<br /> f�om de��riaratin� or decxeasin�; �n va�ue due tn its c�ndition. tTnless xf is de�crmined pursuant to �ect�on � ���.a�
<br /> repair a�-resl�arati�n is no��conomical�y fcasib�e, Borr-��nre�• sha�i p�-ompt�y���pair�he Proper�:y if damaged�o a�oid
<br /> fut-�herr d���rioration or damagc. If�r�surance c��•conde�r�natian p�•oee�ds are pa�d in connec�i�n with dar��agc t�, c��-
<br /> the takxng af, the P�•oper�y, Bo�-�o�re��shal�be respox�sible for�-e��airing or rest�rin�;the Ft-npe�-ty o��l� if Lende�•has
<br /> re�eased proceeds f�r su�h purpos�s. Lender may c�isburse proceeds for� �he repa�rs and rest�ratinn �n a singl�
<br /> paylnen�or in a sexi�s of pro�re�s pay���ents as the vva���is completed. �f�I�e insurance or co�de�llnation proceeds
<br /> a�-e not sufficient �o repairr ar r�store �he Prap�r�y, Borfowcr is nat rel�eved af Borrrower's �b�iga�ion f�r �he
<br /> �n�nple�io��af�uch�•epai�r or restorati�n.
<br /> Lender or i�s agen��nay inake�•easanable en�ries upon and inspectians of`�he Prope�-�y. Zf i�c has reasonab�e
<br /> �ause, Lender ma� �nsp�ct the in�erior of. the i�nprovemen�s on�he Proper�y. Lende�slaall g�ve Barrower no�i�e a�
<br /> �he time of ar p�-ior to such an in�eriar inspec�ion specifying suc�1 reasnnable cause.
<br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Appi�ca�ion. Borro��r s��a11 b� �n defau��if, du�in�the Loan appi�ca��on pro�ess,
<br /> Borrower or any persans or entif�es actin�; a� �he directi�n of Ba�-rowe�•o�-wi�h Borrower's knn�r�edge or �nnsent
<br /> �a�e materially false, n-�isleadin�, or inaccux•ate infarmation ot• statemen�s to Lender �a�- failed to provid� Lender
<br /> vvi�h mate�-ial ��ZformatioY�} i�a connection vvi�h �he Laan. Matert-ial rept•ese��tations include, but are not I�rni�ed �.a,
<br /> represen�at�ons�onc�rnin�;�3Qrrovver's occupancy�f�he�'�-ope�ty a5�3orravver's principal reside�.�e.
<br /> 9. Pra�ecti�n of Lender's Interc5� in the Praperty and Righ�s Under this Security Instrumen�. �f.
<br /> �a}Barrawer fai�s to perfn�-tn�he covenants and ag�reements�ontained in this Securi�y Tn�trurnen�,(b}there xs a�egal
<br /> procee�iing �ha� migh� signi�can�ly affec� Lende�-'s i�l�eres� in the Proper�r andlor righ�s under �his Security
<br /> Ins��ltment�suGh as a proceeding in hankruptcy, p�-obate, far condcmnation ar fo�-feitu�•e, for enforcement of a lien
<br /> Which may a�tai�� priori�ty aver this Secu�i�y �ns�rumen� o�• ta enfarce �av�s ar zegula��ons}, ar �c�Barrov�er has
<br /> aband�ned���e Prope�-�y, thcn Lende�-may do and pay for�vhat�vc�-i� reasonabie or appropr�a�e to px-otec�Lend�r's
<br /> interes�:�n the Property and���;hts under tl��s 5ecur��.y Instrument, �ncludin�prot�ctin�;andlar assessin�;�he�alue of
<br /> the P�-��perty, and secur�ng andlot- repairing fhe P�'ope�-�y. Lender'� act��ns can inc�ude, but arc no� lirnited �o:
<br /> �a�paying any sums secured by a lien�rhich��as p�•iority ove��his Securi�y Instrument; �b}appearing i� court; and
<br /> (G}payi��g reasonab�e at�a�-neys' fees t� p�-o�eG� ��s in��xe�C in the Prope�-ty ar7dlor �-��hts unde�• �his Security
<br /> Instrumen�., �nclud�n� z�s secured poszt�an �n a ba.n�.ru��tcy p�oGe�d�n�. Securin� the Prop�rty includ�s, but is no�
<br /> I�m�ted to,entct°i�1�the P�-aperty to ma�e�-epa�rs, change Ioc�s,replace or board up doors and tivindows, drain wa�er
<br /> ft•om pipes, e�im�nate build�ng or o���et'cade v�ola�ions or dangerous cnnditioris, and ha�e util��i�s turned on �r off.
