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��14��437 <br /> 1]FED �F 1�F�UST <br /> oan No: �7�fl�9�7� <br /> ���a�tir�ued� ���� � <br /> otherwis� provid�d or requi�-ed by law, i�there is more �han one Trustor, any no�i�� given by L�nder�o any Trustor is <br /> d�ei�n�e�-to be n��ice�iWen to a!I Trustars, !�wiil be�rustor°s responsihility to�e��the o�hers o�t�e no�ice�rom Lender. � <br /> I1l�ISGELLAUEQl35 PRaV[SIONS, The fal�ovv�ng misceiianeous pro�Fsions are a part o�r�his D�ed of Trust: <br /> �4mendments. VIIha� is ��itten in this Deed ❑-�Trus� and �n the Related Documents is Trus-�or's entire agreement <br /> w��h Lender �oncerning the matters co�ered by this ��ed ��T�-ust. To !�e effec�ive; any change ar amendmen-t to <br /> �his Deed o�Trust must be in wri�ing and must be si�ned hy whaever�rvill be baund or obl�ga�ed by#he change or <br /> amendment. <br /> CaPtion Headings. Caption headings in this Deecl of Trust are f�r conv�nience purpases only and are not to be <br /> used�a interpret or define the pro��sions of this Deed o�Trus�. <br /> IVlerger. There sha�� be no merger a�the interes�k vr esta�� creat�d hy this Deed ofr Trust with any other fnt�res��r <br /> estate in the Proper�y at any tim� he�d by or for�he benefit of Lender in any capa�i�y, wi-�hou�ths writ�en consent <br /> o�Lencier. <br /> Governing Law. Thas Deed of Trust will be go�re�nea� by �ederai law appli�ab�e to Lencder and, tv the sxtent not <br /> preempted b�federai�aw,�he!ai►vs b��he S��te a�F Nebrasl��wi�hvut regard to i�s con��ic�s vf[av►r pro�isions. Th�s <br /> D�ed af Trust has be�n accepted by Lender in tlhe St��e vf Iliebraska. <br /> �hvice of lfenue. If there �s a Iawsuit, Tru.stor agrees upon Lender's request tv submit to the�urisdict�an a�the <br /> caurts of Haff County, State of.Nebras!€a. <br /> Jain� and Se�eral L�ahility. All �b�fgati�ns o�Trustor under this Deed o� Trus� shai[ be jaint ar�d se�eral, and a1� <br /> references �� Trus�or sha(i mean each and e�ery Trus�ar. This means that each Trustor si�ning below is <br /> responsib��e for a�[ob�igations in�his Deed vf Trus�. <br /> No�lVaive�by Lender. Trus��r understands Lender�rvi�[ no�give up any of Lender's rfgh-ts unde��his i�eed ��Trust <br /> unless Lender does so in wri�ing. The �Fac� �ha� Lender delays ❑r omits to exercise any right will not mean that <br /> Lender has given up �hat r�ght. �f Lender cioes agi-ee in v�rriting �o gi�e up one af Lender's righ#s, tha� daes n�t. <br /> mean T�us�or �rvfl� not ha�e to compfy v�i�h the o�her pro�isivns af this Deed of Trus�. Trustvr a�sv understands <br /> that i� Lender does consent to a request, tha� does na� mean �ha� Trustor wil� no� ha�e to ge� Lender's consent <br /> again it�he sftua�ion nappens ag�in, Trustor�ur-�her u�derstands that just�ecause L�nder c�nsents ta one or more <br /> of Tru�t�r's requests; �hat does nat mean L�nder ►�il� be requ�red to consent�o any o�Trus-�o�'s fu�ure r�ques�s. <br /> Trustor viraives presen�men�, demand for payrr�ent, prates�, and na�ice af dishanor. <br /> Severabi�i�y. ff a �ourt finds �hat any provision of thi.s Deed o�Trust is not �alid �r shou�d nat be enfarce�, �hat <br /> fact by itself v�rill no�mean tha��the rest o�this Deed of Trust v�iii no�be valid ar en�orced. There�ore, a court wi�l <br /> en farce t he rest of the provision�s ❑f�his De�d a�Trus�e�en if a prov�sion of this Deed of Trust may be found to t�e <br /> in�r���d or unenforceab[�. <br /> Successars and Assigns. Subjec�t to any limi�a�ions stated in �h�s Qeed o�Trust vn t�ansfer af Trustor`s inte�-e��, <br /> th�s Deed o�r Trust sha�� be binding up�n and inure ta rthe b�nefi� o��he parties, their successo�s and asstgns. If <br /> ov�nersh_ip of�he Propert� becomes vested fn a person other�han TrustQr, Lende�, wi�hou�notic� �o Trus�ar, may <br /> deal vuith Trustor's successars wi�h re�erenc�to th�s Deed vf Trust and th� Indebtedness by way of�rorbearance oa- <br /> ext�nsian vvi-�hout releasing Trus�or from the abliga�ians�f t�is �7eed of Trus�or liabili�y�naer-�hE �ndelo�edness. <br /> T��e is of the Essenc�. Tim� is af tf�e essence in���per�arrr-�ance o��his Deed o�F Trust. <br /> V1laive Jury. AI1 par�ies �o this Deed o�Trust h�reby►�aive th� ��gh#to an�jury tra�! an any�c�i�ra, �roc�eding� or <br /> countercla�m brough�by any par�y agains�any v�her par�y. <br /> V�l��ver o� Hames�ead Exempt'ran. Trustor hereby rel�.ases and vtiraives all right� and bene�i�s o� the horr�estead <br /> exemp�ion �aws o�the S�ate of Nebraska as ta a�f lndeb�edness secured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> ❑EF�N�T[D1NS. The�oC�owing words sh�lf have th�-�ollov�r�ng me�n�ngs v�hen used in this ❑eed o�Trus�: <br /> Benef��iary. Th�word "Beneficiar�'° means Equita�[e Bank, an� its successors and assigns. <br /> garrov�er. The vlrord "Bvrrower" means David 111! Sidders and l�honda L S�dders and ineludes all co-signers and <br /> ca-malcers signing th� Credit Agreemen�and all the3�r successors and assigns, <br /> Credi�Agreer�en�. The�rvards "Credi�Agreement" mean the credit agreement dated A�pri� ��, ����-, �x�h ��'e��� <br /> 1��7x� �f $��,���.�D frorr� Trus�or �a L�nder, �age�he� v�i�h a�[ �ene}rvals a�, ex�en�i�ns oT, �-n�d��icat�on� o�, <br /> retinan�ings o�, �onso[idations a�, a�d subs�itutions �or -��e prorrgissvey n��e vr agreemen�. �he ma�urEty da�e of <br /> �his Dee.d o�Tru�s�is Apri� ��, �0�7. <br /> Deed �f Trust. The �ords °'Deed of Trustrr mean �his �e�d �� T�us� am�ng Trustor, Lenc�e�, ar�d Ts�ustee, �nd <br /> inc�udes withou� l.imitation aI[ assignmen� and seeur�ty int�rest �ro��s'ions relating �a the PersQnal Proper�ty and <br /> R�nts. <br /> Er�►rironmen�a� Laws. Yne words "Environm�ntaf Laws" m�an any and al� state, �edera� and loca[ s�a�u�es, <br /> regula�ions and �rdinances reia�ing �� �he pro�ec�ion o� human hea�th or the en�ir�nment, i�ne[uding v�ri-�hout <br /> lFme�a�i�n �he Gomprehensi�� EnWi.ron:men�al Response, Compensatian, and Liab��ity.Act ofi �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Sect�on 9�D�, et seq. {"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfun� Amendments and R�au�ha�ization Act o�f �9$�, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99-4-�9 �"SAF�A"�, the Ha�ardous Mater�a[s Transpvrtatian Act,49 U.S.C. See�€on 18C]�.et seq.,�he R�s�urce <br /> ��nsenra�ion and Recavery Act, 4-Z U.S_�. Section 69�3� e�seq., or o�he�-applicab�e s�at� ar fe�era� �aviis, rul�s, <br /> or regula��ons adop�ed pursuant there��. <br /> Erre��o�r Defau�t. The words °'Even�af�e�Faul�"° rnean any of�he eWen�s o�d�fauft se��or�h �n�h�s i�eed��Trust in <br /> the ev�n�s o�de�Fau9�section��F this Deed of Trus�_ <br /> E�cis��ng �ndebtednes�. �he �nrords "E�eis$ing lndebt�dn�ss°' rnean the indebtedness descri�ed in the E�c�sting Li�ns <br /> p�a�iision afi�his Dee� o�Trus�. <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�a�ces, Th� words "Hazardous Substan.ces"' mean mat�rials thatr h�Gause o-� �heir quantity, <br /> conc�n�ration or �hysica�, eh�mica� or inf�e�ious characteristics, rnay cause vr pvse a present or potential hazard <br /> to �uman heal�h or the env�ranment wher� irnproper�y used, �reated, s�tored, disposed of, genera�ed, rnanu�actured, <br /> �r�nspo�ted or oth��wise�ha�ndfed. The wards "Ha�ar�ous �ubs�tances" a�e used in their �ery broades�sense anc� <br /> Enclude v►rithout limitation any and all hazardous ar toxic subs�ances, materiafs flr was�e as d��ined by ar f�sted <br /> under the En�ironmen�al Lalrvs. The term "Hazardous 5ubstances" also includ�s, v+rithout limi�a�ion, pe�roEeum and <br /> petro[eurr� by-products or any�ract�fln thereaf and asbestas, <br /> lm�ro►reme��s. Th:e word "lmprvvements" rri�ans a[� exis�in� and �u�ur� �mpr�verrtents, buiCdin�s, sfiructu�es, <br /> rrsol�ile ho�n�s a��Fixed on the Rea� Proper�y, ��c.ilities, ac�cditians, replae�r�ents and o�her construc�ion on �he Rea� <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> [ndeb�ed�ess. Th� vvord "'�ndebrtedness'" ��an� a�� p��n�i�a[E in�erest, and other arr��unts. cos�s and e�pe�ses <br /> payaale unde� �he Credi� Agreement or Rela�ed D�cur�en�s, toge�her w�th afE renev+ra[s �f, �x-�er�sions v�, <br /> modE�Fications ��, conso��da�ions of and su�bst�tufi�ons ��r �he Credit Agreement or Relat�d Dacuments and any <br /> amor�n�s �xpend�d �r adv�anced by Lender �ta discharge T�-�rstor's obligations ar expenses �ncurre� �y Trustee or <br /> L�nder ta enfior�e Trustor"s obligat�ons �nder �his De�d ��r Trus�, �ogether wi�h interes� �r� such amounts as <br />