e�d of Trust or by iaw <br /> pro�ided a�- perr�itted, but �ach shall be curr-tu[afii�e and sha,ll �e in addition ta e�ery other remedy �iWen in �his <br /> �eed of Trust��n�v�r �r herea-�-ter existing a� latnr or �n e�uity a� hy statute. E�e�y power or rem�dy gi�en by�h� <br /> �r�dit A.greerr�ent ar any of �he �e�afied Documents to Trustee or Lender or to which ei�her o� them may be <br /> otherwis� en�i�led, may be exercised, concurr�ntly ar independ�n��y, from �ime �o �ime and as often as may b� <br /> deemed exped3�nt by Trus�ee or Lender, and either o� them may pursue rncansistent remedies, Nothing in this <br /> Deed of Trust sha[� �� cons�rued as prohibi�ing Lender f�om seeking a def ciency�udgmen� against the Trustvr to <br /> the ex-tent such action is permitted by[aw. <br /> Ele�t�vn of F�emedies. A[I of Lender's rights a-nd remedies will be cumulati�e and may he exercised alone or <br /> together. lf Lender decides �a spend mone� vr to perfarm any of Trustor's ob[igafiions under this Deed a�Trus-�, <br /> after Trustor's fai[ure �o d� so; that decision by Lender wi[� not affec� Lender's righ�to declare Trus�ar in de-fault <br /> and�o e�eer�ise Lender`�remedies. <br /> Reques�f�r N�tice. Trustor, an beha�f o�Trus�vr and �.ender, herehy r�quests�hat a ��py o�any No�tice of Defau[t <br /> and a �op�o�any lVa�ice o�Sale under this Deed �f�r�st �e mailed to�hern a-�-�h�ad€d�esses set�or�h in the first <br /> paragraph�f thrs Deed v�Trust. � <br /> Atto�rneys' Fees: Expenses. lf L�nder �nstitu�es any sui� or a�fiion to enforee �ny of the terms of this Deed of <br /> Trust, Lender shall be en�it�ed ta recoWe.r such sum as th� cour-�may adjudg� reasanable as attorneys' fiees at�ria[ <br /> and upon any appea[. llllhether vr not any courk action is inWo[�edr and �o the extent nrot prohibited by law, a[[ <br /> reasonable e�penses Lender incurs �ha� �n Lende�'s apinion are n�cessary at any �ime -Fvr the prvtection �-� its <br /> interest or the enfvrGement a-�its righ�s shall become a park of the Incieb�edness payab�e on demand and sha[l bear <br /> interest at the �redi�t Agreement rate from the date of the expenditure un�i[ repaid. Expenses Go�ered by �his <br /> paragraph include, withaufi limitatEon, hov�re�er subjec��o any Eimits under appi�cabie lainr, Lender's at�orneys` �Fees <br /> and Lender's [ega;� expenses, whether vr not there is a Iawsui�, �ncluding at�orneys' fees and expenses far <br /> bankruptcy prviceedings �ine[ud�ng effvr�s �o mvdify or vacat� any aufiomatic stay or in�unc�ivn}, appe�ls; and any <br /> an�icipated pos��udgment colle�tion se�-�i�es, the cost �f searching records, obtain-ing t�tle reports �in�Iud�ng <br /> �arec[vsu�� reports3o sur�eyors' reportsr and appraisa! fees, t�t[e ins�rancet ar�d �ees f�r�the Truste�, to�he ex-�ent <br /> �err-r-�it-��d by a�apficah�e law. Trustor afso v�ri[[ pa�an�j c�u�cvstso �r�additi�n��al[ot�er��€rr-�s pro��ded by lawn <br /> Right�vf Trustee. Trustee sha�� ha�e a[����he r�ghfis and du�ies o�Lender as se��vrth in�his see-��o�a. <br /> P�V11E�S AND ��3Li��1TI�NS DF TRUS�'EE. The�.ollowi�g pra�isioris r-��ating�v the �owers and vb[iga�ions o�Trus�ee <br /> are par�of this Deed a�Tr-us�: , <br /> Pvwers of Trustee. fn add�tion to al! powers of Trustee arising as a matter of law, Trustee sha[[ ha�e the power to <br /> take the �ollow�ng acti�ns �nrith respect to the Proper�ty upon the vtirri�ten request of Lender a�d Trust�r: {a} �o3n in <br /> preparin� and fii�ing a map or plat of the Real Prvperty, inc�uding �he dedication of s�reets or othe� righ�s ta �he <br /> pub[ic; �b} join in g�-anting any eas�ment vr crea�ing any res�ri�tion on the Real P�-oper�y; and {c} j�in in any <br /> subordinat�on or other agreement affecting this ❑eed of Trus�or the in-�eresfi o�Lender under�his�eed af Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�i mee� a[[ qua���ica�ions required �or Trustee unde� appficab�e law. �n additian ta the ri�hts <br /> and remedies set forth above, with respect �o all or any �art��th� Proper�y, the ��-ustee sha[[ ha�e the right ta <br /> �areclose b}r notice and sa[e, and Lender wi[[ have �he righ-� �� �orecfose b�judicial forec�osu�e, �n either �ase �r� <br /> ac�ordance vv�th and#a thie full ext�nt prov�ded �y ap�li�a�fe�a�nro <br /> 5uccessor Trus#ee. L�nder, a�Lender°s �pt�onr may t�rorr�t�rr�e�v�irr�e appoir��a s�G�essor Tr�s�ee�o ar���'rustee <br /> appo,inted under this �eed of�rust by an instrum��t ex�cuted and acknov►rledged h� L�nd�r ar�d �ec�rdeC� �n the <br /> ofi�ice of the record�r of HALL County, Sta�e of Ne�raska. �he instrument shall cantainr in addition ta afl �ther <br /> matters r�quired by state [aw, the names of the origina! Lender, Trustee, and Trustorr the baak and page �vr <br /> �omputer system �-eference} wher� this ❑eed of Trus� is recorded, and �he name and add.ress of the successor <br />