<br /> Docun�ents to which Barr�wer is a party, as same may be m�di�ied, rene�v�d, substituted or
<br /> e�ctended, are hereby made a par�of this Assi�.ment to the same extent and v�ith the same force
<br /> as if ful�y�et foxth�erein.
<br /> ARTI�LE III
<br /> Secti�n 3.1 Remedies of Lender. Upon �he occurrence at�d dur�ng the
<br /> existence af an E�ent of Defau.�t,the l��ense granted to Indi`ri�ual Borro�ver in Sectian�.� �f this
<br /> Assignment shal� automatically be revaked, and Lender shall immediate�y be entit�ed to
<br /> possessivn af ail Rents and sums c�ue under any Lease�uaranti�s, �hether or not Lender enters
<br /> upon or takes control �f the Prapert�. In add�tion, s� long as an Event af I]efau�t exists, Lender
<br /> may, at its ogti�n and to the extent permitted by appl�cable 1aw, withou� waiving su�h Event �f
<br /> Default,w�thaut regard to th�a�equacy of the security for the Debt, either in person�r by ag�nt,
<br /> nominee �r aitarney, with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or b� a r��ei�e�r
<br /> appointed by a cou�r#, dispasses� Irid��idua� Borrower ar�d its agents and servants from the
<br /> Prop�rty, without �iabi��ty fvr #respass, damages or ot�erv�ris� and exc�ude Individual Borr��ver
<br /> and its agents ar ser�van�s wholly therefram, and take passession of the Praperty and a�i books,
<br /> re�ords and accounts relafiin�theret� ar�d have, h�ld, manage, �eas� and operate the�'ropert}�on
<br /> such terms and f�r such p�r�iod of time as Lender may reas�na�ly de�m prop�r so �ang as such
<br /> Event of I]efault exists ar�d either with t�r wi�h�ut �aking possession of the Praperty in its awn
<br /> name, d�mand, sue for or otherwise colle�t ar�d recei�e a1� Rents and surns due under all Lease
<br /> Guaranties, including th�s� past due and unpaid with fu11 pow�r t� make �rorn t�me to �ime al�
<br /> alterations, re�n�va�ions, repairs or rep�ac�ments th�reto or ther�af as Lender may reasonab�y
<br /> deem�r�per and rnay apply th�Rents and sums recei��d pursuant to any Lease�uarant�es�o the
<br /> payrnent af the follawing in such order a.nd prapo�tion as L�nder in �t� sole discr�tiori may
<br /> determine, any la�r, custom or us� to the cantrary notw�thstar�ding: �a}a1� r�as�nab�e and
<br /> da cumented ex�enses of managing and securing the Praperty, inc�uding, without beir�g lirnited
<br /> thereta, th� reasonab�e and d�cum ented sa1 ari es, fees and wages o f a managing agent and such
<br /> other employees �r a�ents as Lender may reasonab�� deem necessar}r or desirab�e and a�l
<br /> reas�nab�e and documented expenses af �p�rat�ng and mair�taining the Property, including,
<br /> without being limited thereto, a11 taa��s, char�es, claims, ass�ssmer�ts, water c�iarges, sewer rents
<br /> and any oth�r li�s, ar�d pr�miums for a�� insurance vvhich Lender may reasanab�y.de�m
<br /> n�c�ssary or desirable, and the cost �f a1.� alterati�ns, renovatians, repa�rs �r rep�acem�nts made
<br /> by Len.der �n its r�asonab�e discret�an, and a11 expens�s incident to t�g an�i retaining
<br /> possession of the Praperty; ar�d �b}th� Debt, tagether wi.th,all costs and reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees. In addition, upan the a�currenr� a�d during the co�tinuanc� of an E�ent of Default,
<br /> Lender, at its optian, may in its reasonable discretion ��)c.�mplete ax�}r c�nstruction on the
<br /> �'roperty in such manner and form as Lender reasonably deems advisabie, ��i�exercise a�� r�ghts
<br /> and pawers of Individual Borrvwer, in�luding, without limitation, the right to negotiate, execute,
<br /> cancel� enforce or mod�fy any Leases, obta�in and evict tenan�s, and demand, sue f�r, co���ct and
<br /> r�cei�e a1l Rents fram the Property and a11 surr�s due under any Lease �uaranties, �i�i�require
<br /> Individua�. Borr�wer ta pay monthly �n ad�ance to Lender, �r any receiver appointed to cal�ect
<br /> th� Rents, the fair an�i reasonable r�ntal va�ue for the use and ��cupancy of su�h part of the
<br /> 4
<br /> ����i s�.o�-NYC5RD3A-Msw
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