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��14�175� <br /> �esignat�d a substztu�� �ot�ce ad�ress by notzc� t� I�endere Borro�v�r s�a�l promp�l� noti�� Lender �f <br /> B�rrower's change o�add�es�. I�L�ndex specifies a p��c�du�e for repor�ing Bo�rou��r4s chanbe of addr�ss, <br /> then Bfl��rower sha11 only repo�t a �hange o�add�ess thraubh �hat sp�e�fi�d procedure. <br /> Th��e ma� be on�� on� d�sianat�d not�ce addre�s under th�s Securi�y �nstrument at an� one t�me. Any na�ice <br /> �o L�nde� �ha��be biven by deliv�r�ng it o�by ma�lznb it by first c�ass ma�� t� Lender's ad.dress stated he�ein <br /> un�e�s Len��r has des�gnated another add�ess by n�t�c� �� B�rrower. Any notice in connect�fln with th�s <br /> �ec�r�ty Instrum�n� shall not be d�em�d ta have been ai�en �� Lende�unt�l actua�Iy �ec�ived by Lender. I� <br /> any no��ce �equ���d �y this S ecurxty �nstrum en�is a�so re�u�red unde� A pplicable L aw, th� A pp�icab�e I,aw <br /> reqnz�em�n�w i�i sat�sf� �he corr�spo ndrng �equi�em ent under th�s S�curi�y rnstrum en�. <br /> ��. Governing Lav�r: Severahili�y; �ules of C�ns�ructi�n. Th�s S��urity Znstrum�nt sha�l�e �overne� by <br /> �ede�al law and the �a�i af�he�urisdiction in �hi�h the Proper�y �s ��cated. AlI �ights and o�Iiga�ia�s <br /> can�ained in th�s Se�u�i�y �nst�rumen� ar� subjeet to an� �re�uirements and Izmita�ions of Ap�licable Law. <br /> Appl�cabl� La�v might�xpli�i�ly or impl�citly a�low the par�ies �o agree hy con�ra�t or i�mibht be silent, but <br /> su�h s��erice shall not be can�txued as a prah�bi�ion aga�ns� ag�reemen�by contra�t. �n the ev�n��hat any <br /> provisi�n or c�aus� a�this Secu�i�y �ns��ument or �he Note con�l��ts w�th Applrca��e Law, such �on�lic� shal� <br /> not aff��t��h�r p�ov���ons o�this S�curity Ins�rument or th� No�e �hich �an �e biven ef�e��w�thout th� <br /> conflic�ing p�ov�sion. <br /> As used �n �his Security Instrument: (a} words o�the masculine gende� sliall m�an and �nclude �orr�spnnding <br /> �.eute��ords or ���res of�h� f�mi��ne gender; �b} wards in the sinbular sha1� mean and �nclude �h� plu�al <br /> and �ice �ersaa an.d �c} �he word "�a�" gives sa�e discretzon wzthou� anv flbligatzan to take any ac�ion. <br /> '�7 e �orrouver°s Copye ���rower sh�Il�e gx�en one copy af the No�e and of this Secur��y �nstrument. <br /> �S. Trans�Fer of fihe Prop�rty or a Bene#�cial Infieres� in Borra�rer. As used in this Sectian �S, "Interest in <br /> the Pr�pexty" means any �ega� �r beneficial �nteres��n the Proper�y, �ncXudinb, but not lim�ted to, �h�s� <br /> �enef�c�a� �nter�sts �ransf�rr�d in a bond for de�d, can�ract for deed, instailment�a�es con�ract or ese�ow <br /> agre�m�n�, �he intent af wh�ch 1� the transfer of title b� Bar�ower a� a future da�e �fl a pu�chaser. <br /> �f a1I a� an� par�a�the Prope�rty ar any �nt�r�s��n the P�operty is sold o� t�ransfer�ed ��r �f Bo�ra�ver is n�� a <br /> na�u�a� persan and �.�eneficial int�r��t in B�rrou�er �s sold or t�ansfe�xed} wi�hout Lende�r`s �rior wr7t�en <br /> Lonsen�, �end���ay x��uz�e im m ediat� �aym ent i�. ���1 o f a1� ��m s secured by this S ecu�xty �nstrum en�. <br /> Ho�ev�rg ihls �pt���. sha�� no��e exe�c�s�� ��r L��d�� �f suc� exer�i�e �� �rah�b��ed �� App�icab�e �.av�. <br /> ��Lende� ex�rc�ses th�s op�io�., L e�dex sha�l g�ve B or�o w er no��ce o f ac�e��ratio n. T he no tice sha�i pr�v�de a <br /> pe�zod of nai less �han 3O days from the da�e the �otice is given in acco�dan�e w�th 5eeti�n 15 wxth�n �vhich <br /> Borrov�er mus��ay a�I sums s�cured by this S�eur�ty Zns��rument. If Borz��rer fails to pay th�se sums prior �o <br /> the expira��on o�th�s per�ad, L�nder may in�ake any rerned�es pern�it�ed by this Security Instrument w�th�ut <br /> �ur�he�no�ice �r d�mand an Borrow�er. <br /> 'l9. Borrower's R�gh� �o Reinstate Afi�er acce�era�ion. If Bo�rower me�ts certain condrt�ans, Bor�o�ve� <br /> shall have �he �ight�o have �n�o�cement of�his Secur�t� �ns�rument discont�nued a� an� �ime pria� to th� <br /> earli�st of: �a} �ive �ay� be��re �ale �f�he Proper�� pur�uan�to anu �ower of sa�e conta�ne� in �his Secu�ity <br /> �ns�rumen�; �n} suc� o�he�period as Applx�ab�e �aw migkt specif� fo�r the �erminat�fln ��Bo�row��'s ��ght�� <br /> re��state; or �c? e��r� of a�udgment en�o�cing �h�s �ecurity ��stru�en�e Those condi�ians are that Bo����er: <br /> �a} Pays Le��.er al� sums �rhich then wouid be due �and���his S�c�ar�ty I�s��u�ent a�d �he �a�e a� x�,no <br /> acceleration had accurred; �b} cu�res any defau�t o�any �the� cavenaats o� agre�men�s; �c} pa�s a�l �xpenses <br /> zncurred in �nfo�c�ng this Securit� Instrument, �n�luding, but not limited to, �reasona�Ie a�torne�s' fees, <br /> prope��y insp�c�ion and valua�ian fees, and o�h�r �ees �ncurred far the pu�p�s� of pro�ecting Lend��'s rnte�est <br /> za-vo�85o <br /> N E8RA5 KA-5ir�g[e Fam ify-Fa�nie M aelFreddie llll ac f]l�IFO RN[�1�STRUl11[EHT Form 3fl28 l 14 7 <br /> UMP Q Vl11lPE(l�E]{i302� <br /> Wa[t�rs Kluwer Finan�iaE Services � Page�2 af T 7 <br />
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