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��14�155� <br /> r <br /> time by a zaot�c� �;i�ez�� in accaz dance�vit�� S��t�an I 5 and, �xp�n suc�a. revocat�on, }3o�-row�r shall pay�o L�x�der a�l <br /> Furids,and i�such amaunt�,tha�a�-�then rcquired und���thi�Se�tion 3. <br /> Lender may, at an�r time, coliect and hald Funds �n an a�n�unt�a� suffcient��permi�Lender to apply tl�e <br /> Funds at �he �ime speci�ed u��de�- RESPA, ax�d �b} no��a �xceed t.he maximum a�nount a l�nde�- �an �•equire unde�- <br /> RESPA. Lend�r shal� �sti�nate �hc amaun� af Funds du� on #:11e baszs of current da�a and �reasonahle �stimal:e� of <br /> expend��uz e�of future Escraw�te�ns or atherwi�e in accordance v�ith Appli�ab�e.Law. <br /> The Funds s��all be held in an ins�i�u�ion u�l�ose deposi�s ar�e�nsured by a fede��al ag�ncy, instruz��entality,o�' <br /> � entity (inc�udin� Lender, if Lend�r is an �nstit�x�ion whose deposits are so i��sured} o�- in any F�deral H�n�e Loan <br /> Ban�. Lender shall apply�he Fund�to pay�he E�c�•ov���em�no late�-than�he time specif ed under RESPA. Lende�- <br />� sha�l no�char�e Borrower for ho�ding and applying the Funds, annually ana�yzing t��e escrow account, or�erifyin� <br />� �he Escrow�tems,unless Lender pays B�rro�ve�-�nterest or� �}�e Funds and App�icable Law pex-t��its Lender to ���ake <br /> such a cha�rge. Unless an a�;reement is made�n�vrii�in�or Applicab�e La�r re�ux�es�n�erest t�be paxd on�he Funds, <br /> L�nder sha11 not be x-equi�•ed to pay Bor��ower any interest o�-earning�on�the Funds. �3orrnvirer and Lender can agre� <br /> in writin�;, however, tha� interest sha�l be paid ❑n the Funds. Lende�• shall give �o Bor��ovver, wi��ou� charge, an <br /> annual aGcounting of the Funds as r�auired by RESPA. <br /> �.f.�l�ere iS a surplus of Funds he�d in es�r�w,as de�ned under RESP.�.,Lender shall acc�unt to Borrower fo�r <br /> the excess funds in accordance v���h RESPA. If t�ere �� a sho�•�a�;e of Funds held �n es�raw, a� def�n�d under <br /> RESPA, Lender shall notify Bo�-�-ower a� r-equ��-ed �� RESPA, and Borrourer shall pay �a Lender the a�nount <br /> necessa�y to make up the sho�-tage in acco�-dance tr►rith R�SPA,but in no rno�•e�hax� 12 mon�hly paymen�s. �f�here is <br /> a defi�ien�y af Funds hcld in es�raw,as defned unde�•�.�SPA,Lender shall notify Bo�-�•owe�•as�•equired by RESPA, <br /> and Borrower sha�l pay to Lender�lae amoun�necessa�y to make up�he deficiency in accordance vvith T�tESPA,but in <br /> na more�han 1 Z monl��ly paymen�s. <br /> t�pan payment in full of. all sums secured by this Secu�ity �nstrument, Lender shal� prnmptly refund to <br />. Bor�•awer any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Char�cs; Liens. Borrawe� shal� pay a�l taxes, a�sessmen�s, c�larges, f�nes, and impositzons <br /> a��ributable to the Px•opet-�r vvhich can attain pt�ior��y ave�- this Security I�as�rume��t, lcasehoid payments ot• g�•ound <br /> r�nts an the Proper�.y, if any, and C:ommuni�y Asso��a�ion Dues, Fccs, and