<br /> Lea�e� (hereinaf��r defined} or customers, suppliers, vendors or other part��s under any
<br /> agre�m�nts or cantract� exce�t to the extent �hat Indi�idual Borrawer sha�� have ar�y right or
<br /> interest therein and then only t�the ext�nt�f su�h ri�it or interest therein;
<br /> ��j Fix#ures. A�1 Equipmer�t r�nw owned, �r th� o�vn�rship �f which is
<br /> hereaf�er acquired, by Indi�idual Bvrrow�r which is sa r�lated ta the Land and Im�rovements
<br /> �ormxng part of th� Proper�y that it �s deerr�ed fixtures �r r�a1 propert� under the law of the
<br /> particu�ar state �n �vh�ch the Equipment is locatedi 1I1CIllC�1.I]�, W��]Ulit I1iT11�t1�17, a�� building or
<br /> COriS�UCf1��'l materials inter�ded for constru�tion, recanstrruction, alt�ration or repair �f or
<br /> in�ta��ation an the Propert�r, cvnstruct��n equipment, appliances, machinery, plant equipmen�,
<br /> fittings, apparatus�s, �xtures and��her items now or hereafter attached to, installed�n�r used in
<br /> connect�on �vith �t�mporariiy or perman�nt�y} any of �e Impravements or th� Land or the
<br /> activ�t�es conduct�d there�n, including, but not limite�. to, eng�nes, de�rices for the op�ratxon af
<br /> pumps, pipes, plurnb�ng, c�eaning, call and spxinkler systems, fire extinguishin�apparatuses and
<br /> �qu�pment, h�at�ng, �rent�iating, la�ndry, incinerati�ng, ��e�tr�ical, air conditioning and air c�olin�g
<br /> equipment and syst�ms, ga� and electric machinerY, appurfenances and equipment, p���utian
<br /> �ontrol equ�pments SeCUrI� 5y5t�tY1S� d�spo�als, dishwashers, refrigerators �inc�uding aI�
<br /> refrigerat�on and freez�ng systems and eq�ipment) and r�1�e5, recreat�onal equipment and
<br /> facilities of a�� kin�is, and water, ga.s, e�ectr�cal, storm and sar�itary sewer faci�it�es, u�ilit� lines
<br /> and equipment �whether owned ind�v�dual�y ar joint�y with others, and, if own�d jvint�y, to the
<br /> extent �f Indiv�dua� Borrower's interest therein} and al� other utilities �rhether ar not situated in
<br /> �asement�, a�� water tanks, wat�r supply,water p�wer sites, fue� stations, fue�tanks, fuel supply,
<br /> an.d al� ot�ier stru�tures, together wxth all ac�essions, appurtenances, additi�ns, replacements,
<br /> bett�rment� and substituti�ns f�r any of the foregoing and the proceeds thereof, 1I7 �a.C�l CaS� tD
<br /> the extent any�f the f�reg�ing �s so related. t� th� Land and Improvements formin�par� of the
<br /> Prop�that is deemed f�ture��r r�a1 property under the law of the par�icula�r state in�vhich the
<br /> Equipm�nt is located �c���ective�y, the "Fixtures"�. Natwithstanding th� f�rega�ng, "Fixtures"
<br /> shall nat include any pr�perty belonging to tenants or �ccupa.t�ts under Leases or cus�orn�rs,
<br /> 51i�7�]�l�'S, vend�r� �r ot�her parties under ar�y agreements �r c�n�racts except tv the extent that
<br /> �nd�v�dua� Barrovver sha�l have any rigk�t or interest therein and then only tc� the extent �f such
<br /> ri�ht or interest ther�in;
<br /> (g� Personal I'roper��v. All fur.�uture, furn�shings, obj ects af art, rnachinery,
<br /> goods, too�s, supplies, app�xan�es, general intangibles, �ontra�t rights, accounts, accounts
<br /> receivable, �IaI1C�ll5�S, Iicenses,'cert�ficates an� permits, and all oth�r persona,i praperty of ar�y
<br /> kind or character what�oever as d�f�ned in and sub�j ect to the pravi sions af the Un�form
<br /> Commercial �ade, whether tangible or intangible, other than Fixtures, which are now or
<br /> h�reaf�er own�d by Individua� Borrower a.nd which are �a�ated within or about the Land and the
<br /> Improv�ments ar us� in. �onnection with the activities c�nducte�d ther�in, together with a1I
<br /> accessories, replacerr�ents anc� subst�tut�ons thereto or th�refor and the �raceeds there�f
<br /> �collectiv�ly, the "Persona� Property"�, and the right, title and int�rest �f Individua� Borr�wer
<br /> in and to any of the Persona� Property which may b� subject tQ any security interests, as defin�d
<br /> in the.LJniform Commer�ial �ode, as adopt�d and enacted by the state or states where ar�y of the
<br /> Property is lacated �the "ZTn�form Comm�rcial �ade"}, superiar in I�en to the �ien af this
<br /> S�curity Instrurn�nt and a�l praceeds and produ�ts of the above. 1�Totwithst�nding the forego�ng, '
<br /> �Q7315 i.()4-NYC5R03A-MSW
<br />