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��14��459 <br /> L�EED �F T�U�T <br /> Lv�n No: �7��59��3� ��ont�r��[eC�� Page 2 <br /> disc[osed�a and ackno�nrledg�d by Lender in wri�ing, {a} n�ither Trustor nor-any tenan�, �ontracto�-, agen�or o�her <br /> autharized user of the Property shall use, generat�, manufacture, store, �rea�, dispose o�or rel�ase any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance on, under, abou�or from the Property; and �b} any such activity shall be ��nducted in comp�iance inri�h <br /> a�I appI�cable f�d�ra[, state, and local [aws, regula�ions and ordinances, inc�uding without [imitatian aI� <br /> Environmental Laws. Trus�or author'r.zes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Properry t❑ make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustvr's exp�nse, as Lender may deem apprvpriate to determine compJiance of the <br /> Properry vvith this sectivn of�he Deed af T�-us�. Any inspections or �es�s made by Lender shall be for Lend�r's <br /> purposes only and sha[1 no�be cons�rued�a create any responsibility or liability on the part af Lender to Trustor or <br /> �o any other persan. The representa�ions and warranties con-�ained herein are based on Trustor=s due di[igence in <br /> in�estigating the P�aperty�or Ha�ardous 5ubstances. Trustar hereby {�? �eleases and vvaives any�uture claims <br /> agaFnst Lender �or indemnity �r con�tri�utian in the event.Trustvr be�orr�es �iable �or cleanup ar other costs und�r <br /> any such Iav�rs; and {�} agrees to indemni�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains�any and al[ �laims, �osses, <br /> iiah��i�ies, damages, pena��i�s, and �xpenses v�hich Lender may diree�ly or indirect�y sus�ain or suffer resulting�ram <br /> a breach o��his section o�the aeed o�F Trust or as a consequence vf any use, genera�ion, manufactur�, stvrage, <br /> disposal, release vr threa�ened release occurring privr to Trustor's awnership o�interes�in the Property, whe�her ar <br /> no� th� same was or shou�d ha�e been known �o Trusfior. The proWisions of this section a�r the Deed of Trust, <br /> including the ab[igation�o indemnify and defend,shall sur�i�e fihe payment o�the lndeb-�edness and the sa�is�ac��on <br /> and recon��yance of the �ien o�this Deed o�Trust and shall not be a��ected by Lender's acquisi�ion of any�n�eres� <br /> in the Property, whe�her by foreclosu�-e or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 11Vas�e. Trus�ar shal[ nat cause, canduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suff�r any <br /> stripping of or vLras�e an or �v the Property or any portion a�f the Proper�y. 1Nifihou�limiting �he gen�ra�i�y of�he <br /> �oregoing, Trustor will not remv�e; ar grant�o any othe�par�y the right to rema�e, any�imber, minerals �includ�ng <br /> v€i and gas}, coal, clay, �coria,soi[r gra�ef ar ro�k products wi�hout Lender's pr�ar writ�en consent. <br /> �emorraf af lmpro�rements. Trustor sha[[ not demolis.h ar�-em�ve any Impravements from�he Re�a�PrQperty v�rithout <br /> Lenderrs prior vtirrit�en cvnsen�. As a condition to�he removal o�r any [mpro�e.ments, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangemen�s satis�actary �o Lender to replace such lmpro�emen�s �rvith [mprov�ments of at [eas� equa[ <br /> �a�u�. <br /> Lender's Right�o Ente�. Lender and Lender's agen-�s and representati�es may enter upon �he Real Prop�rty a�a�I <br /> rsas�nable times �o at�end �ko Lender's �nterests and to inspect the Rea� Prop�rty ��r purposes of Trustvr's <br /> compliance with the terms and canditions o#this aeed o�Trus�. <br /> Comp[iance wi�h GvWernmenta� Requiremen�s. Trustvr shall promp�[y comply vtirith a[[ [aws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�ativns, no� or hereafrer in e�fect, of al� go�ernmental au�horit�es applicable to the use vr occupancy of the <br /> Property. Trustor may contest in good faith any such law, ordinanee, vr regulation and �rvithf�old camp[iance during <br /> any proceeding, inc�uding apprvpria�e appea�s, so long as �frustar has not���ed Lende.r i� wri�ing prior tv doing s-o <br /> and so long as, �n Lenderrs sole opinivn, Lender's interests in the Proper�y are nof jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trus�or�o post adequa�e security or a surety bond, reasonab�y satis�actvey to Lender,to pro�ect Lender's �nt�rest. <br /> Du�y to Protect. Trustor ag�ees nei�her to aband�n or [eave unattended �he Propertya Trustor shall do a�� other <br /> acts, in add�tion to th�se ac�s se�forth above in th�s sec�ion, which frvm the charac�er and use of the Property are <br /> reason.abfy necessary to pro�ect and preser�e the Proper�y. <br /> DUE DN SALE-CDIVSENT BY LENDER.. Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, declare immediate[y due and payab�e a[[sums <br /> secured by�his Deed of T�-ust upon the sale or transter, withau�Lender's prior written cvnsent, of all or any park v�the <br /> �eal Pr�perty, ar any infie�est in�he Rea[ Property. A 'rsale or�ransfer" means the con�eyance of Rea[ Property or any <br /> righ�, title or �nteres� in the Real Prop�r�y; whethe� legalf beneficia[ or equi�abfe; irvhether vvluntary or in�olun�ary; <br /> whe�her by outrigh� sale, deed, ins�allment sale con�rac�, [an�d Gontract, can�rae� for deed, leaseho[d in�erest w�th a <br /> �erm grea�er than three �3} year-s, lease-option can�ra��, or by sa�e, assignmen�, or trans-�er of any beneficia[ interest in <br /> �r tv any land trust ho[ding �itle fio the Real Property, ar �y aniy a�her method of cvn�eyan�e of an interes�in the Rea� <br /> Property. Hoonre�er, �his aption shail na� be exercised by Lender i� such exercise is p�ohibited by federa� law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAiCES �4M:D L1E1VS. The �o��owing pro�isions relating �o �he �axes and liens on the Pr�operty a�-� p�r� of this Deed fl� <br /> Trus�: <br /> Paymen�. Trustor sha�.� pay when due 4and �n all e�ents prior to delinquency} all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges 4�:nc[uding wa�ter and se`nrer}, fines and imposi�ions [�vied agains� or on accoun�o�the P.roper�y, and shall <br /> pay v;ihen due all claims �ar work done an or��r serWi�es rendered ar mate�ia[ �urnished to-�he Pr�per�y. Trus�or <br /> shal� maintain the Property#ree of af� €iens ha�ing priority over or egual�v the interest o�Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except for the ]ien af �axes and assessments not due, excep� far the Existing [ndebtedness r�ferred �o <br /> be�ow, and except as othsnrvise provided in this �]eed vf Trust. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may vvi�hho[ci payment o-f any tax, assessmen�, vr c[aim in connectEon with a good faith <br /> dispute o�er the ob�igafiian to pay, so �ong as Len,der's�nterest in the Property 6s nat jeopardi�ed. i�a lien aris�s or <br /> is fi�ed as a resul-� of nonpaymen�, Trustor shail wi�h�n �ifte�n ��5� days after �he lien arises or, if a Iien is �rs�ed, <br /> within �Ef�eer� ��5� days af�er Trustor has n��tice ��the filing, secur� �he diseharge o��he �ien, or �f �equ�s�ed by <br /> Lender�deposi�with Lender cash or a sufficient corpora�e surety hond o�-other securi-�y satis#acto�-�o Lenr�e�in ar� <br /> arr�vun�suf�icien��to dischar�e the lien pfus any cos�s a�c� at�c�r�neys° fee.s, o�'vther charges�l�a�cou�d acerue as � <br /> resul�o�a�Qrec[vsure or sale under�he 1ie;n. In any can�es�,T�-ustor sha[[defenr� itse[f and Lender arid shall sat�s�y <br /> any ad�erse judgment be�vre en-�orcement against the Proper�y. Trustor shaf[ name Lender as an addi�iana� obligee <br /> und�r any sure�y bond furnished �n the cantest pr�ceed�ngs. <br /> EvidenGe of Payrnen�. Trustor shall upon demand fiurnish to Lender satis�actory e�idence of payment o�the taxes <br /> or�s and sha11 authorize the approPriate governmental ofFicial�Co deli�er to L�nder at any�ime a wri��en <br /> statement of the taxes and ass�ssments against�khe Prop�rry. <br /> No�i�e vf Cvns�ru�fion. Trustor sha�� not��y L�nder at�east-�Efteen ��5} days before any work is cammenced, any <br /> services are �urnish.ed, or any materia�s are supplied to the Proper�y, i�F any mechanic's lien, ma�ker�a[men's [ien, ar <br /> �th�r lien c�u�d b� ass��ted �n ac��unt of the v`rork, services, or mat�rials. Trust�r will upon request o� Lende� <br /> �urnish to Le�der ad�ance assurances satis�acfior� fio Lender tha� Trustor �an and wil� pa� �he cvst of sucl� <br /> �mpraverr�ents. <br /> P�DPEF��fY DA�IIlIe��E �N5��4N�E. �he�ollowing provis�ons rel��ing to insurirtg t}�e Prope��y are a p�r��f this �eed �� <br /> 1'rust. <br /> �llaintenan�e vf lnsurance. Trustvr sha!! pro�ure and main�ain poCicies o�F fire insurance wi�h standard extended <br /> co�erage endorsemer�ts an a �ep�acement basis �o�the fiull insurab[e �alue coW�ring a[I lmprovements on �he Fteal <br /> Proper�y in an amvunt suffic�ent ta a�o€d applica�ion of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mor�gagee <br /> c[ause in fa�or o�Lender,together wi-�h such v�her hazard and lia�ili�y insurance as Lender may reasonab�y require. <br /> P�licies shall be written in fvrm, amoun�s, coverages and basis reasonably accepfiab[e to Lende�- and issued by a <br /> eompany or companies reasonably acceptab�e �o Lender. Trus�or, upvn request of Lender, wil� deli�er to Lender <br /> �rom time to t�me the policies or certificates o�insurance in farm sa�isfactory to Lender, including stipu[ations�hat <br /> co�erages wi[[ nv� be Gancelled or d�m�n�shed v�rithvu� at leas�ten ���} days p�r�or v►rrQt-fier� noti�e to Lende�. Each <br /> insurance p�licy also shal� inc�ude an endorsernen� pro�idirt� �hat coverage in faWor o� Lender�nr�.�� �o� be �rnpaire�l <br />