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��14�155� <br /> pay Bar�-�w�r any in�eres�ar earnin�s on such Ioss�esc�.-��. Lender ca��no �on�;e�requiz:e loss r�eserve payments if <br /> Mo��tgage�nsurance cov�rage�x��he amc�un�ar�d for�he peri�d�ha�Le�nde�-requires�prov�d�d by an insurer s�lected <br /> by L�nde�- agairi beco�r��s available, is �b�a�ncd, and Lender �•equi�-es separa�eiy designatcd paytnen�s tov�rard the <br /> premiurns fa�-Mor��;a�e Insuranc�. If L�nder required Mor�ga�e���suY-a��ce a� a c�ndi�io� of�laki��g�he Laan and <br /> }3orrower vvas requ��ed to makc separa��ly dcs��nated pa�r�nents toward �he p�re����u�ns far Mart�;a�� Insurar�ce, <br /> Borrower sha�l pay�he p�-e�rziums requi�•ed�o ma��7�ain Mort�age Insurancc in effe��, or to provid�a no�a-refundable <br /> loss rese��e, until Lender's requirernent fa�- Mortgage Insut-ance cnds in accordance wi��a any w�itten agreement <br />-� between Borrawe�• a��d Lende�•pro�iding fo�• such �er����na�.ion or until �e�-mina��a�� is requi�•ed by Applicable Lavv. <br /> Nathing in this Sec��on ��aff�cts Ba�-�-ower's obligatian�o pay intert�cs�at the ratie prt�vided in the Not�. <br /> Mortgage �.nsura�ace reimbur�es Lender �or any en�ity ��a� purchases the Note} for ce�-�ain iosses �t may <br /> incu�-if B�ri•ower does nat repay t��e Loan as agreed. Bo��rawe��is no�:a par�.y t�the Mo���gage Insurance. <br /> M�rt�a�;e insure�s �va�uate�heir totai risk on a��such insurance in fa�ce from tim� ta time, and may enter <br /> info agreernen���vvi�h other pa��ties that share or m�dify�heir�•isk, or��educe iosses. These ag��eements are on tet-rns <br /> and conditions �hat ar� satisfacto��y t� �he �no�-�gage insure�- and the o�h�r party �or parties} to �hese agreements. <br /> T��cse ag�reements may reauire the martgage�nsurer�o make paymet�ts u�i��g any sau�-ce of funds that the martga�;e <br /> insurrer�nay have available�wh�ch may in�lude funds ob#:ain�d frox��Mor��;a�;e�nsurance pr�rniums). <br />� As a result of�hese ag�eeme�ts,Lender,any pu�•chaser af tl�.e No�e,ana�her insurer,any reinsurer,any othe�- <br /> en���y, or any aff�liat� af any of the foregaing, may receive �direc�ly or �ndi�-ectly} amounts that de�r��e from �ar <br /> �nrgh� be characterized as} a po�-��on of Bar�-o�ver's payments for Martgage Insu�•an�e, in exchange fo�• sharing ar <br /> mad�fying the mort�age insure��'s �-isk, ❑�'reducing losses. If such agreemen� pravldes �hat an affilia�e af Lender <br /> takes a share of the insurer's r�sk in exchange fo� a share of�11e pr�miums paid �o �he insurer, the arrangement�s <br /> of�en te��med"capt�ve reinsurance." Furtl�rer: <br /> (a} Any such agreement�wii�nn�affec��he amaunts�hat�3arrow�r ha�a�reed�o pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance,ar any other�erm�of the Loan. Such agreements wi�l no�increase�he amoun�Borrawer will owe <br /> fo��Mor�gage Insurance,an�they will no�en���le Barrovver to any refund. <br /> ��} Any such agreemen�s w�ll no� affect the righ�s Borrower has �- if any -� wi�h respe�t �o the <br /> Martgage Insurance under the Ilomeowners Pro�ectiun Act of 1998 or any o�her Iaw. These r�ghts rnay <br /> �nclude�he rig����a receive certain disc�osures,ta reques�and obtain can�e�lation of�he Martgage InSurance, <br /> �o ha�ve �he Mar�gage Insuran�e �ermina�ed automa�ically, andlor �o �-eceive a refund of any Mar��ag� <br /> InSu�•an�e prerniums�hat were unearned a�the�ime af such cancella�ion ar�ermination. <br /> 11. As�ignmen� of IVl�sceilan�ous Praceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellan��us Proceeds are her�by <br /> ass�gned�o and shall be paid ta Lender. <br /> If tlae Proper�y is damaged, such Miscellane�us P��oceeds shall be applied �o resto�ation or rcpai�' of�he <br /> Prc�perty, if the res�oration or repair is �conom�ca��y feasib�e and Lender's se�urity i� na� Iessened. Dur�n�; such <br /> repa��•and�-estoration period,Lender shall �ave�he���h��a ho�d such Miscellaneous Pr�cecds until Lender has had <br /> an oppn��unity to insp�ct such Proper�y �o ensure �he,work has been corn.ple�ed �o Lender's sat�sfaction, p�rovided <br /> �hat such inspection shall be under�aken promptiy. Lender z��ay pay fo�• the repai�-s at�d x•esto�•a�ion in a single <br /> d�sbursement or in a ser�es of progress paymen�s as the wo�k is c�mpleted. [�nless an a�;re�men�is�x�ade xr�vvri�in� <br /> o��Applicable Law requires inte�est t❑be paid on such MisGellaneous P�-oCeeds,Lenc�et-shall no�bc�'equ�red�o pay <br /> Borra�rver any inte�-es� or earnings on such M�scellaneous P���ceeds. �f the res�o�-a�ion or r�pa�r is n��e�onomically <br /> fe�sible or Lende�•'s secu�•ity vvauld be lesse�led,the M�scellarieous Pro�eeds sha11 be applied to�he sums secured by <br /> �his Secur�ty �nstrument, v�he�he�- or not th�n due, with �he cx�ess, if any, paid to Bo��ovver. Such M�sce��an�ous <br /> Praceeds slaall be applied i��the ard�r prnvided for in 5ection 2. <br /> In�he�v�n�of a total takit�g,d�struc�cic�n,oz�lass in value of the Pt•opez•�y,the M�scellaneous Proceeds sha11 <br /> be app�ied�.a the sums se�ured by�his Security Ii�stz-utr�ent,wh�thet•or no�thex�due,with�he excess, if any,paid�� <br />. B�rrow er. <br />� �n the event of a par�iai taki�g,destruct�o��,o��oss in�value of�he Propezty in�vhich tl�e fair markef va�ue of <br /> t�ae Propcx�y im���ediately befor�the par�ial�ak�ng,des��-uc��on,or�oss i�.value�s equal t❑or g�eater�han�he amoun� <br /> of�he sums �ecur�d by�his S��urity�ristirument imn7edia�ely befor��;h�pdr�ial i.akin�, des�ruc��on, ar loss in value, <br /> Nebraska De�d of'�Il�•ust—Sin�te Family—Fannie Mae1F�•eddie Mac Uniform Inst�•ument F'orm 3428 11D1 <br /> MER�Mod�f�er� <br /> T�ie C�umpliance Source,�nc. Page S of 14 Madified by Cvmpliance Svurce 1430�NE D81�U Rev.D41t3 <br />� �2D0�-2U�3,The Cor��piiance Sour�e,inc. <br /> � + c� � � � s � � � r� s -� � a � v �- s �- 1 �- � <br />