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��14��1�� <br /> .t <br /> ��} �t�h�r�. AlI r�ghts,powers,privi�eges, op�iox�s and oth�r b�nefits of <br /> Tndi�idual Borrower as lessar under the L�ases arad h�neficiary under the Leas� �uaranties, <br /> including withaut �irr�i�ati�n the imm�diat� ar�d continu�ng right to make G�aim for, r�c�i�re ar�d <br /> co��ect ai1 Rents payab�e or re�ei�abl� under the Lea�es and a11 suxns payabl� under the Leas� <br /> �ua�anties ar�ursuant thereto [and to app�y th� same tv the payment of the Debt�, and to do a�� <br /> vth�r th�ings which Ind���dua� Borrower or any lessQr is flr may becorne entit�ed to do un�er the <br /> Leases or the Lease�uaranties, � <br /> (g) Enti• . The r�ght, at Lender's optian, upv� re�acati�n af the <br /> license granted h�r�in in acc�rdar����ith the t�rms h�reof, ta enter upon the Property in person= <br /> by agent or by�ourt-ap�vin�ed recei�er,ta ca�lect the Rents. <br /> (h) Power of Att�rne_y, Upan the occurr�nce and dunng th�existence <br /> of an Event of Defau�t, Ir�dividual �vrraurer's irr�vocable power of attflrney, coupled with an <br /> int�rest, to tak� �ny and al� af the aCti�ns set farth in Se�tion 3.1 of this Assi�nment and ar�y�r <br /> a�I other a�ti�ns des�g�ated by Lender far the pr�per management and prese�vation vf th� <br /> Property. <br /> �i} t]th�r R.i�hts �d A�xeem�nts. Any and a1l other rights of <br /> wrMMu�ruww�w��� <br /> Individual B�rr�wer in and to the items set forth ir� subsect�ans [a) throug�i (i} abov�, an� a�l <br /> am�ndments,madi�icatians,r�piacements,r�newals ar�d substitutions�hereof. <br /> ARTI�LE II <br /> TERMS�F ASSIGNMEN'T' <br /> S��tian�.1 PreSent Assi ment And Lice�se Back. It is intend�d by <br /> Individual Borrower that thi.s Assignment cons��tute a present, absv�ute ass�gnment of the Leases, <br /> Rents, Lease �uarant�es a�d Ba��kruptcy C�aims, and nat an assignmen� for additi�na� securit� � <br /> oril�}r. Nevertheless= subj�ct #n the terms �f this 5ectian �.1, Lender �r�nts to Indi�idua� <br /> B�rrower a r��ocabl� �icense ta col�ect, receive, use and enjoy the R�nts and other sums due <br /> ur�d�r the Lease Guaranti�s and Individual Borrower sha11 hold such Rents and a�l su�ms re�eived <br /> pursuant to any Lease�uaranty, or a portion there�f suffi�ient to disGharge aIl sums that are th�n <br /> due or� the D�bt, in for the benef�t of L�nder f�r use in the payrnent of such sums ul <br /> accordance with and subje�t tv th� terms af th� L�atl Docum�nt�, with the rema.inder of such <br /> Rents to be r�leased to Indi�idual Borrower. � <br /> Se�tion�.� N�tice '�'o L�ssees. Individual Barrovv�r hereby authoriz�s and <br /> dir�cts t�e i�ssees named �n the Leases or ar�y other futur� lesse�s or �c�upants of the Praperty <br /> and all Lease Guaranto�-s to pay o��r t� L�nder ar to such oth�r party as Lend�r directs a�� Rents <br /> and al� sums due under any Leas� Guaranties upvn re��pt from Lender of�written natice tv the <br /> e�e�t that Lender is then the holder of this Assignment and that an Event �f D�faul� exists, and <br /> ta cont�nue s�t�do until otherwise nvt�f�ed by Lender. <br /> Section�.3 Inc„rp���,n_„Bv Referenee. A11 repr�s�ntations, vvarranties, <br /> cav�nants, c�nditions and agreements canta�ned in the L�an Agr�ement and the ather Laan <br /> � 3 <br /> 1073157.02-NYC5Ra3A-M5W <br />