<br /> ��spansible for�he payzx�ent of an�fe�s i�x�pos�d by the F�dera�Ez��er�ency Mana�;emen�A�;�ncy in connectifln wi�h
<br /> th�review�f any f�ood 7�ne det���rni�ation�esul�ix�g from a���b�ection by Borrower.
<br /> If Borrow��-fai�s ta maintain any�f�he cove�•ages d�sc�-ibed d�ov�, Lende�•r��ay obtaix�insurance covez•a�;e,
<br /> a�Lender's��tifl��ai�d Ba�•rowet•'s expense. Lende�•is under��a obligation to purc��ase any pa��icuiar type or amoun�
<br /> af�o�era�;e. Therefare, such cavera�e sha11 co�er Lcnder, but nc�.��;ht or m��;h�: not pro��ct Barrovtrer, Borrower"s
<br /> equi�y in�he Property,or tihe co��ten�s of t��e Prape��ty,agains�a��y r�si�,hazard�r liabi��ty and mi�;ht provide greater
<br /> ar lesser c�verage than uras previously in eff�c�. Bart-Uwer acl�novvledges���at�he cost of�1��insurance coverage so
<br /> obtained might s�gni�cantly �xceed the co�t af insurance �hat Bor�•ov�re�� cou�d have ohtained. A�y amounfis
<br />_ disbursed by Lender undc�• this 5ection 5 shall beco�ne additiana� dcbt af Bo�-�-ower secured by thxs Secu�-i�y
<br /> �nstrumen�. These amounts shall bear i�aterest a�the No�e rat� f�•am tihe date of disbu�rsemen�and s��al1 be payab��,
<br /> urith such���teres�,upon n�tice from Lend�r to Borrowe�r reques��ng paymenl.
<br />. All insurance palicies required by Lender and renev�rals of su�h policies shal�be subj�c�tn Lender's ri�h��o
<br /> disapp�-ove such pol�cies,sh�.11 include a standard mo�-tga�c clause,and shal�name Lender as mortgagee andlar as an
<br /> additional lass payee. Lende�- sha�1 ha�c�he right to ha�d�.he polic�ies and renewa� c�rti�ca�es. �f Lender requires,
<br /> Borrou�er shail promptiy give to Lendez-alI receipts af paid pren�iums and renewal no�ices. �f Borrowe�-obta�ns a��y
<br /> form of insurance covera�;e,no#:o�lervvise requ�red by Lcnder, f�r d.a�na�,� to, or dcs�.ruction of, the Proper�y, such
<br /> policy sha�l include a standard mortgage clause ar�d sha�� ��a�n� Lende�- as mor�ga�ee andlot a� an addi�.�onal loss
<br /> payee. . .
<br /> �n the even� of ioss, Ba��'ower shall gi�e prampt nflt�cc to tl�� lnsurance caz-rie�-and Lender. Lender may
<br /> ma�e proof of�as�if na�made promp�ly by Bo�-��owcr. Un�ess Lender a�d Bo�1•�we�-othe�r-vv�se agree in writing,any
<br /> insurance proceeds,vvhetl�er or not the underly�ng insurance was rec�uired by Lender, sha11 be applied to restoratiion
<br /> or repai�of�he Property, if�he res�ora�ion or repair is eGono�nically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.
<br /> Durin�such repair and restoration�e�iad, Lender shall have t��e r�gh�to h��d such insurance praceeds unti�Lender
<br /> has had an opportunity to inspec� such P�•ope�-ty �o ensure the wo�-k ha� been c�mple��d �o Lender's satisfaction,
<br /> pro�ided tl�a� such inspec�ion sha�� be undertaken pror�xptly. Ler�d�r may d�sburse proceeds for the repairs and
<br /> res�aration in a s�ngle paymen�or z�a se��ies of�rogress paym�nts as the vvork is completed. IJniess an a�reement is
<br /> made in vvritin�; or App�icab�e Law requ�res i�aterest t;o be pa�d �n such insurance proceeds, Lender sha�l not be
<br /> required to pay Ba��rower any inte�•e��o�-ea�-n�ngS ox�such pro�eeds. Fees for public adjus�ers,or o�her third pa�-�ies,
<br /> retained by Borraurer shall not be pa�d out of the insurance �proceeds and shall be the sa�e obliga�ion of Borrower. If
<br /> the res�a�-ation o�•repair is not eco��omically feasible o�-Lende�•'s security wauld be lessex�ed,the insu�-ance p�•oceeds
<br /> sha11 be applied to the suin� secur�d by thi� Securi�y Inst�-u�nent, whe�her or not �:hen due, with the exccss, if any,
<br /> pa�d to Borrower. Such insuzan�e proceeds sha11 he a�aplied�n�he o�-der prav�ded fn�-�n Sectifln 2.
