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F r �� � � � � � �� <br /> ��14�1475 <br /> All insuran�� polici�s requiz�ed �y �end�r an� renewals af such policies s�all �� su�ject to Lender's ri�ht to <br /> tlisapprov� such �olicf�s, shall in�lud� � stan�.ar�l martg.age ��aus�, and shall nam� L�n��r as m�r�gag�e <br /> andlfl� as an additional Ioss pay�e, �ei�d�r sha11 hav� the right �o h�ld the �olici�s an� ��en��ral ce���ificates, rf <br /> Lend�r r�quir�s, B orro��r sl�atl pxamptly gi�e to L�nder aIl i�ecei�ts of p�i� prem ium s and �enew al notices� <br /> If Borro��� �b�ai�s �ny farm of insu�anc� ���erage, n�ti �th�i��vise ��quired �y L�nd�r, f�r damag� �o, or <br /> ��s�ruction of, t�e Pr�p�rty, su�h policy s��all in�Iude a standard ino���gag� claus� and s�al1 name L�nder as <br /> ma��gage� a�a�lor as an a�riiti�nal Ioss pa�ee. � <br /> � <br /> �n the ��ent of�ass, Barrowe� sha11 give prompt no�ic� to th� i��suranc� carrier and L�nd�t�, Lend�r ma� <br /> ma�� proof of loss if no� n�a�� promptl� by Borro�r�r, Un�ess L�nder and Barra�er athe��wise �gre� in <br /> w ritin�, an� ins��ranc� ��o��e�s� w he�her or nat �he l�n�erl�ing insurance w as required by Lend�r, shall �e <br /> a�plzed to resto�a�ian or r�p�ir of th� Prop�r�y, if�he i��stora�ion �r r�pair is ecot�o�n ically feasib�� and <br /> L�nd�r's s�cui�ity is no� Ies��ned, D uring such repair an�. restat�ation perio�l, Lend�r shall �ave the right to <br /> holc� such insurance procee�ls until L�nder has had an oppor�unft� to �nsp�ct such Pr�pert� to ensurc the <br /> v��rk has ��en complet�d to Len�ler's satisfac�ian, �ra�i�led tha� such in�p�ction shall b� un�ertaken <br /> pramp�ly. L�nd�� m�� tlisburse praceeds for �he repairs �tic� �estorati�n in a singl� payinent �r it� a series o� <br /> progress paym�n�s as the �v�rk is comple�ed, Un1�ss an agre�me��t is lnad� in �vriting or Appli�ab�e La�v <br /> requires int�rest t� be paid on s���h insurance pro�e�c�s, L�n��r sha�� n�t �� z�equir�d to pay Bo�rou��r any <br /> ir�terest or carnings on such procee�s, Fe�s �or pu�bli� ad�usters, or oth�r �hird pa�ties, retained �� ��rr�wer <br /> shall not �e pa��. out of the insuran�e proceeds and sha�l be �he sol� obligation a�Barro�rer, rf the z�estara�i�n <br /> o� repa�r is not e�onomical�� f�asible ar Lender's s�curit� �vo��ld �e �essene�, �he insuran�e pr�c�eds shall be <br /> appli�d to the sum s s�cur�d �y �his Se�urit� Instrum en�, whe�h�r o� not th�n due, �ith th� excess, if any, <br /> pa�d tia Borr�we��, Such insu�ance p��oc�eds shal� b� ap�Iie�i �n �h� ardet� providecl f�� in Se�tian�2, <br /> Yf Barr�wet� aban�.ans the Prope��y, L�nd�r ma� file, negotiaxe and s��tle a�y available insu�anc� �laitn anc� <br /> rela�etl m atters. �f B or�o�v cr r�o es no� respand v�����in 3� day s t� � na tice ��om �,en�er that the in�ut�ance <br /> �a�ri�t� has of��r�d to s�ttl� a claim, t�en Len�er m ay nego�iat� and se��I� the �laim, The 34-day periotl w ill <br /> b�gin when �he notice is g�v�n, In �ither event, ar i�Lender acquir�s t�� Property und�r S�ctioi� 22 or <br /> a�herwis�, Borrow�r h�reby assigns �o Lender �a� B�rraw�er's rights to at�� rnsuxar�c� procee�.s in a� amount <br /> r�o� t� exc�ed tla� amounts unpaid und�r th� No�� ar thzs S�cur'i�y �nstrumen�, and �b} �ny o�h�r �f <br /> Borr�w�r's rights �other than th� right ta an�r r�funci o�unear�»d pr�m�ums paid by Barra�r�r} und�r a11 <br /> it�s��ran�.e p�Iici�s �ov�ring t1�� P��oper�y, iiaso�a� as suc�a rights ���e ap�l�cable �o the �����ag� o��he <br /> , Prflp��ty. L�nder may l�se th� insurance �ro�eeds �ither ta repair or� r�stor� th� �rop�rty or ta pay amounts <br /> unpaid u���r �he N�te or �his Security Inst�ument, whe�h�r oz� not th�n �iu�. <br /> �. �ccupancy. B�ri�o�et s�all occupy, es�a�Iisl�y ancl use the Pt�op�rt� as Borrower's prin�ipal r�sid�nce <br /> within �a days after ��e ex�cu�ian of t��is Security Instr��n�en� a�nd sha�l continuc to occup� th� Pr�per�y as <br /> �orrov�er's princ�pa� resi�.ence far at l�ast one yea� af��r th� ��ate of occupa�acy, unl�ss L�n�er o�h�rw ise <br /> agr��s in w r�ti��g, w hi�h cons�nt sh�ll not�e unreas�na�ly v�ithlle��, or unl�ss extenua�ing circum�tanc�s <br /> exis� w�ich ar�b�yond Borra�r�r's �or�tr�l, <br /> 7. Preserva�ivn, �i aintenanc� and Pr��ec�ion af the Pr❑p�rty; �nspect��ns. Borro�er s1��ll not c��stroy, <br /> �amage oi� impair the Pt��pe��xy, a�la� th� Pt�op�rty t� �e��ri�ra�� o� commi� waste an the �rop�rty, �Th�th�r <br /> �r nat Borz���er is t�e�ic�ing �t� �h� Praper��, B�rz�ower shall z�aaintazn the Prap�z�t� in ar�e�• to pre�en� t11� <br /> Pxoper�� fr�m ��t�riot�ating or �lecreasing ii� value c�u� to its cnn�iition, Unle�s it is tl�t�r�nin�d purs«a��t to <br /> Sectian 5 tf�at repai�� ot� restoratian is n�t e�ono�nical�y feasi�le, Borra�et� sh�ll promptl� r��air �h� Pi�ap�rt� <br /> if�iamaged ta avoicl furth�r �let���ioration at� damage, ���ns��i{anc� ar con�.emnatiai� pr�c��ds a�e p�id in <br /> coi�nec�io�� with c�amag� to, or tlae t�.kitrg ��, t�� Proper�y, Bai�rou�er sh�ll be ���spoi�si�l� f�t� repairing or <br /> r�stori��� the P��opert� �n1y ��Lend�r has ���l�as��1 p��o��eds fo�� such pul�pa���, Lcn�er may �isburse pi�aceeds <br /> 9�Q352�6779q. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family-�ant�ie MaelFreddie Mac UHIF�RN! 11�STRUM��lT Form 3028 91D1 <br /> VMP Q VMF6�NEy(13�2� <br /> Walters 1Cluwer Financia�Services Page 7 af 17 <br />