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. ��14��437 <br /> L�EIE�] �F TRL��T <br /> Lv�n No: �7��3�9577 ��o��itlu�d} Page � <br /> to Trustor such 1Va�iee of Defaul�t and No�ice af Sale as �hen required by la�nr and by this Deed a�Trust. <br /> Trustee sha[�, �rvi�hout demand on Trustvr, a�er such �ime as may then be required by Iaw and after <br /> recordativn o�such No�ic� of De�aul-� and affter No�ice �f:Sa[e haWing been g�Wen as required by 1aw, seil <br /> the P�operty at �h:e �ime and pface af sale.fixed by xt in sueh�Notice of 5ale,.:either as �.v�rho[e; ar in <br /> saparate �ots �r.parce[s or i�ems_as.T�-us�ee�sha�f deem ��€pedient, and in such arder as it may;determine. <br /> at pub�ic auction ta the:highest bidder:-�vr c�sh in 1av+r-Fu[ money of the_�nited Sta�es payable at the�time. <br /> of sa��. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser �r purchasers thereof �ts good and suf�icient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying �he property so.sold, �ut wi�hout any eo�er�ant or vtirarran�y, express or tmplied. The <br /> recitals in such deed �fi any mart�ers�or���cts s.hall be conclus�We provf a��he truth�u�ness thereo�. Any <br /> � person, inc�uding wi�hout[imitation Trustor;Trus�tee, or L�nder, may purchase at such sa�e. <br /> {b} As m� permitked by lair�r; ,after deducting a�� C�StSr fees and expenses af Trus�ee and fl� this <br /> Trust, 'rnc�udin�°c�sts of e�idence����t'it[e �n c�nnec�ion viri�h sale,Trustee shaf� app��the proceeds nf sal� <br /> to payment o�,: �i) all sums expended under the �e�ms o���his Deed of Trust or under�he�terms �� the <br /> C��di� Agreemen�t not then repaid; �ri.�ludi-ng but�nv� limited �o accru�d interest and �a#e charg�s, �ii} afl <br /> other sums��hen secured here�y, and �4iii}-�he rema;n�er,'�if any, ta �he person or persons legaf�y entitled <br /> �her�to. - . - - <br /> {c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpone sale af af� or any po�tian o��he Praperty. <br /> �emedies IUv# Exc�usive. Trus�ee and.Lender,;and each af them, shalE be �ntitled to enforce p�ymen.t and <br /> performanGe a�any�ndeb�edness or o��igations secured by this �eed of Trust and to ex�rcise a�l �-ights and powers <br /> under this Deed o�Trus�, �under t�e Credit Agreem�nt, under any of the Re[ated Dacuments, or under any oth�r <br /> agreement or any laii�rs now �r �here�fter �n �orc�; no��ri-�hs�anding� some or a!� af su�h indehtedness and <br /> obligations-secured by�this Deed o�Trus�may novir or her�after be other�nf�se secured, whether by mor�gage, deed <br /> o�trust, pledge, Iien,;;.assignment ar otherwise.:,Neither the accep�ance of_this Deed o�Trus�.nor its en�orcem�nt. <br /> whe�her by court action:�r pursuan� �v the.poinrer.o�:,sale�r other powers �antained in this Deed of T�ustr shall <br /> pre�udice or in any manner af��c�Trustee's or Lender's righ��li�e upan ar enfarce any ��her se�urity naw or <br /> hereafter held=by Trustee v�-_Lender, it bei�ng agr�ed that Trustee and Lender, and each o�.them, shaf-f �e:entit�ed to <br /> enforce �this Deed a�-T�-us�t and.any ��her sec;urity now or her�af�er held by Lende� or Trustee �n such orde� ar�d <br /> � manner as_they� ar ei�her. of them may-in their.absolute d���ion determ�ne, No �emedy conferr�d upan �r <br /> �eser�ed �o