Assess�nents, if an�. To the cxtent�ha� <br /> �hese items are Escrow�ten�s,Bar-��oWer�ha�l pay them in�he n�anner p�-o�vid�d in Sectiori 3. <br /> Borrov�er shal� promp�Iy d�scharge any lien virhich �las prio��i�.y ove�- this Secut•it� �nstrumen� un�ess <br /> Bo�-rower: �a} agre�s in w�-�ting �a �he pay�nen� of�he obiigation secux•ed by the l�en in a manner a�cep�ab�e t� <br /> Lender,but only so�an�as F3arrower is performin�su�h a�reement;�b}cantests�he Iien�n��od fa��h by,or defends <br /> aga�nst enforcement af�he lien in, 1ega1 proceedings which�n Le��zder's opinian opera�e�o prevent the e�1f.a�•cemen� <br /> of the Iicn�rhile those proceedirigs are pendin�,but a���y until sucl�proceedings a�•e conc�ud�d; ar(c} se�;ures fira�7� <br /> i:he holder af�he l�en an a�reemen� sat�sfactory �o Lender subu�dina�ing th� lien ta this Secur��y �ns�rument. If <br /> Lende�- determines thdt any par-t of�he Prnpe�-ty is sub�jec�. t� a lien which can attain priority over this Security <br /> rns��-u�rzen�:,Lender m.ay gi�e Borrav�er a not�ce iden�ifyin��he lieri. �T�thin ��days of�he dat�on�rhich�ha�notice <br /> is gi�ven,Bfl�-rawex-sha11 sa�zsfy the i�en o�-�a�e one o�-�nore of�hE�ctii��ns se�fo�-�h aba�e iri this Sectian 4. <br /> Lender may �equire Borrflwer to pay a one�-�i�ne char�;e for a reai estate tax verifica��on andlor repo�-t�n� <br /> se�-�vi�e used by Lender in conncction urith�h�s Laan. <br /> 5. Prop�rty Insurance. Bor�•ow��•sha�l keep t��c�mproven�en�s now ex�sting or hereafter erected on the <br /> Prope�•ty �nsut•ed agains�loss by fi�•e, ha�a�•ds i��cluded withi�� th��erm"extended cove�•a�;e," and any �th�r haza�•ds <br /> including, but no�limi�ed 1:0, ea�-thyuakes and flaod�, far�vhich Lender requires insurance. This insuranc�shall be <br /> main�a�ned in tihe amoun�s (inc�uding deductible leve�s} and far �he pe�i�ds that Lend�r requir�s. 'Wha� Lender <br /> requires pursuan# �o the p��ecedin� sent�nces �ar� cl�ange during the terrn af �he Loan. The irisu�-anc� carrier <br /> p�•ovidil�g the insurance shall be �hosex� by Ba�-rawe�- sub�ect to I.rende�•'s right �o disappt-ave �3ox-raw�r's choi�e, <br /> �trh�ch�•�ght shall no�be exercised unreas�nably. L�nder ma�require Bo��•ower to pay,1Tl C(]�"fri�G�lUt1 Wi��]��15 LU�.I7, <br /> ei�her: �a}a one-�ime c��a�•�;e far flood zone de�ermi�aa���n, certifi�a��on and tra�king services; a� �b}a one-�ime <br /> chaxg� for fload zone determinatian and certif�cat�on se�-vi�es and subsequerit charges each �im.e remappings ar <br /> simiia� chan�;es occur which reas€�nab�y mi�,ht affect su�h de�er�ni��a��an or c�rtifica�ian. Borrou�cr shall also be <br /> Neb�•aska Deed ofTrust---Sing�c Family-�-�-Fannie N�aelFreddie N�a�Un�farm�nstrument Farm 3�2�1141 <br /> MERS Modi�ed <br /> Th�Comp�iancc Source,Inc. Pagc 5 of 14 IVlodified by Compliance Sourcc 14301NE USIUD Re�.04113 <br /> www.campliancesaurce.�om oz000-z�13,The Comp�iance�Qurce,Znc. <br /> � -�- C) � 7 5 5 (] � 5 C> � -� C7 C� A D -� 5 �~ 'I 4 � <br />