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��14��437 <br /> �3�EEC� �F TF�U�T <br /> . <br /> Loa� Il�o: �7��5�57'i {Co����7ued� Pag� �I- <br /> becames �ielinquen�, or �2} con-�ests the�ax as p�-ovfdecl aba�e in �he Ta�ees and Liens section and cfeposi�s with <br /> L:ender cash or a suf-�fcien�corporafie sure-�y bond ar other security satis�actary�o Lender. <br /> SECUR�TY ACRFEfll�ENT; F�NANCIN� STATEMENTS. Th� fa�Iow�ng provisions i-e�a�ing �o �his De�d o� Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a par�o��his Deed o�Trus�: <br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This ins�rument sha�� constitu�� a Security Agreem�n� to the �xtenfi any o� the Property <br /> cans�itutes fix�ures, and L�nder shal� haW� a1f o�the rights of a secured par�y under�he Unifo�m Commerciai Code <br /> as amended�rom�ime to time. - <br /> Securifiy Inte�est. Upon reques� by Lender, Trustor shall talce whate�er a�-�ion is requested by Lender to perfec� <br /> and continue Lenderrs security �nf�res��n the Persana� Prope.rty. �n addition to recording this Qeed o�r Trust in th� <br /> rea� proper�y records, Lender may, at any time and lrvi�hout fur�her autharizat�on �rom Trustorr fi�e exscut�d <br /> coun�erparts, copies or reproduc�ions o� �h�s Deed of Trust as a financing s�afem�nt. Trustor sha�� reimburse <br /> Lender#ar a�[ �xpenses �ncurred in perfect€ng �r �ontinuin� �his security in�erest. Upon de�aul�, Trus��r shal� not <br /> remave, sever or d.etach the Persona! Proper�y from fhe Property. Upon de�aul�, Trustar shall ass�mb�e any <br /> Persona� Property not afFixed �v the Proper�y �n a rnanner and at a place r�asona��y con�enien� to Trustar and <br /> Lender and ma�ce it a�a��abie �o Lender �rvithin three {3} days af-�er receip� of writt�n demand -�rom Lender �o th� <br /> ex�ent permi�ted �y applicab[e Iavtr. <br /> �4ddresses. The ma��ing addr�sses o� Trustor �debtor� and Lender {secured party} f�-�m v�rhi�� in�ormation <br /> cvncerning the security int�res�t granted �y`�his De�d of Trust rnay be oh�ained �each as required k�y the Uni�orm <br /> �omm�reia� Code} are as s-tated on the�irst page Qf this Deed o�Trus-�. <br /> FUFiTHER ASSURANCES; ATTaC�111EY-1N�FACT. The following pravisions re�a�ing t4 �urther assurances and <br /> attorn�y-in--�aG�are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Further Assuranees. A�any time, and fram time to time, upon reau�st fl� Lender, Trustar wilf make, �xecute and <br /> deli�er, ar wi�I cause to be made, executed or deli�ered, ta Lende�-or ta Lender's designee, and when requeste-d by <br /> Lende�, cause to be fil�d, reco�ded, refFied, or rere�orded, as tne case may be, at such �imes and in such af�i�es <br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and a!1 such mortgages, deeds af trust, security deeds, securi�y <br /> agreements, ��nancing statem�nts, continuation statements, ins�ruments of fur�her assurance, �er�i�ic��es, and <br /> vther documen-�s as may, �n the sole vpinion o�Lender, h� �ecessary or desirab�e in order to effec�uate, complete, <br /> p�r�ec�, cantinue, or preser�e (1� Trus�or°s obligations� under the Cred�t Agreement, tf�is D�ed of Trust, and th� <br /> Related Documents, and {2} the ��ens and securi�y interests created by this Deed o� Trust on the Prop�rty, <br /> whe�her no�iv ov�rned ar her�af-ter acquired by Trustor. Unless p�ahibi�ed by law or Lender agrees to�he c�ntrary in <br /> writ�ng, Trus�ar sha�I reimburse Lender for alI costs and exp�nses �ncurred in connec�Fon w�th the matters refer�-ed <br /> to in�his paragraph. <br /> A�to�ney-in-Fa�t. 1�T�-ust�r fails to do any of the fihings ref�rred to in the preced�ng paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in �he name of Trus�or and at Trusto�-'s expense. For such purposes, T�us�ar hereby irrevocab€y appo�n�s <br /> Lender as Trustor's attarney-fn--fa�t far the purpose a�ma�cing, e�eecu�ing, deii�ering, �iling, recording, and do�ng aIi <br /> o�her �hings as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lende�rs sale op�nionf �o a�comptish the matters re-�erred to in <br /> �he preceding parag�aph. <br /> F�1LL PERF��IIlIANC�, I�Trus��r�ays afl th� lndebtedr�ess when due, �erm�nates�he credit iine accvunt, and otherwise <br /> pe�-�orms afl�he obligations impo.sed upa�Trus�or under-�his �]e�d �f Trus�, Lender sha11 execr�'�� anc� r�e�aver��Trusfie� <br /> a request �or �ui1 recon�eyance and shall execu�e ar�d d�li�er �o �rus�or suitab�e s�afierr�en�s o� �ter�ina�ia� o� a:�y <br /> �Financing s�a�ement on file evidencing Lend�r's sec:u,ri�y interest ir� �he Rents