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��14�175� <br /> cont�nue �o pay to Lende�th� amount a�the separa��ly �esia�at�d payments that w�re due when the <br /> �nsuranc� coverage ceased �o be �n e�f�et. Le�de� �v�Il accep�, use and feta�n these paymen�s as a <br /> n�n-�efundable Ioss reserv� �n lieu a�M ar�gage Znsuranee. Such ��ss res�r�e sha1l b� non-r�funda��e, <br /> no�wi�hstand�na �he fact that�he L�an z� ul��mately pa�d in fu1i, and Lender sha11 no�be required to pa� <br /> Borrower an� interes� or earnings on such loss re��rve. �.ender can na �onger require los� re�erv� paym�nts <br /> if M or�gage Insuranc� �o�erage �in the amount and fo�the per�od that Lende� requzr�s} provid�d by an <br /> insurer selec��d by Lend�r again becomes ava��able, is ob�a�ned, and Lender r��u�res separate�y designated <br /> pa�men�s �o�rard tb.e pxemiums fo� M ortaage Insurance. If Lender re�u�red M or�gage �nsurance as a <br /> conditian of ma�inb the Loan and Borrower �as �equzr�d ta mak� �eparate�y de�ignated payments �o�ard the <br /> prem�ums far M or�aage �nsurance, BQrrower sha�l pay the �remiums requ�x�d to maintain M ortaage <br /> �ns�ranc� in �f�eet, o��� p�ravid� a non-refundab�e �os� �es��rve, �.ntil Lender's requ��r�m�nt �ar N�o�tbab� <br /> Insuranc� en�s in ac�ordanc� w�th anp �rritt�n agreement b��ween Bo��row�r and Lender providinb �or such <br /> t�rminat�a� or untzl t�rmination i� requ��ed b�r Appl�cable Law. Nath�ng in this Section 1� a���c�s <br /> Borrawer's ��Iigati�n ta pay rnteres�at the �ra�e provzded in the Note. <br /> N1�rtgabe �nsuranc� �eim�ux�es Lende�r �ox any en�i�� tha�purchases the Na�e} for cer�ain 1os�es �t may incur <br /> i�Borro�ver does n�t repa� th� Laan as ag�e�d. Borrow�� �s not a par�� �o �he M o��gabe �nsurance. <br /> 11�ortga�e �nsurers �valuate their�o�al risk on a1I such in�u�rance in �orce �rom tim� to time, and may en�e� <br /> �n�o agre�me�.ts wi�h other pa�rties that share ar mod��y t�.�i� �r�s�, or r�duce losses. These agr�ement� ar� on <br /> t�rffis �.�d co�d�t�o�s �hat are satisfacta�� to the mor�gage in�u�er and �he oth�r pa�ty �o� part��s} �o �hese <br /> ab�eements. Th�se agreem�nts may �equire ��e mortgabe �Ilsu�r�r �o make pa�ments using any sour�e of�unds <br /> #ha�the �o�tgage insurer m.a� ha�e availab�e ��h�ch r�a�� �nclude fund� obta�ned ��om l��r�gage In�uranc� <br /> prem�ums�. <br /> As a resu�t of the�e agreements, Lender, an� pu��has�r of�h� N��e, anather �nsu�r�r, an� re�nsur�r, an� �ther <br /> en�ity, or any affil�a�� of any of�h� �o��afl�ng, ma� re�eive �d�re�t�y o�r indirect�y} amounts that derive fr�m <br /> ���migh�be charac�erized as} a po��ion �f Bo���we�'s paym�n�s for M ortga�e �nsu�ranee, in exchange ��r <br /> �har�ng or mod����nb the m��rtgage in�ur�r's ris�, �r r�dac�ng losses. rf such agr�emen�pro�id�s that an <br /> affiliate �f Lender�a�es a sbare of�he insurer's ri�k in exchanae for a share of�he premiums paid to �he <br /> �nsur��, �he arranbem�nt�s often t��med "cap��ve reinsuxance." Furt�er: <br /> �a� A�n� such ag�ee�e��s wi�� nat a�r�ec�the an�ounts�ba�S orrow ep ha� agreed �o pa� for �or�gage <br /> In�urance, �� an� vther �erm s ���he L aana Such agreema.e�.�s will no� increase the arn au�.� <br /> B�rr���r �ili a�e for �or�g�ge Insu�ance� and the� �v�ll�o� em�fl�le B orrow er �v a�� re�undo <br /> �b� An� �uch agreemen�s w�l�no�a�fect�he r�gh�s Borro��r has -i� any � �vith respec�to �he <br /> li�or�gag� In�urance under �he Homeov�ner� Pratect�on A�� of 199$ or an� other la�. These righ�s <br /> m ay in�Iude the righ��o rece��e certain discIosures, �o request a�d abtain canGel�a��on of�he <br /> �ortgage Insurance, to ha�� the M or�gage Insu�rance �erm ina��d autom at�ca�Iy, andlor to rece�ve <br /> a re�und of an� M ortgage Insurance premium s that were unearn�d at �he tim e o�such <br /> cancellat�on or term ination. <br /> � 1. Ass�gnnnent a� �I iscellaneous Proceeds: Far�eiture. A1� M iscellaneous P�rocee�s a�� he�eby assibned ta <br /> amd �hai� b� pa�� �a �ender. <br /> I�r�he P�o�ert� �s damab�d, si��h II�is�el���s Proceeds �hal�be applied to res�o�a��o�. ar repa�r o���e , <br /> Prflperi�, if�he re��orai�an fl� re�ai� is ecano�.ically �eas�ble and Lender's s��ur�ty �� not l�ssened. I�uring <br /> �uch ��pazr and ��s�o�at�on �er�od, Lende� shall have th� r�bh�to hold �uch M is�e�lan�ous Proc�eds un�il <br /> L�nd�r has had an appor�uni�� ta inspe�� such Prop�r�� to ensuxe the �rork has �e�n campl��ed to Lender's <br /> ��005��0 <br /> HEBRASKA-Single Family-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3Q28 i1�1 <br /> VM P D VNf F6�NEl��3��� <br /> W o{ters K[�awer Fir�ancia�Services Page 5 of i 7 <br />
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