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��14��334 <br /> services and subsequent charges each time remappin�s or s�mi�ar change�oceur which reasonably might <br /> affec�such determination or certification, Barro�ver shall also be responsible for the pa�ment af any f�es <br /> impos�d by the Federal Emergency Mana�ement Ag�ncy�n conn�ction�tvi�h the revi��Qf an�flood 2ane <br /> determ�nation resulting fr�m an ob,�ection b�Borrawer, <br /> If Borrower fails to maintain any of the co�rerages descr�bed above,Lead�r may obtain�nsurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrovwer`s�xpense.Len�er is un.der no�bligatian to purchase an�r particu�ar�e of <br /> amount of Gaverage.Ther�fore,such c�verage sha11 cflver Lender,but might nr m�ght nvt pr�tec�Borrower, <br /> Barrower's equity in the Property,or the contents of the�roperty,against any risk,hazard ar�iability and <br /> might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in�ffect. Borrflwer ackn�wledges that the cost <br /> of the�nsurance coverage so obtained might significantly e�c�ed�he cost of insurance that Borrower could <br /> ha�e obtained.�ny amv�nts disbursed by Len�ier under this Sect�on�shall becom�additianal debt of <br /> Borrotiver secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts sh�ll bear�n�erest at th�Nate rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shall be pa�ra�le,with su�h interest,upon notice from Lender to Borr�wer <br /> requ�sting payment, <br /> All in.surance pal�cies required by Lender and renewals of su�h policies shal�be sub�ect to Lender's right to <br /> disappra�e suc�h pol�eies,shal�include a standard martgage claus�,and shal�name Lender as mortgag�e <br /> andlor as an additional loss payee. Lender sha�l h�.�e the right ta hv�d the pol�ci�s and renewal c�rtificates. <br /> If Ler�der requues,Borrow�r sha11 pr�mptly g�ve to Lend�r aII reeeipts of paid pr�m�ums and renewal <br /> notices. If Borrower obtains any form of i�asurance coverage,not otherwise requir�d by Lend�r, f�r damage <br /> to,ar destruction of,the Property,�uch policy sha11 include a sta�dard mortgage clause and shalt name <br /> Lender as mort�agee andl�r as an additional loss pay�e. � <br /> In the event of loss,Borr��v'er sha11 give pron�pt notice ta the�nsurance carr�er and Lender. L�ader may <br /> make proof of toss if not n�ade prompt�y by Bonower.Un�ess Lender and Borro�er o�hervvise agree in <br /> vvriting,any insurance proceeds,wh�th�r or no��he underlyir�g insuranc�was requ�red by Lend�r,�hal�be <br /> applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoratian or repair is economically feasibl�and <br /> Lender's security is not Iessened. During such repair and r��toration periad,Lender sha11 have�he right t� <br /> hold st�ch in.s�ran.ce proceeds until�.�ender has�.ad an ap�rtun�t�to��spec��uch Praperty ta ensure the <br /> �rork has been completed ta Lender's sat�sfac�ioa,pro�id�d�hat such inspection shall be uadertak�n <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds f�r�he r�pairs and restorat�c� a single gayment or in a ser�es of <br /> �rogress payments as�h�wark is compieted,Unless an agreement is made in w�iting or Applicab�e Law <br /> requi.res interest to be paid on.such insurance proceeds,Lender shall not be to pay Borrovver any <br /> inter�st vr eamings on such proceeds.Fees for pub�ic adjusters,or other third parties,reta�ned by Borraw�r <br /> sh.all nat be paid out af t�e insura�ce pr�cee�s an�.shall'be the s�le o�ligation af Borro�ver.If the restoration <br /> ar repair is not economically f�asible ar Lender's security�rould be�esse�ed�the in�urance praceeds shal�be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�,wh�ther or nat then due,�ith the excess, if any� <br /> paid to F�orrower, Such insurance proc�eds shal�be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br /> If Borrower abandans the Prapert�,Lender may f�e,negotiat��nd settl�any a�ai�able�nsurance claim and <br /> r�lat�d matters. If�orrower does not respand within 3D da�s to a n�tice from Lender that th��nsuran�e <br /> carrier has offered to settle a claim,then Lender may negotiate and se�tle the claim.The 30-day period wi�1 <br /> begin wh�n the notice�s gi�en. In either event,ar if L�nder acquires the Property under Section 22 or <br /> other�ise,Borrovver hereby assigns to Lender(a)Borrower'�rights to any insuranc�proceeds in an amaunt <br /> n�t to exc��d the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Sec�.r��y Instrument,and�b)any ather af <br /> Borrower's rights�other than the r�ght t�any refund of un.earned pr�miums paid by Borrower]under all <br /> insurance�aolicies cover�ng the Prvpert�,�nsvfar a�such rights ar�appli�abl�to the co�er�.ge o�the <br /> Proper�. L�nd�r may use the�nsurance proceeds either to repair or restore th�Propert�r or to pay amaunts <br /> unpaid under the Nvte or th�s Security Inst�ruument,whether or nat then due. <br /> NE9RASKA�ir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFraeddie Nlac UN�F�RM 1N5TRUMENT W�TH MERS Fornn 3Q281141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA�NE)[�3�2j.40 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Servicas Page 7 of 17 <br /> q�3325ao336� z33 3�6 471� <br />