<br /> QE�C� �F TRU�T
<br /> Loa� �a: 872�a��7'� �
<br /> �G�nt�nu�d� ��ge 7
<br /> pro�ided in th�s Deed o-�Trus�.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lend�r" means Equi�a�le gank, its suc�essors and assigns. The words "successa�s or
<br /> assigns" mean any pe�-son or campany that a�quires any int�res�t in the �redit I�g��ement.
<br /> Persona[ Praper�y. Th� vuards "Personal Praper�ty" mean a11 equipment, �ixtures, and other ar�icles vf pe�sonal
<br /> pr�per-ty now ar hereafter o�nrn�d by Trustor, and naw or he�-eafter attached or affixed �o the Re�l Property;
<br /> t�g�ther wi�h all access�ons, parts, and additions tv, aIl replacements v�F, and all substi�utions �or, any of such
<br /> proper�y; and tagether 'irvi�h a[f proceeds �ineiuding withvu� limita�ion a�! insu�ance �p�oG�eds and re�Funds of
<br /> premiums} �rom any sale or other dispasi�ion��the �roperty.
<br /> Prvper�y. The wo�-d "Pr�per�y" means calle�ti�e(y�he �ea� Proper�y and the Persona! Pr�pe�-ty.
<br /> R�aI Property. The words "Real Property" m�an the real pr�per�y, interests and righ�s, as further described in this
<br /> ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Re�afed Documents. The war�s "Re�ated [7ocuments" mean a�� pr�missory notes, credi� agre�ments, Eaan
<br /> agreements, environmen�a� agreemen�s, guaranties, s�cur�ty agreemen�s, mvrtgages, deeds o� trust� security
<br /> d�eds, cvllatera� mortgages, and ali v�her ins�ruments, agreements and documen�s, v�rhether now or hereaf�er
<br /> ex�sting� executed in connection with�he �nde�tedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means a�� pres�nt and �u�ur��renfis, revenu�s, incame, issues, royalti�s, profifis, and
<br /> o�her ben�-Fi�s der�ved�From the Proper�y.
<br /> Trustee, The word "�rustee" means Equitable Sank {Grand [sland �egion}, vvhose address is �13-��5 N Locust
<br /> S t; P� Box '[�0, Gran c l ls ian d, N E 6 S 8 D 2-Q 1 E p and any subs�itu�e or successor�rustees.
<br /> `�a�usto�. �'he wo�-d "'Trus�or" means Da�id Vtl S�ddea-s and�handa L Sidde�s.
<br /> �RUST�R A�REES T� �TS TERt111S. �
<br /> �
<br /> TI�US D�:
<br /> �
<br /> Da�vid 11V�idders
<br /> �� + .
<br /> � :� ;
<br /> ��onda L S�d�le�s
<br /> ��UDa1l��3UAL AC��N�'til�LE�]��IENT
<br /> a
<br /> STATE QF �� }
<br /> ���
<br /> cau�v�-v oF �
<br /> �n this day bef�r� �e, the undersign�d �Vo��rv Pub�t�, persona��� appear�d Davir� VI! ��c�ders and Rh�nda L S�ddee�s.
<br /> 1HUS�AND 8e 1N�F�� t� �ne known t❑ be the individ�als �escrib�d in and �vho execufied �he Deed o� �rus�., and.
<br /> a�k-n��nrledged tha�they signed the Deed a€T�-us� as their fre� and �ofunta e � and de�d, far th� uses and purposes
<br /> therein ment�aned.
<br /> .
<br /> ��� - � � ��-
<br /> � en under my hand and o#f���a�seaI#h�s _ day of �' �� � � r�-
<br /> I � � -
<br /> Y �'
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<br /> h �,.�fE p#i�2�3�� Prinfied Na e: � .
<br /> �jy ��� � � � ���
<br /> i���� }„�2� a n+ .
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<br /> �i tsr No�ar�P b1"c�n arad� r#��State of
<br /> � ���,�p.��.n���'����� �
<br /> s. �� F�es�c#i g�� � � �L�.-
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<br /> nl[���r�rnss�fl�n�:xp�r��� ���� ��,_.
<br /> � � � �. , ,..,..__..—
<br /> F�E�lJ��T F�F� �U�L F�E��lVV�1��4►iV�E
<br /> {To be used only when obliga�ivns have been pa3d in-�u11�
<br /> �a= ,Trustee
<br /> Tn� unde�signed is the lega� awner and holder af all �ndebtedness secured bv th€s Deed of T�-u�t. A11 surr�s secur-ed b�
<br /> thfs De�d �f-d-'rr�s�ha�e been-�ull�paid anc�satisfi�d. �ou are hereby directed,u�on paymen�to y��v�any surr�s ❑en��n�
<br /> �o yvu �nder �1�� t�:rms o�f -t��s Deed of Trus-� �r pursuan� to a�� a�p�rlicable �tatut�, �o �an�e� the Cr�dit ►���eenraen�
<br /> se�ured by��is �]eed a�Trus� �whic� is deli�ered �� �au �agethe�- �rvith this Deec� ❑��"rus��, a�d �� �econW�y, �nri�ha�t
<br /> �rvarranty, tc���e part�es c�esignatec� bj��he te�ms o�#f��s �e�al ��T�us�, the es�ate n�w h�ld b��rou under�his �7e�d �f
<br /> �rust. �'�ease ma�[the recvnveyance and R�la�ed D�cur�nents to:
<br /> Date: B�ne�cia�y:
<br /> gy:
<br /> ��s:
<br /> L�45ER PR� Lending, �,Ier. �4.�.�,Q21 Copr. D+� U5A Corparatio� 1997, �a��., Ai� Rflghts Reser�ed. - iVE
<br /> F:�CF�ILPLIC��'[.�� T1�-�87� PR-54-
<br />