<br /> Al�hough Lende�-may take action unde�•th�s Se�tion 9,Lender doc:s not have ta do so and is not undex-any duty o�-
<br /> �blz�ati�n�o da so. ��.is a�;xeed���.at L�nder incurs no��ability for not�akin�;any or aI�ac�ians au�hor�zed under�his
<br /> Sect�on 9.
<br /> Any a�naunts disbursed by Lend�r under this Sec�:ion 9 s��a11 beco�n�additional debti af Borrower secured
<br /> by this S�curity �nst�-ument. These amoun�s shall bea�interest at�:he Nat;e rate frorn tl�� date of disbursement and
<br /> shall be payab�e,with such interest,upnn nat�ce from Lend��-�a l3t�rrawer re�ues�.ing paym�n�.
<br /> �f�his S�curi�y�nst�-umen�is on a lease��old,Bor�rower sh�l�comply�i�h all�lae provisi�ns of�he lease. If
<br /> �3orrourer acqu�res fee t�tle�a�h�Prope�-ty,th�Ieaseho�d and�he fe�t�tle shall not merge unless Lende��ag�-ees to�he
<br /> �ner�er in writ�n�;.
<br /> �Uo Mar�gage �nsuran�e. If Lender �•eo�uired Mor��ag� �nsu�•ance as a condi�ion �f���aking the Loan,
<br /> B�rraure�- sha�� pay �he premiums �required �o maintain �hc Mort�;age Insu�-ance in effect. If, far any reason, �he
<br /> Mot•�gage �r�sura�ace coverage required hy Lcnder ceases to be a�railahle fro�n the n�o��t�agc��Zsurer�ha�pre�iau�iy
<br /> � pravided such insurance and Bo�-�ovver was req uired ta m.ake sepa�-a�e1y desi�natcd payments tovvard the preiniu�ns
<br /> far Mo�•tgage�nsuran�e,Borrou�er shail pay�he premiurns re�u.ir�d to obtain cave�age�u�stantially��ui�alent�a tl�e
<br /> Mortgage �nsurance previausly in effect, at a cos� �ubs�antially �aui�ralent�❑ �he cost to Borr�wer of th�Mo�•t�age
<br />,9 Tnsu�•ance previous�y in �ffec�, f�•om ax� alte�-na�e �-nflrtga�;e �nsure�• sclec�ed b� Lende�-. If substat�tia��y equi�ale��t
<br /> Mo�-��;age�nsurance Go�erage is no�ava��able,Bo�-�-owc�•shail�ontinue�o pay�o Le�det-�he amaunt af the sepa�-atcly
<br /> designated pay�.�.enfis tha��rvere due�when�he�nsurance cotire�age ceas�d to be�n effec�. Lender will accept,use and
<br /> re�ain ���ese payme��s as a non-�efundable �ass reserve in lieu c�f Mflr�gage Insu�ance. SuGh lass reser�re sha�i be
<br /> non-refur�dable,notwithstiandin��he fact tlaati i.he Laan is ulti���ately paid in fu��, and Lender sha��not be required to
<br /> Neb�•a�ka Deed vfTrusF-�---Si��gic Family—F�nnie Maelrreddic Mac L�nifor�n Instrumen! Fo�•r��3�28�101
<br /> �'V�ERS Modi�ed
<br /> The Compl�ance 5ource,�nc. Page 7 of 14 II'�adi�ed by Comp�iance Svurce 1430�?�E 481UU Re�.041�3
<br /> r�vww.c�mpliancesou�•cc.com �Z�DOWZ�13,T��e Campiiance�ource,�nc.
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