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��14��334 <br /> fi. �ccupancy.Borra�rer shall accup�, estab�ish, an�use the Proper�y as Borrower's principal residence <br /> vvith�n 64 day�after the e��cuti�n�f�his Se�u��ty�nst�rum�nt and shal�cvnt��n�e to occup�the I'roperty as <br /> Borrower's principal residenc�for at�east one yeai after the date af occupancy,unless Lender other�vise <br /> agr��s in w�c�t�ng,�vhich consent sha11 not be unteasonabl�withheld,or un�ess e�tenuating circums�ances <br /> exist vvhi�h are beyond�on�wer's con�ra�. <br /> ?. Preser�ation,Ma�nt�nance an�1 Prate�tion of th�Prop�rt�1;Inspect�ans.Borrower shall not destroy, <br /> damag�or impair the Pro�erty,a��ow the Pr���r�y to deteriarate ar commit�aste on the Propert�, �hether <br /> or not Borrower is residing in�he Prvp�r�,Borrov��r�hall maintain the�'roperty�n order to prevent the <br /> Property from deteriarating or decre�sin�;in va�ue due to its condition.Unless it is determined gursuant to <br /> �ection S that���a�r o��estor�.tio�is not economica��y f�asibl�,�orr��e�r��hall promptl��r�� the�roge�y <br /> if damag�d to a�oid further deteriara.tion or dama�e.If insurance or condem�.ation pr�ceeds are paid in <br /> connection with damage to,or�he taking af,the Property,Borrawer shal�be responsibl�far repa�ri.n.g or <br /> restoring the Froperty only�f�ender has rel�ase�.proc�eds for�uch pu.rposes.�.en�er may disburse proceeds <br /> for the repairs a�d restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as th�vvork is <br /> completed.If the insuranee ar condemnation praceeds are n[�t suffi�ient to repa�r or restore the I�roper�y, <br /> Barrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation far the compl�tiofl of such repair or restoration. <br /> Lender ar its agent may rriake reasonable entries upan and in.spectians�f the I'roperty. If�t has reasonable <br /> cause,�►en�ier��.�inspect t�e i�te�ior of th�improvemen�s v�►the Prop�rt�. Lende�r sball gi�e�3orro�rer <br /> ao�ice at the time of or pr�or to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan App�ication.Borrower sha11 be in default if, during the Loan app�ica#ion proc�ss, <br /> �orro�ver ar any persans ar entit��s acting at the di.rectian vf Barrow�r or�r��h Bor�r��ver's knowl�dge or <br /> consent gave materially fa��e,misleading,ar inaccurat�infvrmation or sta.tements to L�nder�or failed to <br /> provide Lend�r with materia�l information)in connectivn with the I�aan.Materia�repres�ntatians in�lud�,but <br /> are not lirn�ted to,representations canceming�arrovver's occupancy of th�Froperty as Borrower's pr�ncipal <br /> residence. <br /> �. Prot�c#�onaf Len�er'�Interest in the Propertyand l�ights Under this Security lnstr�ument.If(a} <br /> Borrower fails ta p�rforn�the c��enants an�agreements contained in this Securi�y Ins�.rumen�,[b}there is a <br /> Iega1 pro�eed�ng that might significant�y affect Lender's�nterest in the Prop�rty aadlor rights under this <br /> S�curity Instrurnent(such as a proceed�ng in bankruptey,probate, for condemnatian or forfeit�re, for <br /> enforcement of a�ien which may att,aYn priority over this Security Instrumeat or to enfar��Iaws or <br /> regulations),or(c)B�rro�rer has abandoned the Pr�perty,then L�nder may do and pay fvr whatever is <br /> r�asonab�e or appropriate to protect L�nder's interes��n the Property and rig�ts under thi�Security <br /> Instrument, including protect� andlor assessing t�.e value of the Property,and securing andlor repa�r�ng <br /> the i'ro�ert�,Lender's a�tions can includ.e,hut axe not��mited ta: (a��aying any s�amEs secured�y a lien <br /> �vh.ich has priorxty over this Security Instrument; (b)agpearing rn c�ur�;and(�}paying r�asonable attorn��s' <br /> fees to protect its�nterest in the Fropert�andlar ri�hts und�r this Security Instrument,inctuding its�ecured <br /> positi�n in a banl�ruptcy proc�eding. Secur�n�the�rop�rty includes,'but is not 1imi�ed to, entering the <br /> Property to make repairs,change��cks,r�place or board up daars aad windows,drain tivater from pipes, <br /> eliminate�auilding ar�ther code vio�ations or d�ngerous conditions,and ha�e uti�iti�s turned�n or aff. <br /> Although Lender may take action under�his Sectron 9,Lender do�s not have to do so and is nat unde�any <br /> dut�or obli�atian to do sa. It is agr�ed that Lend�r�incurs n�liabi�ity for nat taking any�r ail actions <br /> authorized under this Section 9. <br /> q433254433�0 4z33 35� �817 <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Fami�y-Fannie NlaeJFr+eddi�Mac UNlFORM INSTRUMENT VIIlTH MERS Fomn 3(?�81101 <br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE)�'�3Q2}.Q4 <br /> Wolters Kfwu�er FFnancia!Sen►ic�s Paga 8 a#17 <br />