T�-us�ee or Lender, is �n�ended t� be exc�usi�e af any o�he�- remedy in �his Deed o� Trust ❑r by law <br /> pro�ided or p�rmi�ed� but each sha11 be cumulative and shal[ be in,a�dition �ko every other rem�dy �i��n in this <br /> Deed vf`�'rus�or noinr ar herea�er existirig at Cavir or �n equ�ty ot' by statute. Every powe�'ar �'�medy given by the <br /> C�eclit ►4greer�ent or an}� a� the �ela�ed �ocvf-rier�ts`to T�us�ee a� Lender ar ta 1nrh�ch ei�her o� them ma�r be <br /> a-therwise en-�itfed, rr�� e�ercised, �oncu�-�en�t�� or ir�dependen-�[y, �rom �ime to �i�e and as often as rnay be <br /> deemed exped�en� by Trus�e� or Lender,.and �i�h�r:�m may:;pursu��incansis�ent rem�dies. No�Y��ng in this <br /> Deed of Trust shall be cons�rued as prohibi�ing Lende�-frorrr see�cing a de�ic�er�ey�udgmen� against the Trustor�o <br /> �he:.extent such act�on is�permitted by Iavv. � : : : <br /> E[e�tion a� Remedies.. IA�� o� Lender`s rights _and rem�dies will be cumulat�ve and may be exercEsed a[one vr <br /> �ogethe�. �f Lender d�cides tv spend mone� ar.,to per�arm any of Trustor's o�ligations under�h�s Deed o�Trust, <br /> a-Fter Trusto�-'s failure �o'dv so, �hat decisian b� Lend�r wi�1 not afF�ct Lender's right to dec�are Trus�or in default <br /> and�o exercise Lend�r's�remed ies: <br /> �equest f�r Natice. Trustor,on �ehalf flf Trustor�nd L�nde�-, hereby reques�s th�t a capy of any Notice�-F Defau[t <br /> and a �opy of any �o�ice of 5aie under-�his Deed €��Trust be mailed tv them at�he addr�sses se��vr-�h iri the firs�k <br /> �a�-ag raph�f��€s Deed af Trus�. <br /> At�orneys` F�es; Ex�enses4 �� Lender��ns�itu�es an� sus� ��- �c�ion to �n�orce any of �he ter�ns of th;s Deed �� <br /> Trust;-L�nder sh�9l be�nt�tlEc� �v rec€��er su�h surr� as.�h� cour�may adjudge reasonab�e as at�orneys` #ees at trfal <br /> and upor� an� appea.f. V1lhether or not any cour� a�tivn is �nvo��ed, anci to the extent nvt prahibi�ed by law, al[ <br /> re���nable 'expenses �.ender incu�-� tha� in Lencler's ��l�IQR are ne-cessary afi an� time �or the prvtec�ion ❑f.i�s <br /> in�erest ar�he enforcement o��ts r�ghts sha11 becvnne a �art of t�e Indebtedness payab[e an demand and sha�! bear <br /> �nteres� a� �he.Credit Agreemer�t rate from �he date o�:�the �xpenditure unfiif r-epaEd: Expenses co�ered by �his <br /> par�agr�ph inc�uder wit��ut ltm�tat�an, haweve�-subject to an� limits under applic�ble �aw, Lenderps a��orneys' fees <br /> and Lenderrs ieg�� expenses,.whether or. r�ot:there is a lawsu'it, tnclud�ng at�torneys` �ees and expenses fior <br /> foarikruptcy praceed�ngs_;�inc�uding e��orts �o modify or vaca�e any;autvmatic s�ay or injunction}, appeals, and any <br /> an�icipated post-�udgmen� coflection serWices; �he cast vf sear�hing recards, o��ain�ng �i�le repvr�s �inc�uding <br /> forec�asure �ep�rts},.sur�eyors' reports. and appraisal fees, �i��� insurance, and -�ees for the Trustee, �o �he exten� <br /> per�nitted by applica��e law. Trust�r aiso v�iilf pay any court costs, in addition�o a11 other sums proWided b��aw. <br /> �ig�n��v�Trustee. Tru��ee sha�l have a�! ot�he r�g�t�s and duties o�Lender as se����th in�his section. <br /> PD1lilE�.S A�U[] �8�.