<br /> Persanal Pr�per�y sha1� nat in�lude any praper�y hel�nging to tenaants ar accupants under Leases
<br /> or customers, suppl�ers,v�ndars or other parties u.�der any agreements or can�rac�s ��c�pt to the
<br /> extent that Individual Barrov��r sha�1 have any ri�t or ir�t�rest therein and th�n ar�y to the e�tent
<br /> �f su�h nght or inter�st therein;
<br /> �h) Leases ar�d Rents. All �eases, subieases or subsubleases, lettings, �i�enses,
<br /> concessions or ath�r a�reements �v�rhe#her written �r oral} in��uding;, �ithaut �imitation, al� of
<br /> Individual Barrower's r�.ghts a�d interests [inc�uding al� se�urity interests grar�t�d thereon)_
<br /> pursuant to th� Master Lease, pursuant ta which Ir�div�idual Barrower has granted any Persan a
<br /> possessory interest i.n, or right to use or occupy a11 or an� port�on of the Land and the
<br /> Irnprov�m.ents, and every mo�i�ficati�n, arnendment or o�her agre�m�nt�up�l�menting an�r of the
<br /> f�regoing and e�ery guarantee of the performanc� and �bservance of the cavenants, condi�ons
<br /> and a�reements ta �e perfarm�d and observed by the ather party th�ret�, heretofore or heareaf�er
<br /> ente�ed into �co��ectively, th.e "I.�ease5"}, whether before c�r af�er the �Iui� by �r a�ainst
<br /> Ir�div�iduat Borrnwer of any petit�on f�r re�ief under the Bankruptcy Cade and all right, titie and
<br /> interest of Indiv�dua� Borro�ver, its sur,cessars and assigns therein and thereiu.tider, inc�uding,
<br /> withaut �imitat�an, cash or se�urities depasit� t�iereunder to secure the performance by the
<br /> lessees of the�r obligatians thereu.�der and a11 rents, add�tianal rents,r�venues, issues and pra�ts
<br /> [inc�uding a1I ai� and �as or �ther mineral roya�ties and banuses) �rom the Lar�d ar�d the
<br /> Impravements v�hether paid or a��rui.ng before or after the f�l�ng �y �r a�;ainst �nd�vidua�
<br /> Barro�er af any petitian far relief ur�der the Bankruptcy�ade[collecti�ely,the"R�nts"} and a��
<br /> proc�eds fram the sale or ather dispasition of th� Leases and th� right ta receive and apply the
<br /> Ren�s to the payment of the D�bt; �
<br /> t�� Condemnat�on Awards. All Awards which may heretofore and hereaf�er
<br /> be made wi#h respect to the Property, whether �rom the exercise of t�e right of emxnent domain
<br /> [�n�luding,but not l�mit�d.to, ar�y transfer made in lieu�f ar in anti�ipati�n of the e�er�ise of the
<br /> rigk�.t},ar far a change af grade,�r for an}�other injury to ar decrease in the va�ue of the Praperty;
<br /> �) Insurance Pr�c�eds. Al� Insurance Prace�ds in respect of the Property
<br /> under any Policies ca�er�ng the Property, including, ��th�ut Iimitation, th� ri�ht t� recei�e and
<br /> apply the pr�c�eds of any Po�icies,jud�nents, or settlert�ents made in��eu thereaf, in a�cordance
<br /> �vith the Loan A�reement in connec�ion with a�asualty ta the Pr�perty;
<br /> �k] Tax ��r�iorari. Al� refun.ds, rebates or credits in connect�on with
<br /> reduction in Taxes or C]ther�ha�rges charged a�ainst the Proper�y;
<br /> P �1} �on�ersian. AI� proceeds of the conversion, voiuntary ar involur�tary, of
<br /> any af the foregoir�g inta cash or �iqu�dation claims, �nclud�ng, v�ithout limitation, Insurance
<br /> Proceeds and Avvards;
<br /> �m} Ri ts. The rig�t, in the name and on hehalf of Indi�idua� Barrow�r, ta
<br /> commer�ce any acti�n or praceeding ta prote�t the interest vf Lender in the Property;
<br /> [n} A�reernents. All agr�ements, cantracts, certificates, �nstru.ments,
<br /> franchises,permits, �ic,ens�s,plans, specif�cations and ath�r�iocuments, no�v or hereaf�er entered .
<br /> �o��1 s i.Q�-r�csRo�A-Msw
<br />