' ` ���� ��� � ��� ��14�1475
<br /> require�i b� RESPA, and Barra��r shall pay �a Lender the am�un�n�cessary to na�ke up the d��ic�ency in
<br /> accorclanc� with RESPA, b��t �n na moi�e �han �2 m�n�hly payments.
<br /> Upan pa�m�n�in �ull of all sums secur�r� by this Se�ut�i�y Instz�ument, Lender sf�a1� pt�otn�tl� r�fu�d to
<br /> Borro�v�r any Funds h�Id by L�r��er.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrawer shall pay a�l taxes, ass�ssm�nts, chargcs, fin�s, and impositions �ttr��utab�e to
<br /> t�e Property �vh�ch can atita�n priorit� o�v�� this Secur�ty znstr��m��n�, ��as�ho�d pa�ments or graunc� rents on
<br /> t�e P���p�rty, if any, and Comtnunit� ,�ssoc�atian Dues, Fc��, an� Ass�sstnents, if any, To th� exte�.t that
<br /> th�s� it�m s are E scrow ��em s, B�rrow�r shal� pa� th�m i�� th� tn anner pr�v i��d ��a S ec�ion 3,
<br /> Borro�rer sha11 promptly dis�harg� any �ien which has priori�� over this ���«ri�y Instrum�nt unless
<br /> Boxro�v�r; �a� agrees in �riting td the payment o�th� obligatioil s�cured b� th� lien in a m�nner acc�ptable
<br /> to Lendez�, ��zt�nly sa long as Borrower is p�rfarming suc� agr�eme�t; �b} cant�s�s �he Ii��a �n gaocl fa�t� by,
<br /> �r d��ends against enfarc�m�n� o�th� Ii�n �n, legal pr�c��dings �vhich in Len�er's opini�n aper��e tio pre�en�
<br /> the �nf�t�eement �f th� l�en �hi�� �has� praceec�ings are pendzng, but an�y until su�h pr��e��.ings are
<br /> cor�c�uded; or �c} secures fxom �he holde�' of�he lien az� ag��ement satisf��tory to L�t�d�r su�az�dinat�ng the
<br /> �i�n t� tlais Se�urity Z�as�rumen�, 7f Lend�r �lete��mines tha� any part of the P�o�er�-y is su��ec� to a lien whi��
<br /> can a�tain prior�t� o�e�� this Secur�t� �r�s�rum�nt, Lender m.a� gi�e B�rra�v�r a na�ice i�entifying the Iien.
<br /> '�i�hin 10 da�s af th� �at� on whicli that notic� is g��eil, B�rrow er shall satisfy the lien or �ak� one or mor�
<br /> of the a�tians set for�l� a�o�re in th�s S��t�an 4,
<br /> Len��r m ay requzre`B oi��o�ve�� t� pay a on�-tim e �har�� �o� a �eal estaE� tax ��rif�cation an�lor re�a�ting
<br /> s�r�i�e used �� ��i�dex in cai�n�ctian �ith th�s Loan,
<br /> 5, Pr�per�y Insurance. Bort�a�v�r shall l���p the impro�emen�s nau� cxisting ar �ereafter erec��.d on th�
<br /> Propez��y i��suz��d agair�st loss by fire, ha�ar�s �n�luded w ithin th� �erm "ex�ended cov�rag�," an� any oth�r
<br /> hazar�s in�lutling, �ut no� I�mited to, ��rthqua�es and f�o�ds, �or �h�ch L�nde�� requires ins��rance, This
<br /> insur�n�� sha�l �e m�inta�ile� in the am aunts �incl��diiag �leduc��bl� l�v�Is} and for tt�e pez�i�ds that Lender
<br /> req�ires, �ha�Lender r�qui��es purs��ant �o th� ��ec�ding sen��nc�s can cha�gc during th� te�m of the Loan,.
<br /> The i�nsurance carri�r pro�riding ���e insr��ance shall be c�aosen �� Borrav��r �u�jec� �o Lender's righ� ta
<br /> ��sapprov� �orro�v�r's �hoic�, �rhi�h z�ig�at �1�a11 �.�� �� �xercis�� unz�easo�aably, L���ader may require
<br /> Borrawer �o pay, in conne�tion �rith �his Laan, �ither; �a} a one-�ime c�arg� �or �lood ��ne d��ermination,
<br /> C�rtlfiCation �nd �l�acking ser�ri��s; o� ��} a one-��m� charge for flooc� �o�� �et�rnlina�ion and c�rtificat��n
<br /> set�vi�es anc� subs�qu�n� charges each �im� ���mappings or simi�ar chang�s o�cu� v�hich reasorra�ly m�ght
<br /> af���� such �etc�tn�natiion or certifi�ation, Bo��ro�v�r shall also �e responsi�I� f�r th� payment af�i�� f���
<br /> �tnposed by the Fe�.eral Emerg�ncy M anageme�t Ag�n�y �n conn���tan with th� re�iew of an}► flaod ��r��
<br /> �.eterminatian result�ng fr��n an ol�j�ctian by B�rrov�er,
<br /> If B oxrowe� fails �o m aintain �ny af th� cov���ages descr�b�d a�ov�, L�ncl�r m a� ob�ain insur�n�e cav�i�age,
<br /> a� L�nd���'s aptia�a and Bor��a�v�t�'s �xp�t�s�, L.en��r is ��nder no obligati�n �o purcllas� any particulat t��� ar
<br /> an�ount �f coverag�, Th���efo��, such c��erage shall cover Len��r, �O�xt migh�ar migh� no�prot�ct B�rt�ower,
<br /> B�rrov�er's �quit� in �h� Praperty, ar the cont�nts �f th� Proper�y, aga�nst any risl�, haza��� or lia�i�ity and
<br /> migh�pro�ride great�r or less�r cav�rag� thai� �vas pr�vi�u�ly in eff���, Borrow�r ackno�r�edg�s that �h� cost
<br /> of the i�asu�ance coverage s� obtai��ed might �ignifican��y exce�d t��e c�st af ins�uranc� that Bflr�o�rer cauld
<br /> �.ave obtaine�. Any �morints c��s�urs�tl by Len�ler und�r this Sec�ian 5 shall be�ome �dditional de�t af
<br /> Borrov��r s�cu��ed b� this Security Ins�r�m�nt, Th�se amounts s11a�1 �ear inte���st �t th� Note r�te fr�m the
<br /> � �ate o��is���rsenaet�t �nd sha�� b� �ayab�e, �ith such inter�st, t��on i�o�i�e from ��nr�e�� �o B�rrowe�
<br /> r�quest���g paynaent,
<br /> 9p435246779q�
<br /> NEBRASKA=Single Family-Fannie MaejFredd(e Mao UNI��RM IiVS�RUM�NT Form 3028 1I�1
<br /> VM�Q VMPB{N�y�1302y
<br /> 1Nolters ECluwer�inanaial Services Page 8 af 17
<br />