��Al"1�NS �F TRL�STEE. The �o[[owing, ��ov�sions relating to the pov�rers and o�iiga�ions v�Trust�e <br /> are �aart r�f this Deed of T�Us�y <br /> �'virvers of Trustee_ En addition to all p�wers�a�T�ustee arising as a matter of la�rv, Trustee shall �a�e the po�nrer to <br /> �ai�e the folloirv�ng ae�-i�ns with respect�a �h����roper�y a�pQn�he written�request Q-�Lender and Trustor: {a�jvsn in <br /> prepa�ing and �i�ing �a ma�a or p[a� of the Rea��I'roper�y, incIuding the dedication of st�eets �r other rights to the <br /> pu�fic; �b} jain in grantin� any �as�ment or`creating ar��r re�tri�tion an ��e Real Propert�; and {c� join in any <br /> ' subordination ar�ther a�reemen�afFecting-this I7eed�f Trust or�he interest of Lender unde�-this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shalf inee� a�� qual`if�catians required �For Trustee under applicable law. ln addition to the rights <br /> and remedies set for�� abo�e, wi�f� respect to a[� or any pa� �f the F'roperty, the T�-ustee sh.a�� have �he right to <br /> �orec�ose by no�ice and sale, and Lencier �iiill haW� �he right to fvreclose by judicial for�cfosure. in ��ther ��se in <br /> accordance wi�h and�o the�u�1 ex�ent p�oiiided �y applicabie�avvs <br /> 5ucc�sst�r�'r�ste�. ��nder, at L�nder's op�io�a; rr�a�frorr�tir���tv�ime appoi�t�su�cesso�Trus�ee�� aray��ustee <br /> abpoin�ed �n�er �h�s ��ed ��i rus-� by an ia�s��i�r��a�� ��c�cui��d an� ac�cnvwiedged �y Len�e� arar� re��rdecl �r, ��� <br /> o-�Fice oa ��o�d�r.�-� �l�LL Cvun�y� Stat�-����Ve�ra�k�e ��a� ins�ru�er�t shal� contain, �n add�$6a� �� all Qther <br /> ma�te�-s re+qui�ed -b�=s�ate Ca�, .the r�ar�es����:the orig6na€-Lend��; Trus�ee, and -Crus���, ti�e baak and page �or <br /> compvter system re�eren�e} virhere this..Deed-o� �rus� is �'�carded; an�d the name and addr�ss o� �he successor <br /> �rustee, and the ins�rument shal[be execufied and aGknowledged b�al[the beneficiaries under�his Deed o��'rus�or <br /> their successors in �nterest. The sUccessor��-ust�e, wi�haut �onr�e�rance a�the P�-operty, sha�f succeed �a all �he <br /> �i��e, power, and�luties ��n�erred upon the Trustee in�his a�ed of:Trus�and by applieabie [a�u. This procedure fo� <br /> suas�itu�ian a�Trustee shai�go�iern�o the exc[usion�f a�i o�her provis�ons for substituti�n, <br /> N�T�GES. Any notice �equ�red to be-giv�n und��.�his Deed o�Trust, including without limitation any no�i�e of defauft <br /> and any no�ice o�sa[e�sha�l be gi�en in writin�; `an� sha[[ be effee�iWe i�vhen actually delivered, �nrhen actualfy r�c-ei�ed <br /> by te�efaGsimi�e {unless otherwise required b�law�,when depc�sited v+r�th a national3�r recagnE�ed overnight courier, �r� tf <br /> mai[�d,when depos€ted in the U��ted States r�ail, �s �irs��lassr �ert�fied ❑r registered mai[ pos�age ��epa�df dire�t�d �� <br /> �he addresses sh�own near�h�� beginning �f this.�.eed:�of T�-�sto �1� cflpies �f�o�Ec�s o�for���vs�re �rvr�-t the ho[dea- �� <br /> any lien which �a� pri�ri�ty c��er th�s Deed o�Trus�;s�all.he ser�t �a Lender's.address, a� sh��r+�� near�h� �egin�i�� �� <br /> �his Deed ��i r�s�. An� person �ay ch�nge �iis �r her address f�� not��es �nd.e�- �hi� Deed ��F l"r�s� �� ��vin� �orma� <br /> �rvr�tken no�¢ce �o �he o�her� p��son or persor�s; specify�s�g t�a� �� pur��se �� �he no�ice �s t� change �he personrs <br /> ad�ress. Fo�-notice purpvses, Trustar agrees to keep Lender in-�ormed at af!times o�T�-ustor's curren�address. �nles� <br />