<br />. �f Barrov►�er abandons the�'roper�y,Lender�-nay fil�,nego�:iate and se��le any a�ailable insurance ctai�n and
<br /> re�ated matters. �f Borrotiver does nat�espond wi���in 34 days to a not��e from L�nde�-�1at�he�nsurance carrier has
<br /> offered �o set�Ie a c�aim, tl�en Lende�-may negotiate and set�ie the �lairn. The 3�-day period w��� begin when the
<br /> z�o�i�e is gi�en. �n e�ther event, a�•�f Lende�a�quires t1�.e Praperty under Sec�zon 2� ar at��erv�rise,B�rrovver hereby
<br /> as��gns to Lex�de�• (a)Bort-owe�•'s righ�s to an� �n��.t�'ance proceeds �n an amoun�n�t�o exceed the amaunts unpaid
<br /> under��.e No�e or�his Security�nstrumen�,and�b�any o�her af Larrfl�wer's ri�;hts�atiler rhan the ri�;h�t�any refund
<br /> of uriearned premiuxns pa�d by Bo�-�-awe�-� unde�-aI� insuranc�pol�cxes c:overing tihe P�-oper�y, insofa�•as suGh righ�s
<br /> are appli�ab�e to the cove�rage of�he Proper�y. Lend�r may use�he�nsurance p�-oceeds e�t��er to repa�r or restore�he
<br /> P�operty or�o pay amaun�s unpaid u��der the Nate or this Security�nst��uxnent,�rhe�her or nat�hen due.
<br /> �, �ccupancy. Borro�v�r shall occupy,cs�ab�ish, and use�he Fz operty as�3orro�trver's p���n�ipa�residence
<br /> �r�th�n 6� day� af�er the execution of this Security �nst�-ument and shal� con�i�ue �o occupy the Property as
<br /> �arr�wer's pr�ncipal residenc� for at�east one year after thc da�e af occupancy, unless Lend�r o�hervvise agrees �n
<br /> wri�ing, which col�se��� sha�l na� be u��rcasonably wi�hhe�d, fl�- ur�less ex�:enuatiz�g c�rcumstances ex�st whi�h ar e
<br /> beyond Bo�-rowe�-'s control.
<br /> 7. P�eSer�at�on, I�a�n�enance and Protec�tian af �he �'roperty; Inspectivn�. Borrovver s��a�l no�
<br /> des�rc�y,damage or impair the Prope�ty,al�ow�he Frop�rty to dete�•�o�a�e o�cammzt waste on�he Pr-operty. �'L�Vhe�her
<br /> ar nfli:Borro,wer is res�din� in �he P.�oper�y, Borrower sha�i rnain�a�n th� Proper�y �n order tio pre�erat th� P�c�perty
<br /> i�lebraska D�ed of Trusf-�---Single Family-�Fa�anie Mae1F�•eddie Mae Uniform Ynstrum�nt Forrr►302$I101
<br /> MERS Nlodified
<br /> The�ampliance Snurce,�nc. Pa�e 6 0�I4 NYodif�ed by Cvmpliance Souree 143U1NE U81U�Re�.U4113
<br /> www.campliancesource.com o2000-ZU13,The Compiiance Saurce,Inc.
<br /> � �- C] � ? � 5 ❑ 8 � C7 5 -$- C� C] ►� D -�- � -�- 1 � �
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