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��14�175� <br /> fo� the repa��s a�.d �esta�a�ion in a single paymen�or in a �erie� af prog���s payment� as th� �o�k is <br /> comp�e�ed. If�he insurance or c�ndemnation pro��eds a�e not su�f�czent�� �epai� ar �es�a�� �he Propezty, <br /> B�r�o�rer x� not��lie��d �f Borr�we�r's obligatipn �or the comple�ion o�sueh repair or �restoration. <br /> Lende�or i�s agent ma� ma�e reas�nable en�rie� upan and i��peet�ons of the Praper�y. 7��t has rea�ona�le <br /> cause, Lend�r may in�pec�th� �n�eriar af the impro��m�nts on �he Prope���. Lend�r sha1l give Borro�e� <br /> n�ti�e at the time of or p�rzor �o sueh an �n�exior inspec�ian specif�ing such reasanable cause. <br /> 8. B o rrow��'s Lo ar� �pp[ica�ion. B o�row er �ha�l �e �� d�fau�� �f, during the Loan appiiea�ion process, <br /> Borrower �r a�� pers��s or en����es ac��ng a�the dir�ctio� �f��rr�wer o� with Ba�rrower`s k�a�v�edge a�r <br /> consen�aav� �a�er�a��� �alse, m islea�ing, ar �na�cura�e �nform ation �� s�a�effi ents �o Lender �o� fai�e� �o <br /> provide Lender �i�h ma�exxal ��.farmat�on} �_� c��nec��o��r��h ��e Loan. NI ate��a� repr�sen�a���ns �nc�u��, but <br /> are nat��mit�d �o, r�presentat�ons cancernzng Bor�rower's aG�upancy af th� P�ape��y as Bo�raw��'s principai <br /> �esidence. <br /> 9. Pro�ection o� Lend�r`s lnterest in �he Rraperty and �`rghts Under �his 5�cur�ty �ns�rument. Zf�a} <br /> B a rro�v�r �arls to p erfo�m �h� c�venants and agreem ent� co ntained in this S�curzt�r �nst�rum ent, �b} the�e �s a <br /> legaX proee�d�ng that m�bh� si�n��Xcan�I� a�fect Lender's inte�es�xn the P��perty andlor r�gh�s un��r �his <br /> Secuxit� �ns��umen� �such as a prflc��ding in ban�ruptcy, p�o�ate, for ean�.emnat�on or ��rf�xtur�; fo� <br /> enforcemen�of a li�n wh�eh may a��a�n pr�o���y �v�r thzs Securi�� Instrumen�or to en�orce laws or <br /> reaulat�ons}, ar �c} Bor�awer has abandoned �he Pr�perty, �her� I,ender may do and pay �or wha�e�er is <br /> ��asonab�e �r app�o�r��t� to protec�Lender's znte�es��n �he Pro�e�ty and r�ghts un�er �his Se�urii� <br /> �ns�rument, ��c�ud��b p�o�ect�ng andlor as�essz�g the value of�he P�oper��, and s� andi�r r�pai�ing <br /> �he P ro�e���. L ende�'s ac�zo n� can inc�ude, b a�are na�l�m ited ta: �a} p ay ing any sum s secur�d by a lien <br /> �hi�h has priox�ty over th�� Security Instrumen�; �b} app�a�inb in cour�; and �c} paying rea�onable at�a�neys' <br /> �e�s to pro�ect its in�erest�n th� Property andl�� righ�s unde� this Se�uri�� �ns�rument, ineiuding x�s secured <br /> position in a bank�uptc� pr�c�eding. S�curzng th� P��pert� inc�ude�, �ut �s not Iim�t�d �o, entering the <br /> Prope��� to mak� repai�s, �hange ��c�s, rep�ace or boa�d up doors and w�ndow s, drain w ater from pipes, <br /> e�zm�nate building or other cod� v�o�atzon� or dangerous conditions, and have u�ili��e� tu�ned on o� off. <br /> A��hough Lend�� m a� �ak� actio� under��zs S ect�o n 9, Lende�d��s not have to do �o and is no�under any <br /> �u�y o� o��iba�ian �o do sa. ��i� agre�d �hat Lende�r �neurs no ��abi�zty for����ak�ng an� �r a1l ae�ions <br /> au�hor�z�� u�.der ���� SecL�oIl 90 <br /> Any a�oun�s disb�,�rse�. �� �ende�r ��der t��s Se��ci�n 9 s�al�beca�e a�dit��na� de��of�or�o��r secure� by <br /> �h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�. These a.mounts sha�l bear inter��t at the Not� rate from �he date of d�sburs�ment <br /> and shall be payabl�, w�th such in�ere�t, upon no�ice fr�m L�nde��o Bor�ower reques�ing paymen�. <br /> ���liis 5ecuri�y Instrumen��s ❑n a �ea�ehold, Bor�ower shall e�mpl�r �vith all the p�rovis�ans of�he ��as�. If <br /> Bo��ower acquz�es fe� �i��� �fl �h� Pr�perty, th� ��aseh�ld and the fee t�t�� shall na�merge unless Lend�� <br /> abrees to the m e�rger �n �r ri�ing. . <br /> 'i�. M�rtg�g� fnsurance. ��Lender �eq�.ire� M o�tgage In�u�ance as a condi�ian o�ma�ina �he Loan, B�rrQwer <br /> slial�pa� the pr�miun�s requ���d �o �n�i�tain �he M o�tgabe I�su�ance �n effe��. I�, �o�r any reason, the <br /> M��tgage Ins��ranc� cave�age require� �� I�en.d�� ceases �a b� ava.ila�le f�om Lhe mo��g�ge i��u�er tha� <br /> pr�viau��� prov����. suG� insu�an�� an� B arro�er w as requ�red to ma�e sepa�a���� des�gIla�e� pay�a en�s <br /> to�vard the �rem�u�s for NI ortgage Insu�ance� ��r�ov�e� sha�l pa�r the pre�.iun�s �e��ire� to abtai� c�ve�age <br /> sub s�an��al�� equ iv a1�nt�� the lVI o rtg ag e �nsu�anc e p rev ia u s�y in e�fec�, at a co�t �ub stantiall�r �qu iv a�ent ia <br /> the cast to Borrower o��he M o��gab,e Insuran�� p�eviou��� in e��ee�; from an a�ternate mo�tbaae �nsurer <br /> selected by Lende�. Z�subs�antially equ�valen�M o�rtgabe Insu�an�e co���ag� �s n�t avax�ab��, Bor�a�er shall <br /> 24�a��850 <br /> �fEBF�ASICA-Sing{e Fami�y-Fa�nie 1111ae1Freddie Nlac�1N�FORM EI�STRUlVIE1�T Farm 3028 lID3 <br /> VM P C� VNf P6(IV:EI(�3��3 <br /> Wniters Kluwer Financial 5ervices �a��g���7 <br />
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