and ihe PersonaF �r�pert�. Any <br /> re�onveyance�F�e reguired by�aw shall be paid by Trus�or, i�r permi�ed by applicabl��aw. <br /> FVENTS aF DEfAULT. Trus�or wfl� be in defaul;t under this Deed ��r Trus�i-�any of the fiollowing happen: {A} Trus�or <br /> c�mmits fraud or mal�es a mafierial misrepresentation at any time in connection w�th the Credit Agreem�n�. T�is �an <br /> include, for e�cample, a �a[se sta�ement about Trustor's inc�me, assets, liabi[ities, or any ather aspects of Trus�or's <br /> �inancial condi�ion. {B} Trus�o�-does no� mee��h� rep�ayrnen��erms o�the �redi�t Agreerr�ent. tC} Trustor's action or <br /> inaction adverse�y a��ects �he �o�Eatera[ or Lenderrs rights i:n �he co��ateral. Th�s can include, fior example, �ailu�-e to <br /> maintain requ��ed insurancer was�te or des�ructiWe use o�the d�elling, failure�o pay�axes�d�ath of a!1 persans liab�e on <br /> the accoun�, transfer o� ti�ie ar sa[e vf �he dwefling, �reati�n o� a seni�r [ien on the dv�relling withou� Lender's <br /> perrr�ission,foreclosure by�the halder o�ano�her lien, or the us�of funds or the dwe�Iing fo��rvh�bited �ur�oses. <br /> RIGHTS A1ViD REIMED�ES �1N DEFAUL�". l�an E�ent v�De�ault occurs unc�e,r th�s Deed ���rus�, a���y�irr�e�her�afte�-, <br /> Trustee or Lender rr�ay exerc�se any one ar more of�h�fo1lo�ing rd�h�s ar�d �-erp�dies: <br /> A�ce�era�ion U�on De�au�t;Addi#i�n�I��rx�edies. �f a:ny E�en�o��e�aul�occurs as per the te�ms o��he Cre�ii� <br /> Agr�err�en�secur�d hereby, Lender may declare aIT Endebtedness secured �y�h�s 1Deed o���-us��o be due ar�d <br /> payable and �he same shal� thereupon become c�ue an� payab�e v+r�thau�any presentment, demana, pro��st or <br /> notice flf a.ny�cind. Therea�te�., Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei-�he� in person or by agent, v�ri�h ar �ithaut bringing any action or praCeeding, �r by a recei�e� <br /> appvinted by a c�urt and without regard to the ade�uacy of its security, en�e�-upon and take poss�ssion <br /> of�he Property, or any part therea�, in its �wn name or in the nam� of Trustee, and da any acts whic.h it <br /> deems ne�essa�y or desirable to preser�e th�Waluer marke�abi�ity or rentahi.f i�y o�the Property, ar part o� <br /> the P:rvperty or int�res� in fihe Property; increase �he income fram the Property or prot�ct the security of <br /> �he Property� and, with vr w�thau� �a���n� �aossession a� th� Property, s�ue �ar �r o�herwis� co!le�t the <br /> ren�s, issues an� pra�ri�s of the P�operty, �nclud�r�� �hase past due �:na� urapaid, an� appl�the sa�e, �ess <br /> �os�s and expens�s of op�ra�ion and co1��c�ion at�orne�s` �e�s, t� an�inde�ted�ess secured b��his �eed <br /> �� Tr�s�, all ar� such arder as Lerad�� �a�r �ieterr�i��e Yh� �r�te�ing up�n a�d � posses��ar� �� �he <br /> Proper$y, �he co[lection of such �-er�ts, �ssue� and pra�i�s; and the appfication the�-eo� ;s6� no�t cure or <br /> ��� any de�aui�or nof�ce of de�au�� urac�er.�his D�ed of Tr�ast o� in�alida�e �r�y aGt d�ne in �-espons�to <br /> such�e�aul��r pursuan�to such notice o�de�au[�, and, no�uv€�hst�nding�he cantinuanc� �n.possession of <br /> the Praperty or the c�tt�:��ian, receipt and applicatian �-� rents, issues or pr�fits, Trustee or Len�er shall <br /> be en�i�led �o ex�rcise eWery righ� pro�id�d #ac� in �he CredE�Agreemen��r the Related Documen�s vr by <br /> Iaw up�n the occurrence of any�vent of default, including the�ight to e�erc�se the pov�r�r vf sa�e; <br /> �b} Cammence an action to foreclose this ae�d ��Trus�t as a mor�,gage, appoint a receiWer or speci�Fi�ally <br /> enforce any o€the�o�enants he�eof; and <br /> {c} Deii�er-�o Trus�ee a wrEtten dec(arati�n of de�au���nd demand�ar sale and a wr��ten natice af default <br /> and e�e�t3�n�ko cause�T"rustar's �nterest i:n th� Pr�p�rt��o be so9c�, w�ich r����ce Yrus�ee sha�[ �ause ta be <br /> du��filed�or re�vrd in the a�pprapr;a�E o�r�ices o��he �oun�ty in whi�h-�he Praperty�s �.oca�edr �nd <br /> �d� 1111��h respect to �11 ar any par�o��he Pers�na� Prap�r�ya Lender shall h�ve a�i�he rig��s and rer��dies <br /> �f a secured party under�h� Nehras�ca �i�i�F�rnr� �o�arr�ercial ��de. <br /> Farec�vsu�e by P��nrer vf Sale. lf Lender e�ec�s�ta for�clos� by exercise o��he Po�nrer��f Sa�e here�in contained, <br /> Lender shal.� not��y Trus�ee and shall deposit with Yruste� this Deed o�F Trus� and �he Credit Agre.emen� and <br /> su�h reGeipts and evidence o�expenditures m:ade�nd secuced by this Deed o�Trust as Trus�ee may require. <br /> �a} Upon receipt of such nv�ice�rom Lender, Trustee shall cause to be recarded, pu�lished and delivered <br />