<br /> NDW TI�EREFt]RE, in cor�s�derati�ri�f the rx�aking of the Loan b�Lender ar�d
<br /> th�covenants,agreemerits,r�presentations and warrantxes set forth in this S�cunty Instrum�rit:
<br /> ARTI�L� 1 -�RANTS �F S��URITY
<br /> Se�tion 1.1 �r�per�t_y Mart�a�ed. Ind�vidual �orrower do�s hereby
<br /> irrevoGably mortga�e, grant,bar�a�n, sel�,pledge, assign,warrant,transfer and co�vey ta Trustee
<br /> and �ts suGcessars- and permitted assigns, ir� trust, far the bene�it of-�ender, the fol�ow�ng
<br /> prop�rty, rights, ir�terests a.r�d estat�s naw owned, or hereaf��r acquired �� Indiv�dual Barr�w�r
<br /> (collect�v�Iy,the"�'roperty"]: �
<br /> [a} Land. The real proper�y des�rib�d in Ex�hil�it A attached hereta and made
<br /> a part hereof�th�"Land"); "
<br /> �} Additiona� Land. AI� add�ti�nal lands, estates and d�velQpment rights
<br /> hereafter acquired by Indivi�ival Barrower for use in conne�ti�n with the Lan� and the
<br /> deve�apment of the Land and a�l additional lar�ds and estates therein which may, fram time t�
<br /> tirn�, by supp�em.ental mortgage �r a�herwise� be ��pressly made subject to the ��en of th�s
<br /> Security�istruxnent; ,
<br /> �c) Im rovem.en�s. The bui�dir�gs, stru�tures, fi�tures, additians,
<br /> enlargements, extensions, mod��icat�ons, repairs, rep��cemerits and �mpro�e�rnents novv or
<br /> hereaf�er erected or Iocated on th�Land(roll�cti�ely,the"Impro�ements"�;
<br /> (d) E�sements. A11 eas�ments,rights-of-v�ray ar use,ri�hts, strips and gores of
<br /> �and, streets, ways, alleys, passages, sewer nghts, water, water cours�s, water rights and p�wers,
<br /> a�r ri�hts and de�e�opn�ent rights, a.nd a�l estates, rights, tit�es, interests, privileges, lib�rties,
<br /> s�r�itudes, ter�ements, hereditaments and appurtenances of any natur� whats��ver, in any way .
<br /> now�or hereaf�er belonging, re�ating or perta�tung ta the �and and the Improve�ner�ts and the
<br /> re�ersion and r�versians and re�mainders, and alI �and l�ng in th� hed af an� street, r�ad or
<br /> avenue, apen�d ar prop�sed, in frant of ar adj�ining the Land, to the c�at�r ��ne thereof and all
<br /> t�e estates, ri�hts, tit�es, interests, dowers �nd rights of dc��v�r, curtesy and rights of �ur�esy,
<br /> pr�perty, poss�ss�on� c�a�m and demand whatso�ver, b�th at �aw and in equ.it�, �f Individual
<br /> �orrower of, �n and to the Land and the Impro�rements and �v�ry par� and parcel th�reaf, w�th
<br /> the appur�enances thereto; �
<br /> (e) ui ment. A.�� "g�ads" and "equipment," as such terms are def ned in
<br /> Articl�9 of the Unifarm Commercial �ode (as hereinaf��r define�i), n�w �wr�ed ar hereafter
<br /> acquired by Ind�vidua�B�rrower,which��used at or in�anne�tion with the Impra�ements or the
<br /> La�nd or �s Iocated ther�an or therein �including, but not �irnited to, a1� machinery, equipment,
<br /> furnishings, ar��i �le�tronic data-pra�ess�ng a�nd other affi�e e�uipm�nt naw owned or hereaf�er .
<br /> acquired by I�adiv�dual Barrower and any and a��add�tians, substitut�a�s and replac�ments af any
<br /> of the foregoing}, tagether with al� attachm�nts, c�mponents, par�s, equipment and ac��ssori�s
<br /> �nstal�ed therean �r a�x�d thereto �coll�cti�ely, the "Equipment"}. I�Tatvvithstandu�g the
<br /> foregoulg, Equipment sha�l not in�lud� any property helanging to tenants or occupants under
<br /> �a�3�s�.04-NYC5It�3A-Msw
<br />