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��14�175� <br /> �2. Barrav�er Not Released: Fo�bearance By Lende� No� a �aiver. Ex�ensran o��he t�me for paymen�o� <br /> modifxca�ian a�amo���zatxon ��the sums ��cured by �his Securxty �n�trumen�g�anted by Lender to B�r�o�er <br /> or any Suc�e���� in In�er�st of B flrrow e� shal� not op�rat� ta r�l�ase the ��ab���t� of B orrawer o� an� <br /> Successors in In�eres�of Bo�rower. Lend�� shall not be �equired �a �ommence procee�inbs against any <br /> Suc��sso� in Int�re�t of B�rrn�r�� ���o �efuse to e�t�nd tim� for payment o� o�h�rv�ise m�d��y amortizat�an <br /> o�the sums secu��d b� this S�cu��ty �nstrumen�b� reasan o�any dem and made b�r �he o�ig�nal B orraw er o� <br /> an� Suceesso rs in Interest o f B or�o�er. A n� fo rb�aranc� b� L�nder �n �xercisinb any right �r rem edy <br /> �n�Iu�ing, w i�hout�imitat�an, I�ender's aeceptanc� �f payments from th��rd pe�sons, en�i�z�s o� Su��essors in <br /> Znte�rest o�B o��row e� ��r in amounts less than the am aunt then du�, sha�l no�be a�v arver af a�preclude th� <br /> � e��r��se of any r�ght��rem ed�. <br /> �3. J�in� and Several Liahil��yi Co-signer�: Suc��ss�r��and Assigns Eound. B�rrower covenants and <br /> agr�es that Bor�rawer's ablzga���ns and �ia�i���y shall�e�a�nt and se�e�al. How���r, any Ba�rower wha <br /> c�-s�gn� thzs S�curzty Znstrument�ut da�s no� exe�ut� th� Note �a "�o-sz�ne�"}: �a} is co-s�gning this <br /> Securrty Ins�rnment onl� to mor�gage, b�ant and can�ey th� co-signer's in��res��n the Property und�r�he <br /> terms �f�his Se�urity rn�t�ument; �b} �s n��pe�sonally a�liga�ed to pay th� sums secured �y �h�s Seeur�ty <br /> �nst�um ent; and �c} ag�ees �ha�Lender and any othex B o r�o w er ean ag�ee �o e�ten�, m o dif�, fo rbear or m ak� <br /> any accommoda��ons v��th regard �o �he terms of�his Security Ins�rumen�❑r the No�e u�it�out the eo-�ibner's <br /> consen�, <br /> �ubj�c�to t�e provisians of Sec�i�n 18, any Suc�essar �� ���erest of B�rrower who assumes B�rro�er`s <br /> ob�i�a�ions �nder ch�� �ecu��ty �ns�rum�nt �n �rrit��g, an� �s apprav�� 'by Lender, shaii ab�ain al� o� <br /> B�rro�v e�'� r�b��s and ��nef�ts under t��s S e�urzty �nstrum�nt. B o�ro��r shall no t be rel�ased from. <br /> Bo�rawer's obligat�ons and ��abi��t� under�his S�cur��y Instrum�nt unless Lende� ag�e�s �o such r��ea�� in <br /> writxnb. Th� covenan�s and agreements of�his Securit� �nstrumen� sha�� bind ���cep� as p�fl�ided in ��c��on <br /> 20} and b�ne��t�he su��essors and assign� of Lender. <br /> '�4. Loan Charges. Lend�r may charge Bo��aw�r fees far s�rv�ces performed in connection with Borr��ver'� <br /> default, f�r the purpose of p�otec�ing Len�er'� int��est rIl the Prflp�r�y and ��gh�s und��this Securi�� <br /> rnstrument, ine�u�.i��, bu�not 1�m�ted to, a��o�ne�s' fees, p��per�y �nspec��on and �aluatian �e�s. �r� reaard to <br /> an� other �ees, �he absen�e o�expr�s� au�ho��tv i� this S�curi�y �nstrument�a c�arge a speci��c f�� �o <br /> Bo�ro�er ��.a�l �o�h� �ans�ru�d as a �r��ibi��on an �he �.harg?n� ���u�� f�ea Le�.der may �o���ar�� ��es <br /> that are e�pressly ���hib��e�. �� �his Secur��� �ns�ru�ent or bY A�p�ica�le L�w. <br /> �f��e Loa� �s su��ec�io a law wh�ch seis max��ur� �oan charge�, and tha�law is fxnail� in��r�reted s� �lia� <br /> the �n�erest or oth�r loan charges col�ected or to be col���ted in connect�on w�th th� Loan e�ceed the <br /> permi�ted iim��s, then: �a} any su�h �oan charg� shall be �edue�d b� the amoun�necessary to reduc� �he <br /> charbe t� �he p erm�t�ed �im i�; and �b} an� sum s already �o�lected frfl m B oir�o�i er�r hieh �xce�ded p errn itted <br /> Limrts wi�l be �efunded �o Bo�rower. Lender ma� chaose to ma�:e ih�s �efund b� reduczng the p�incipal awed <br /> under the Note or by ma��ng a direct paymen��o Borro�►er. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction v�ill <br /> b� trea��d as a part�al p�epayment wi�h�u�an� p��paym�nt cha�ge �whethe�r or no� a prepayme�t charae i� <br /> p�flvide� for u�der�h� 1V�t�}. �orro�e�'s acGep�ance of any s�ch refund �ade b�r d�rect p aym�nt to <br /> �or�ower ���� �a�s�z�u�e a wai�ie� o�any ��ght�f acti�� Borrowe� �n�bh�have� arising ou�o�su�h ov�r�harge. <br /> '�5. lV v��ces, A.�� na��c�s g�v�n �� Bo�rowe� or �.end��i� can�ec��o�. �zt� �his Secu���y �ns�r�.m�nt must be in <br /> wr�t�ng. �.ny �o�ice �a Barro�ver in con�ection w�th �his Secu�it� �ns�rument sha�1 �e deemed to ha�e be�n <br /> biv�n to �or���er w hen m ailed by fi�rs� cias� m ail ar w�ien ac�ua�ly delivered �� B o�row er's nat�c� address �� <br /> �en��� ��her means. Natice t� an� �n� Bor�owe� sha�� �flnsti�ute n��ic� �o aI� Bflrrflwers unl�ss App��ca�le <br /> La� exp�essly r�qu��es otherwise. The nfltic� address sha�1 be the Propert� Ad��ess un��ss B orro�e� has <br /> 244�5$5{3 <br /> N�BRASKA-5'ingle Family-Fannie Mael�reddEe lYfac l!u[�DRM 1NSTR�f111FN7 Form 3028 iI01 <br /> V�l P Q VM F6{f��)�rt 3tJ2} <br /> W olters iCl�vtii er�ina�cia[5er�ices Page l] af 7 7 <br />