<br /> satisfac�ian, provided tha� such insp�c�ion shall be un�e�r�ak�n p�omp��y. �,end�r ma� pa� far�h� �epa��s
<br /> and restorat�on �_n a s�nal� dxsbursem�nt ar �.n a s�ri�s of progress payment� as �he �ork is complete�.
<br /> Un�ess an agre�m�n�i� made ��. w�r�tzna or Applicab�e Law requires �n�er�s��o �e paid �n su�h
<br /> M i�cellane�us P�a�eeds, Lend�r shall not be �equz��d to pay B o��o�ver any �nteres� ar �a�nxnbs on su�h
<br /> M iscellaneous Pro��e�s. I��he res�orat��n or repair �s nat ec�nomical�y feasible or L�nder's securi�y would.
<br /> be ��ssened, th� M�scellaneous Procee�s shali �e app��ed to the sums se�ured by �his Se�uxi�� rnst�umen�,
<br /> �he�her or n�t then due, w�th the e�cess, i�any, paid �a Bo��rawer. Such M�scellaneaus P�oceeds shal�be
<br /> appl�ed in �he order pro��ded for in Section 2.
<br /> In �he even�o�a total tak�ng, de�t�uctian, o�r Iass �n va�ne of�he �roper��, the M iscellaneou� Pro�eed� �ha�i
<br /> be app�ied �o the sums secured b� thzs Securlt� Instrumen�, whether or not then du�y wi�h �he excess, i�any;
<br /> p aid �o B o rro w e�r.
<br /> �n �h� �vent of a partia� taking, ��s�ruct�on, or �oss in value of�he Propert� zn v�hich the fa�� market value o�
<br /> �he Proper�y imm�diat�ly befor� �he par�ial tak�ng, des�ruction, ar Ioss in value �s equal to or g�eater than the
<br /> amaunt of�he sums s�cured by �his S�curit� Instrumen� xmm�d�atel� befo�r� �he partial ta�:ing, ��struct�on, o�
<br /> �oss in va1u�, un�ess Borro�er and Lender o�herw�se agree �n wx��ing, the sums s�cu�ed by th�s S�curit�
<br /> Ins��um�nt sha���e x�duced by th� amount�f the M iscellaneous P�ace�ds mu�t�p�zed �y �he fa�la�rzna
<br /> ��ac��on: �a} the �otal amount of�h� sums secured �mmedi�tely befare the par�ial tal�ing, destruc�ion, or �oss
<br /> �n va�ue ���rded �� ��} the �a�r ma�ket�alu� �f the Prope��y ir�m�d�atel�r before the pa�tia�ta��ng,
<br /> destru�txan, o�r ioss �n �al��. Anv �a�ance shal� �e pald to Bo�ro�r�r.
<br /> �n the e�ent of d pa�-t�al�ak�ng, dest�ruction, or Ioss �n value of th� Property in whi�h the �a��ma�ket va�u� a�
<br /> the Praper�y xmmedia�ely b��ore th� partral �aking, dest�uc�ion, o�r loss in value is less �han th� amount a�the
<br /> sums �ecured �mmed�ate�y b�fore the pa�t�al takzngy des�ruc�ion, o�loss in va�ue, unle�s B�rro�e� and
<br /> Lender o�herw ise agree in �v ri�inb, th� M isce�ianeous P��ceeds �ha�I be appl�ed �o the sum s secu�ed by �his
<br /> 5 ecurit� �ns�rum en�w he�her o r not�he sum s a�� then due.
<br /> If the P�op�rt� is abandon�d b� Borrowe�r, o� if, after natice by L�nder �a Bo�rower�hat the �ppos�n� Par�y
<br /> �as def�n�d �� 4he �ext se�.tence} o f�ers �a m ake ax� a�r ard �❑ set�Ie a c�az� �or dam ag es, B❑��ow�x fai�s �D
<br /> respond �� �ender w it��n 3 D �ays a���r th� da�� �he natice �s �i�ren, L�nde� is authorized �o co�lec� and app�y
<br /> �h� N��Scell��eo�.s P�aceed� eith���o ��s�o�a�io� o� rep��� a��he Propert� flr to �he s�ms se�u�ed by this
<br /> �ecuri�y �nst�u�neni, �he��aer or n���he� due. "�pp�S�ng P ar��'f ineans the th�rd par�y tha�o�es �o�row er
<br /> N�isc�lla�eous Pro�eeds a� the par�y agains�wha� �o�roWer has a righ� o�act�a� in �egard �o ll�isce��aneous
<br /> P�oceeds.
<br /> Borro�ve.r sha�� be in defaul���an�r action �x proceeding, whether c�vil or crim�nal, is begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, cou��. result in fo�rfei�ur� o��he Prop��t� or �ther materia� �mpa�rment a�Lender's in�eres�in �he
<br /> Proper��r or xights under this Securi�� �ns��um�nt. Bo�rower can eure such a de�ault and, if acc���ra�ion has
<br /> o�cu��r�d, r��ns�a�e as prov�ded in Section �9, by �ausing �h� act�on �r pr��e�ding �o be dxsmissed �ith a
<br /> rulina �hat, in �e�der's judbment, p�ec�udes �o�feiture of the Prope�ty flr othe�ma�erial impa��ment af
<br /> Lender's in�eres�rn the Proper�� or �igh�s unde�t��s Se�u��ty �ns��ument. The proceed� o�a,ny a�ra�rd ar
<br /> ciaim �or damabes tha�are at�rxb��able �o �he �mpai�ffi�n� of Len�.er's znte�est ir� the ��o��r�� are ��reby
<br /> ��s�gned and sha�l b e p ai� t� L e�der.
<br /> AIl M iscel�aneous P�ace�ds t�a�are nat applie�. �o r�storation o�repa�r of the Proper�� shal�be app�ied �n t�.e
<br /> order prov�ded for in Sect�an 2.
<br /> 24�0�850
<br /> N�BRASKA-8i�gle Famify-Fannie 1111aelFreddie Mac L��tfF��fM I�[5T�{UMENT �q��3�2g 3 T4�
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