<br /> no�r a�vned, flr hereafter acquire�by Iradivi.dua� Borrower, subject, howe�er, in each case t� the
<br /> other pro�is�nn��f this Assignment:
<br /> �a� Leases. A�1 �eases, subl�ases or subsu��eases, �et#ings, I�Genses,
<br /> con�essions �r ather agreemen�s �wheth�r writt�n or aral} no� ar hereaf�e�r made, whether made
<br /> before ar af�er the f�ling h�or aga�nst I.ndividua� Borr�awer of ar�y petiti�n far re�ief under th�
<br /> Bankruptcy�ode, �ncluding, without�imitatian, all of Indi��dual Borra�ver'�rights and interest�
<br /> �including al� secut-�.ty�nterests gra�ated thereon�pursuant to the IIIIast�r I�ase,pursuant to wh�ch
<br /> Ir�d�v�dual B�rrower has gra,n�ed any Persan a possessory interest in, or right t� use, enjoy or
<br /> oc�upy a�� or any p�rtion of any space �n that certain lot or p�e�e of�ar�d, more particular�y
<br /> described in Exhibit A annexed heretQ and made a part hereaf, tag�th�r w�th t�e bui�d�ngs,
<br /> structures, fixtu.res, additions, er�.largements, extensions,mod�fications,repa�.rs,replacements and
<br /> �mpra�ements now �r hereai�er lacated thereon (�ollect��ely, the `�Pr��ex�ty"�, and ev�
<br /> madif��ation, amendrr�ent �r supp�ement to any �f the forego�ng ar�d every guarantee of the
<br /> perfvrma,nce and abservance flf the cov�nants, conditions and agreements to be perform�d and
<br /> obs�ved by the other part� th�reto, and the right, tit�� arxd interest af Borr�wer, its succ�ssors
<br /> and as�igns, therein and thereurader. Thi� As�ignrnent of pr�serit and futur� �eas�s and pr�sent
<br /> and fut�re a�reements being �ff�cti�e vvith�ut furth�r or supplementa� assigx�ment. The leases
<br /> and other agreernents described in th�s SubseGtian�a� are c�l�ecti��ly r�ferred to as the
<br /> "LeaS�s".
<br /> �b} R�nts. All r�nts, rent �quivalents, man�ys payabie as damages ar
<br /> ul�i�u of rent�r rent @qu�valents,royalties [inc�uding, without limit2�ti�n, ai� oil and gas or othe�r
<br /> m�neral r�ya�ties and b�nuses}, inr�me, re�e��ab�es, rec�i�ts, revenues, deposits �in�luding,
<br /> . without�imitation,securitys utility and other deposits}, accounts, cash, issues,pr�fits, charges for
<br /> s�rvice� rendered, and other consid�rat��n �f whatever form or riatur� recei�ed by or paid to or
<br /> f�r the account nf or benefit�f Individual Borrower or its agents or�mployees from any and a11
<br /> sources arising from or attributable to the Propex�t}�, and proceeds, if any, frorn business
<br /> interruption or other Ioss of income insurance, �vhether pa�ci or accru�ng befar�or af�er the filirag
<br /> by or agair�st Individua� Borrower af any petitian for re�ief ur�d�r the Bankruptcy ��de
<br /> �co�Iect��e�y,th�"Rents"). �
<br /> ��} Bankrupt�v �laims. All of Individual Barrower's c�aixr�s and
<br /> ri�hts �the "Ban.krupt�y �Iaims") ta the payrnent of dama�es ar�ising frt�m any r�j e�tion by a
<br /> �essee�f any Lease under the Bankru�t�y Code.
<br /> �d� Lease Gu�rant�es. Al� of Ind��idua� Borr�wer's right, t�tle and
<br /> interest in and �laims under any and a�l �ease �uarant��s, ��tters of credit and ar�y other credit
<br /> suppart�individually, a"I.tease�uaranty", callecti��ly, the"Lease �uaranties"} gi�en by any
<br /> guarantor in connecti�n with any af the Leases[indi�idually,a"Lease�uarantor", r.o�lectively,
<br /> th�"L�ase Guarantors"}to Indi�idual Borrovver.
<br /> ��} Proc�eds. Al� proceeds fram the sale or ath�r disposition of the
<br /> Leases,�he Rents, the Lease�uaranties ar�d the�3ar�kruptcy�1air�s.
<br /> 2
<br /> 1 fl73�57.�2-NYCSR43A-MSW
<br />